
Thursday, May 7, 2015

Berita Daily : Do politicians really care of what we think?


07/05/2015 09:32 AM
Only time will tell if the public can actually make political leaders understand that pandering to the aspirations of the people will win them elections
Hussein Hamid
In Umno today we are seeing an attempt by Dr Mahathir Mohamad to unseat a sitting Umno president who, to all intents and purposes, already has the endorsement of his party.

So to whom is Mahathir presenting his case to for Najib Razak's dismissal from office but to the people of Malaysia.

Political maneuverings aside, what is expected of leaders today? What do leaders do? Our leaders prepare us and our nation for what is to come in the future.

They should have the ability to look into the future and do what is necessary and what is right to ensure that the future is the best possible given all the resources and limitations we have as a people and as a nation.

It involves long term planning, it needs visions and strategy to lead our country to a better future.

Instead, our political leaders spend more time and effort in consolidating their political strength within their own party and the business of government becomes a distant second.

While those within Pakatan Rakyat cannot plead innocent of these state of affairs, what is happening in Umno today - with the battle royal between Najib and Mahathir - is indicative that the present state of affairs will not be allowed to continue beyond the 14th General Election, if the people of Malaysia have any say.

Whether it has been who Mahathir wanted as his deputy, or who Mahathir wanted as prime minister.

Whether it was Pakatan Rakyat or Umno that the people of Perak wanted to govern them.

Or whether it was Wan Azizah Wan Ismail or Azmin Ali that the people of Selangor wanted as their MB.

What is obvious in all this is that what the people or the majority within the party want is irrelevant.

In all these situations the politicians do as they like to serve their own ends. They feel they need not answer us the rakyat for the decisions they make.

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