
Thursday, May 7, 2015


steadyaku47 comment : A Good Read - with thanks to donplaypuks


by sigmund freud jung, donplaypuks® intrepid correspondent for paedophilia affairs

The conviction on 30th April 2015 of Nur Fitri Azmeer Nordin, a MARA maths scholarship student at Imperial College, London, for downloading more than 30,000 extreme images and videos of child pornography, is a very, very sad case indeed, for the individual, as well as MARA, the Ministry of Education and Malaysia.
Nur had actually been arrested on 20th November last year, at his home at upmarket Queensborough Terrace near Hyde Park. But for reasons known best to our authorities, no news of it emerged until it was reported in the British newspapers on 1st May, 2015. Obviously, MARA and the Ministry of Education must have known about the incident last year, but chose to keep silent. So much for a free press.
Nur pleaded guilty to one count of possessing indecent videos and images of children, and seven counts of creating indecent photographs of a child. He also pleaded guilty to four counts of possession with intent to distribute indecent images of children, and one count of possessing indecent videos, making all in all 13 offences.
Nur was sentenced by the presiding case judge at Southwark Crown Court, to five years in prison, upon the completion of which, he would be automatically deported back to Malaysia.
The London court determined that Nur was not merely a passive child-porn viewer, but had actively participated in the making and sharing of a staggering quantity of child-porn files. Quote from Detective Constable Sara Keane of the Metropolitan Serious Crime Unit:
 "These were some of the most extreme images that have ever been seen by officers working in this field. The volume of images and the alarming content meant that a custodial sentence was inevitable."
601 of these images and videos were classified under category 'A", meaning abuse involving penetrative sex with children. Hundreds more were under categories 'B' and 'C".
Police discovered the material in Nur's laptop and other external hard drive back-up devices, when they raided his home, following an alert from Internet authorities. During the raid, police found Nur in his room, sitting next to a life-size mannequin of a boy!
some of the most extreme images that have ever been seen by officers that work in this field,” DC Sara Keane, of the Met’s Serious Crime Unit, was quoted saying. - See more at:
some of the most extreme images that have ever been seen by officers that work in this field,” DC Sara Keane, of the Met’s Serious Crime Unit, was quoted saying. - See more at:
Nur 23, hails from the small town of Malim Nawar, Perak and complete his secondary education at Sekolah Menegah Science, Teluk Intan, Perak. If we are to go by the 2011 results he achieved at the International Mathematical Olympiad (see above) he is no mathematics genius or proven whizz-kid. But a placing of 492 in the IMO suggests he is well above average in maths and the fact that Imperial College offered him a place, indicates that he must have an exceptional talent.
But where did he go wrong, this young Malaysian who had earned a golden opportunity and had the whole world at his feet? How did an apparent golden goose lay a stinking dross egg?
But before we go into that disturbing area of his psyche, we must first condemn without exception MARA's attitude that they are "prepared to give Nur, and other students like him (??!!), a second chance to complete their tertiary education back home". MARA officials were quoted as saying that Nur could turn out to be a national asset (??!!)! Minister for Rural and Regional Development, Shafie Apdal also made an international fool of himself by saying:
"We can appeal to reduce the length of the sentence. The problem is we are subject to the laws of the country. We have to respect the laws that other countries practise."
Appeal by all means, since that is Nur's right. But, why are the relevant sexual child abuse laws of Britain a "problem" to Malaysia? Are there no similar child pornography laws in Malaysia, or are they applied differently to foreigners as opposed to local citizens? Does he mean that if the case had occurred in Malaysia, Nur would have been treated leniently and, should/would have, escaped prison?

Without knowing how serious Nur's problem is, how on earth could MARA talk about giving a kind of blanket amnesty  to "other students like him"? Are they suggesting that Nur was victimised by London police in a kind of British (colonial bastards) conspiracy? That if Nur had been tried in Malaysia, our brilliant, totally emasculated judiciary would have exonerated him completely? What gives with this blazing stupidity, backs-to-the-wall rhetoric and false bravado? Perhaps in some gross distortion of a Hans Christian Anderson fairy tale, or a Twilight Zone episode, a person convicted of child porn could become a prized national assets, even win the Nobel Prize. But a reality check would suggest that MARA is living in a state of total denial.

This is the kind of double standards that is fast causing our nation to sink towards 4th world and police-state status, the 'Tak Mahu Kalah' (cannot-lose face) stance, bordering on, if not actually immersing itself, in the 'Ketunan' (Ethnic Supremacism) garb(age). 
In Malaysia some (so far) have got away with murder and other crimes. A former Chief Justice once freed a man of a crime, pronouncing that a Muslim would not lie, while his partner, a non-Muslim was convicted of the same crime. Fortunately, this bigoted decision was reversed by the Court of Appeal. But the issue here is, how did this known bigoted wolf in sheep's clothing rise to the exalted position of Chief Justice of Malaysia??!! After retirement, he joined PAS and is now championing the introduction of Islamic syariah laws for the whole of Malaysia, including all non-Muslims!
A few year's ago, a judge refused to convict a state bowling exponent of statutory rape, claiming that an under-aged girl had given "consent", thereby standing the definition of statutory rape on its very head. The AG and Chief Justice refused to interfere and put right this abomination of verdicts. Another charge of statutory rape was withdrawn when an under-aged girl "agreed" to marry the Muslim rapist, and in about a year, the marriage ended in (surprise, surprise) divorce.
A man sacked for the loss of RM 30 billion on forex speculation losses at the central bank in the '90's, today sits as deputy chairman of our national sovereign wealth funds and as Minister without portfolio in the Prime Minister's department. Is this what MARA means by "second chance"? That proven predatory wolves should be rehabilitated to patrol chicken coops?
In recent months, the IGP and AG have both refused to arrest a man who kidnapped his daughter from her mother's house in an Islam-conversion case, despite a high court's judge orders to do precisely that. The list goes on.
Let's look at things in their proper perspective. Thousand of Malaysian students are sent on government scholarships overseas every year, and we hardly hear of any untoward behaviour about them. Statistically, the Nur incident is a drop in the ocean. This is not to make excuses for a truly shocking, spine-chilling, contemptible and loathsome case. We all have young children. The very though that lurking out there are these monsters waiting to entice and pounce on our innocent children, churns the stomach like nothing else.
A paedophile is defined as a person who is sexually attracted to children. With Nur, we do not know yet if his actions went beyond mere paedophilic obsession and fantasy. Did he go further and participate in child molestation or rape? What does the fact that he was found with a life-size mannequin of a boy tell us? Was he himself a victim of paedophilic child abuse, that led to this perverted behaviour?
So, how should the government handle this hot potato? Make no mistake, this incident and the managing of it by MARA, the Ministry of Education and Minister Shafie Apdal, has placed Malaysia in a very poor light, internationally.
Firstly, a thorough investigation should be undertaken in Malaysia by both the police and leading psychiatrists/psychologists, of his entire childhood and school days, right up to the time he left for London. Is there any evidence that he was a very mentally sick and disturbed person from his early days? What do his school friends, close pals, teachers, family members and relatives have to say? What about his activities in London? What do his behaviour and actions there tell the experts? Is there a pattern of consistent deviant behaviour? Was it congenital, or influenced by someone else and was Nur himself a sexually child-abused victim? Or, was it curiosity and one-off aberrant behaviour sparked by the sudden freedom Nur found in London?
Is he still mentally sound or totally gone? On the face of it, it looks like the latter and not the former.
Once a complete dossier has been compiled, and if the evidence points to paedophilia, then he should be treated appropriately by the psychiatrists/psychologists. Perhaps "rehabilitation" is possible. Only if they are satisfied that Nur poses no threat to society, should they start talking about second chances. Otherwise, the only place anywhere for Nur might be a mental asylum, or a marked home where his movements are restricted by police watch and the public warned very publicly about a paedophile in their midst.
Remember that the majority of paedophiles are life-long practitioners. Some of our leaders and theologicians live in a dream world where they think that homosexuality, lesbianism, transvestitism, paedophilia etc. can be burned out of the human psyche and body by "counselling" using precepts outlined in some holy book. Dream on!
As a long-term measure, given that all these scholarships are funded by the Taxpayer, the government could do worse then subject potential candidates to a serious and proper psychiatric evaluation, well BEFORE, they are transported from rural villages and towns and even metropolitan cities, to London, New York, Paris and Tokyo. Constant vigilance and prevention are always better than knee-jerk reactions and cure.
And if anyone should talk about Nur being possessed by spirits, and that perhaps his parents should invest RM8,750 in the University of Pahang's hex on, hex off kit (CLICK HERE), they should all be packed off  to the retreat in Tanjung Rambutan at once! It is criminal, how this careless, irresponsible, incompetent and uncaring government under the Grossmeldajibs and BUMNO/SCUMNO/Barang Naik, wastes public money, hundreds of billions of ringgit, repeatedly squandering it on the wrong people and cock-eyed projects!

If ever there was a government awash with an embarrassment and riches of cluelessness, and drowning in it, this is it, the government of Prime Minister Grossmeldajib who wears the pants, and her husband who wears the skirts.
Donplaypuks® with children and sexual abuse , man!

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