
Monday, May 25, 2015

Is Najib and Rosmah suffering from delusions of grandeur?

Berita Daily

25/05/2015 08:34 AM
Is Najib suffering from delusions of grandeur?
The fight now is whether to allow that delusion of grandeur of the PM and his wife to fester and blight out economy, our government, our future and our way of life
Hussein Hamid
So why is Najib the way he is? A bumbling "I walk into walls" kind of Prime Minister who seems oblivious to the fact that his tenure as Prime Minister is under severe threat?

Why indeed! He wants to remain Prime Minister for all the wrong reasons!

He and his wife have grown accustomed to living in Seri Perdana. Grown accustomed to the Police out riders and security details that follows them everywhere. With the Private Jets at their beck and call to go where there is government business to do - to Milan, to New York, London...places where the shopping do not get any better! And of course there are those millions if not a billion or two of ringgit to be made if anyone is inclined to abuse and misuse the office of Prime Minister for financial gain.

The office of Prime Minister in the hands of Najib and Rosmah gives new meaning to money politics, nepotism and what arrogance in high public office constitute - especially when there are no consequences or punishment for what they do.And this we have seen happen time and time again as the Prime Minister and his wife eagerly tests the limits of what a Malaysia Prime Minster and his wife can do while in office.

Najib is President of Umno, head of Barisan Nasional and Prime Minister of Malaysia at the pleasure of Umno, its office bearers and its members.

How that ' pleasure' is given and sustained between periods of Umno's party elections is a fascinating mix of money politics, patronage and factionalism as decided by those seeking those high office that are on offer from time to time during Umno's party elections.

How this has been done in the past and how it is being done now has been the subject of countless discussions, debates and many many articles written more times than there are seconds in a minute, in an hour or even in a day. Suffice to say that matters have come to a head within Umno because Umno has once again agreed to disagree amongst themselves.

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