
Saturday, May 9, 2015

cakap cakap...from my heart.

Saturday early morning...I have been up since five this morning thinking writing, thinking and then writing again. More thinking than writing though!

Thinking about my late parents...listening to Broery always does that to me. Broery and Hetty Koes Endang  - because there were my old Man's two favorite singers...and also mine. 

Did my Father had the same emotions that I now have in me when listening to them? Did my Father thought about his parents as I now think of mine? Or was he more recalling his moments with my mother, his wife - who passed away long before he was ready to see her leave? Before we ourselves were ready to let her go? I will never know for sure but it is enough that these songs also makes me think of all those that I love. 

This morning I was "talking" with an FB friend and she asked me when did I first find out that my wife was important to me and she asked me "what was she like before this (dementia) if I may ask"

I said that I found out that my wife was important to me when taking care of her was no longer a chore and that "before this we had a decent marriage...nothing great...I was not too good a and what it entails to do business in KL consumed me...and I neglected her".

Yes I did neglect her then. Memories of those times are hazy at best. I have put that all behind me. Today life is good. I am not making up for lost time. I am not trying to right what I have done wrong in the past. I am just living life the best way I can with her.

Now to what else is happening in Bolehland.

A sense of desperation seems to color everything that Najib does these days. This latest Tabung Haji caper is stupidity in the extreme. Only a bloody stupid idiot will think of using the savings of those Pak Chiks and Mak Chiks to save 1MDB! And Najib is a bloody idiot!

What must have crossed his mind? 

That we will never find out? 

That it can all be hidden away if enough people are paid off. 

And that his Barua can threaten and arrest anyone trying to out this stupid caper! 

What stupidity! 

Remember what Mark Twain said of Public Opinion?

Its name is Public Opinion. It is held in reverence. It settles everything. Some think it is the voice of God.     

Well today not only has Najib to be mindful of public opinion...there is also the Internet! 

Together they are a deadly and lethal force against any abuse and misuse of executive power by any leader....what more a leader stupid enough to use Tabung Haji's money! 

And this morning I see that Berahim Beruk is pleading for mercy... “I am a good frog, not a corrupted one. Has anyone ever accused me of indulging in corruption?” asked Ibrahim, adding that he only owns one house and a car. 

He acknowledges that he is a frog! 

As for claiming that he is not corrupt.... I say that you are corrupt Berahim! 

As long ago as when British Airways was known as BOAC - around the early 1970's - I can still remember you carrying bags of cash in a BOAC bag! So what then of now? are not corrupt? Ptui!  

Now to the IGP. 

This is a guy who really should not be promoted higher than being an OCPD of a district somewhere as far away from KL as possible (and that too I am being kind to him). He would make a passable OCPD but as an Police Inspector General (PIG) he gives other OCPD's a bad name. Under Tun Haniff this guy would have been put in cold storage and seconded, at most, to head some RELA state unit or pulled back top Bukit Aman and given a desk job! 

Enough for now....have a good weekend everyone. Enjoy life and if your wife is still mobile...take her out to dinner tonight. Leave the kids behind...just you and her. Live life with your love one while you can. ..and if your parents are still around...go see them Sunday! And take some token of your love for them....  


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