
Saturday, May 30, 2015

Najib and Rosmah are the kind of human beings that we hear people talk about most often in some tin-pot alley countries in Africa, the the Middle East and some countries in Eastern Europe.

Berita Daily

29/05/2015 08:54 AM
The bigger they are, the harder they fall
History has so many stories to tell of leaders who think that their position is God-given and it's only a matter of time before they fall from grace
Hussein Hamid

History has often told us that men and women like Najib and Rosmah will ultimately pay a price for what they do. Not in the hereafter but while they still breath and are able to understand what is happening to them. We have seen this with Marcos, with Suharto, with Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali of Tunisa. With Gaddafi, with Ceaușescu, with Saddam Hussein, with Mubarak of Egypt.

Even Kings are driven into exile. King Farouk of Egypt, King Constatine of Greece and the Shah of Iran to name a few. History has so many stories to tell of leaders who suffer from delusion of grandeur and those who think that their position is God given. Their fall from grace is not if, but when!

Najib and Rosmah are the kind of human beings that we hear people talk about most often in some tin-pot alley countries in Africa, the the Middle East and some countries in Eastern Europe.

Somehow through accident of birth or by some sleight of hand they secure political power and take their undeserved place in government.  Without further ado they proceed to reign and lord it over that country for the advantage, gain and glory of their personal self ,oblivious to anything else but their own welfare.

And very soon they are lost in their own vainglories!

So what will be the fate of Najib and Rosmah?

You and me....we have a front row seat to bear witness to their fate and the ultimate price they will pay for their intransigences.

We have all been following their fortunes in the past few months with much interest.

click here to read more at Berita Daily

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