
Saturday, October 31, 2009

cakap cakap......Kleptocracy

comment from steadyaku47: another one from one of our friends that makes for interesting reading - but I am not to sure if he/she is pulling our legs or whether this is really true blue (australian for genuine)...can anybody confirm please?

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap...from Leithaisor.":

Kleptocracy, alternatively cleptocracy or kleptarchy, from Greek klepto (theft) and kratos (rule), is a term applied to a government that extends the personal wealth and political power of government officials and the ruling class (collectively, kleptocrats), via the embezzlement of state funds at the expense of the wider population, sometimes without even the pretense of honest service. Political corruption is closely tied to the internal workings of a Kleptocracy.


Kleptocracies are often dictatorships or some other form of autocratic and nepotist government, or lapsed democracies that have transformed into oligarchies.[citation needed] A kleptocratic ruler typically treats his country's treasury as though it were his own personal bank account.


The effects of a kleptocratic regime or government on a nation are typically adverse in regards to the faring of the state's economy, political affairs and civil rights. Kleptocracy in government often vitiates prospects of foreign investment and drastically weakens the domestic market and cross-border trade. As the kleptocracy normally embezzles money from its citizens by misusing funds derived from tax payments, or money laundering schemes, a kleptocratically structured political system tends to degrade nearly everyone's quality of life.

In addition, the money that kleptocrats steal is often taken from funds that were earmarked for public amenities, such as the building of hospitals, schools, roads, parks and the like - which has further adverse effects on the quality of life of the citizens living under a kleptocracy.[1] The quasi-oligarchy that results from a kleptocratic elite also subverts democracy (or any other political format the state is ostensibly under).[2]



According to one source, an old case of a kleptocratic governed state was Kievan Rus' where the alliance between Varangians and Slavic élites set up this type of government which resisted all attacks until 1240 when the Tatars conquered Kiev.[3]


Transparency International ranking

In early 2004, the anti-corruption Germany-based NGO Transparency International released a list of what it believes to be the ten most self-enriching leaders in recent years.[4]

In order of amount allegedly stolen (in USD), they are:

Former Indonesian President Suharto ($15 billion – $35 billion)
Former Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos ($5 billion – $10 billion)
Former Zairian President Mobutu Sese Seko ($5 billion)
Former Nigerian President Sani Abacha ($2 billion – $5 billion)
Current Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni ( $1 billion - $1.7 Billion )
Former Yugoslav President Slobodan Miloševic ($1 billion)
Former Haitian President Jean-Claude Duvalier ($300 million – $800 million)
Former Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori ($600 million)
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Pavlo Lazarenko ($114 million – $200 million)
Former Nicaraguan President Arnoldo Alemán ($100 million)
Former Philippine President Joseph Estrada ($78 million – $80 million) 


  1. It's from Wikipedia, Bro:

  2. No government, of its own motion, will increase its own weakness, for that would mean to acquiesce in its own destruction ... governments, whatever their pretensions otherwise, try to preserve themselves by holding the individual down ... Government itself, indeed, may be reasonably defined as a conspiracy against him. Its one permanent aim, whatever its form, is to hobble him sufficiently to maintain itself.

    —H.L. Mencken
