
Sunday, October 25, 2009

Cakap cakap...bloggers steady lah!!!...a bit more lah!

“Some of you are beginning to mutter aloud that maybe it is better that we stick to the devil that we know then the devil that we don’t. After all these politicians are all alike"

In my posting ‘Bloggers …steady lah’ I need to clarify the above statement. That is a quote from one of the blogs that I read. It is not a statement from me – so I should have made that clear. Politicians are NOT all alike. Let me repeat that.


Why would anyone want to be a politician? They are required to work 24/7. No holidays. The responsibilities is immense. Your exposure on a personal and public level is relentless. What satisfaction you get from your work is just for the moment – fleeting – because there are always people to meet, problems to be solved. The pressure on your family is cruel…and if you do it the right way your pay is nothing much to write home about! Unless you are a Politician in Singapore where they are better paid.

And all these sacrifices for what? It is because there are men who are determined to make a difference – to try and improve the Rakyats quality of life and to make our country a better place to live in. For that they are prepared to risk their reputation, their family’s happiness, their personal health – everything – because they believe that their work can make a difference to our lives. I think that is why Kit Siang, Tok Guru and Anwar are Politicians. So brothers and sisters cut them some slack


  1. Pak HH, good morning sir,

    When we stick to the devil that we know than the devil we don't, that is "politicians are all alike".

    When we stick to better a known devil than unknown angel, that is "politicians are not all alike".

    Remember, satan was angel too.

  2. (Quote)

    Why would anyone want to be a politician? They are required to work 24/7. No holidays. The responsibilities is immense. Your exposure on a personal and public level is relentless. What satisfaction you get from your work is just for the moment – fleeting – because there are always people to meet, problems to be solved. The pressure on your family is cruel…and if you do it the right way your pay is nothing much to write home about! Unless you are a Politician in Singapore where they are better paid.


    Boss, you didnt qualify yourself. I disgaree with the above statement. Not all of the politicians in Malaysia are suffering as per what you described above leh. Theres a group of politicians in Malaysia who enter politics :-

    1) they have no intention to serve the rakyat

    2) They want to 'raid' the coffers , lagi banyak, lagi syok.

    3) These group are DEFINITELY better paid than any politician you care to name in Singapore.

    4) They get immense satisfaction man! they can practically become billionaires overnight!

    5) Pressure? Mana ada pressure! Even their daily commute probably a breeze, got police outriders to make sure they have a stress free commute to work and back from work to home.

    6) Best of all, despite all of the above, rakyat yang pandai will always vote them back in election after election.

    Semuanya OK!


  3. There are some politicians who are really there to serve the people and to make malaysia a choice of place for people to live in. Tok Guru Nik Aziz is a fine example of such politician. Another worth mentioning is Lim Kit Siang who has fought the battle from young till old sacrificing his youth to have a better Malaysia for all. Reformasi Anwar is also a shining example...normally people who has suffered terribly in life will be a better person. An Indian leader worth mentoning here,even not Malaysian, is the cool and selfless Mahatma Gandhi. Like in everything god creates, the best is always in the region of 3%. As for UMno leaders I can think of none!!!

    UR1, VR2

  4. Depends which gang you are in. Got kang tau lah!

    Golden Boy
