
Monday, October 19, 2009

cakap for thought!

abdulhalimshah has left a new comment on your post "cakap cakap ...KJ":

Sdr HH,
Once I met a guy at a wedding invitation and he graduated from one of the Middle-eastern university and then pursued a course in South Africa. He came across a book written by an Orientalist who theorised that any political organisation formed with the connivance of the colonialist power in order to succeed them would only have a life span of half a century. It was deliberately designed as such, probably to allow a "renaissance" from other parties to bring in fresh blood to the independent country.
From examples in India and Pakistan this prediction has been fulfilled with the demise of the Old Congress Party. Most likely we shall see the same fate here.
steadyaku47 comment:
These kind of comments makes me think ! Possibly will dovetail with the RAHMAN theory very nicely! 


  1. Talk about food, when all the best food are eaten by UMNO and they shit all over the place to fertilize the plant that grows on their shits. That's why UMNO chopped down all those threes of our jungles aged more than 52 year and sell them as timbers. All those UMNO's plant are growing into UMNO's jungles and where UMNO lacks in growing their plant in the cities, they build UMNO's concrete jungles.

  2. Before we forget, I must ask Pak HH, how was your Nasi Dagang?

  3. I would love for the theory or prophecy to materialized. It's sure going help the country in term of socioeconomic development and not restricted to the elite few.

  4. FMZam - I had Nasi Dagang for Lunch, Tea,, Dinner for last night and breakfast this morning too ! Must write about it soon !

  5. nx4get,

    The RAHMAN prophecy has been completed by Najib. If it is not finished, it will have a sequel starting with M, H and then M and K with no vowel to fill to make any meaning other than mere MHMK. At least F*CK is better to have some meaning for a four letter word.

  6. I made post in Hantu Laut Blog, a reader, one Anuar Ibrahm commented my posting with this:

    amende kau cakap ni mat? bunyi macam best tapi apa bijik butir pun tak tau. macam taik.

    So I responded as this:

    Of course it's taik. What do you expect me to say in a blog that posts nothing but TAIK...makan taik la u mat....

    But my respond is not yet published for Hantu Laut is always saving all comments first for approval.

    And Chaste in The Dust is one reader from Hantu Laut Blog, in case my respond is not published there, he can tell Anuar Ibrahm that I have returned his favour.

  7. latest corruption police report lodge against 'Help' Minister Liow (liow in hokkien means finish in engish, habis in malay and ilea pochik in indian). tThe police now push to MACC. MACC said wait for further instruction from the top. Finally NFA...because leave it to MCA members to reject for thought!

  8. FMZ,

    I like the prophecy of F*CK.

    Sadly, I have no chance to walk into Putrajaya as my name couldn't fit into any of the alphabets :)

    As for Hantu Laut blog, there you go, it's just to want to hear praises. But the same people going around making condemnation. At times, it's even worst, they only left a profanity word.

  9. Zulkifli Noordin latest idiotic statement 'ban sales of beer and condoms'. He should be issued show cause letter and sacked from the party. I think he is already bought over by for thought!

  10. nx4get,

    You sure know how to say thing diplomatically but not a food for thought if F*CK is of any prophecy, that F is not me, OK?

    Surprisingly my comment was approved by Hantu Laut I guess Hantu Laut like it for now that blog will have one person their readers love to hate! A lamb in a lion's den.

  11. Anthony Mus,

    He can ban beer on muslims, but how can he ban condoms. Just what will be the punishment for using condom and how to make arrest on a muslim while he is using condom? That must be one hard food for thought man.

  12. FMZ,

    I'm sorry, I didn't realize what I wrote until you replied.

    But, reading your reply sure make me LOL.

  13. FMZam
    Haha, just came back from a quick visit to Hantu's Blog (just to see your comments, not to read his Shits).
    I love your sense of humour, very original...
    Joke aside, I enjoyed reading your (and most of HH's regular visitors's) comments, right from the start.

    Keep it up!

  14. I think Zulkifli Noordin suggest ban sales of condom because his wife always insist he use a condom why having sex with her...or no sexat for thought!

  15. Dear HH,

    Putting this comment aside, this morning I woke up with a message from a 'higher force' that it's about time for you to review your communication and media strategy.

    With the exponential increase in the traffic to your blogsite and number of hits, perhaps you should re-brand your blog identity from ' Steadyaku47' to some other name that reflects a more nationalistic perspective.

    As a suggestion, the following theme may be worth considering:

    1. Suara Malaysia
    2. Malaysia Now
    3. Malaysia Forever
    4. Malaysia Chronicle
    5. Malaysia in Transition.

    Taking a cue from RPK of MT, your blog site should take to the next higher level of operations by casting a wider net of virtual readers and political activists who may want to contribute their articles to your blog site.

    This will no doubt attract more advertisers to your blog and hence more revenue streams coming to your kitty.

    The merits are numerous, especially you will gain the trust and credibility of those whistleblowers and informants from the civil service servants of the BN government who may feel disgusted with the UMNO's incorrigible administration. And they may want to send you vital and confidential information just like the latest news about the Perak Royal family, that RPK has posted in MT.

    Also your self-portrait needs to be more presentable, and professional like, if you want advertisers to gravitate to your blog.

    My two cents worth.

  16. Dear HH,

    Putting this comment aside, this morning I woke up with a message from a 'higher force' that it's about time for you to review your communication and media strategy.

    With the exponential increase in the traffic to your blogsite and number of hits, perhaps you should re-brand your blog identity from ' Steadyaku47' to some other name that reflects a more nationalistic perspective.

    As a suggestion, the following theme may be worth considering:

    1. Suara Malaysia
    2. Malaysia Now
    3. Malaysia Forever
    4. Malaysia Chronicle
    5. Malaysia in Transition.

    Taking a cue from RPK of MT, your blog site should take to the next higher level of operations by casting a wider net of virtual readers and political activists who may want to contribute their articles to your blog site.

    This will no doubt attract more advertisers to your blog and hence more revenue streams coming to your kitty.

    The merits are numerous, especially you will gain the trust and credibility of those whistleblowers and informants from the civil service servants of the BN government who may feel disgusted with the UMNO's incorrigible administration. And they may want to send you vital and confidential information just like the latest news about the Perak Royal family, that RPK has posted in MT.

    Also your self-portrait needs to be more presentable, and professional like, if you want advertisers to gravitate to your blog.

    My two cents worth.

  17. Very good morning Anthony Mus,

    I like your 2-cents, that's the kind of 2-cents I'd toss into the fountain to make my wish come true, a gleaming 2-cents in the wishing well. You must have done some hard thinking to wake up from your sleep with that intuition to serve us that food for thought, for our breakfast.

  18. If I have a dangerous mind, that mind would be of revolting against this government and revolting by mean of force, the kind of force that will make this government stand to attention, that kind of force that will make them take us with seriousness, even if it means they will equally respond to us with force, if that is the only mean for us to change the change we must change.

    If it is only I could have that dangerous mind, the mind that is not in only me but in the body and soul of so many people like me who were once belonged to a well trained entity of the defenders of this country, it will come when the ghost of the past is coming back from the grave.

    This is not a food for thought, this is only an afterthought of having to drink only black coffee for a late breakfast......
