
Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cakap cakap....UMNO ! -with Malay Translation by Gerila Rakyat

We Malays must break free from the mind frame that ties us to UMNO. The most effective weapon that UMNO has is race. Look at the following figures

Malays and Indigenous group   58%
Chinese                                26%
Indian                                   7%
Others                                   9%

You do not have to be a rocket scientist to work out that in as long as UMNO has got the support of the Malays – keadaan terkawal (situation under control). Now the question is does UMNO have the support of the Malays?

Let us start with the arguments use by UMNO to get the Malays on side.

The Chinese have China. The Indians have India. The ‘others’ know where they come from. So Malaysia belongs to the Malays! There was a time when no non-Malay will have the courage to argue against this premise unless he or she are with other non- Malays in the privacy of his or her house. With education and an informed population we know now that even the Malays came from elsewhere to settle here. As one of our friends stated:

·      Malays ...    700 years ago!
·      Chinese ...1000 years ago!
·      Indian .... 1030 years ago!

Who was here first holds no relevance to which race has the right to call Malaysia their own. I am a Bugis and my ancestors were from Sulawesi. We are having problems trying to get Hang Tuah into our camp! Methinks it is the “pendatang baru” within UMNO that is most vocal on this issue. Malaysia is no more for the Malays as it is the Chinese, the Indians and the others! 

Then UMNO wants the Malays to stand together with them to stop the Chinese/DAP from taking over Political Power.  They already have control of the economy – now the communist through the DAP wants political control! They even got PAS and Keadilan under their spell!

Friends the Chinese just want to be left alone to do their business. So would I if I am in business – no interference from the government or from my saudara!  Wherever they go – America, Australia, New Zealand, Canada – they just focus on making their business work. And there are Chinese who are not in business. Like us they too just want to go on with being able to live their life in peace.

As for DAP being a communist tool – please lah. Saying that DAP is a front for the communist would be like saying that Al Muanah is a branch of UMNO. If anything UMNO has put Kit Siang and his son under ISA – now if you were in their position will you forget about the time you spend in Prison - not for a crime but for your belief? Of course not. Can you imagine what six months in prison will do for Najib or Din? I bet you they will wet their pants while being taken in the Black Maria on the way to Sungai Buloh !

Now about being over run over by the Chinese. Look at the population figures above - the Malays makes up 50 % of the population – and I think, with apologies to the Chinese – we Malays are more incline towards propagation! What with four wives and all that nudge nudge wink wink say no more – and a raba here and a raba there! No way are they ever going to catch up with us population wise – even with the Indians on their side! Why do UMNO keep reminding us about this danger – we Malays outnumber everyone else! What we must remember is that in a civilized world it is always the responsibility of those who are in the majority to take care of the interest of those who are in the minority.

I have no fear of the Chinese or the Indians. If anything I have more fear of the Malays in UMNO for what they have done to their own people. Do not forget the fourteen Malay villagers  killed in Memali. The Malay villagers against the might of 200 policemen directed by the brave UMNO politicians from Kuala Lumpur! Huh! Do not forget the clubbing of Malay ISA demonstrators by Malay Policeman! And of course the other races have reason to fear the Malays who are in PDRM and the Army. These Malays have weapons they can and will use against any Malaysian Citizens if UMNO politicians tells them to do so. Will they not?   

Enough for now. I get exhausted when I think of what it is that we are up against. But we have started the fight. Many battles to be fought before we can win the war. Do not worry too much about what is going on in Pakatan Rakyat. Even in my Family I sometimes have problems in making my wife understand that I am the President…but then it is my mistake for making her the treasurer! But we manage somehow because of our love for each other. There is enough love within us all to be together. There will be some friction  - but nothing that we cannot handle. It is UMNO that we have to worry about because we do not know what they will throw at us. And you can be sure my friends that they will have plenty to throw our way. For those of you who are a bit upset with the goings on in Pakatan Rakyat can I suggest this. When angry count ten before you say or write anything. If very angry, a hundred! Peace brothers and sisters.

Translation by Gurila Rakyat

Kita orang Melayu wajib bebaskan minda kita daripada apa-apa yang berkaitan dengan UMNO. Senjata utama UMNO ialah perkauman. Tengok peratusan pecahan kaum ini:

Melayu dan bumiputera lain   58%
Cina                                    26%
India                                     7%
Lain-lain kaum                       9%

Tak payah nak jadi saintis roket untuk paham yang jika UMNO ada sokongan kebanyakan orang Melayu – keadaan akan jadi terkawal. Yang jadi persoalan sekarang, ye ke UMNO disokong semua orang Melayu?

Kita mulakan dengan alasan utama UMNO untuk membuat orang Melayu menyokong mereka.

Kaum Cina ada negara China, kaum India ada negara India. Yang lain-lain pun tau asal mereka. Jadi dah tentu Malaysia milik orang Melayu! Dulu kaum lain tak berani pun nak mendebatkan isu ini kecuali mereka berada bersama-sama kaum mereka sendiri di dalam rumah mereka sendiri. Tapi dengan pendidikan dan kecelikan maklumat, sekarang kita pun dah tahu rupanya kaum Melayu pun ‘pendatang’ sebelum mereka bermastautin di sini. Seperti yang bangkitkan oleh seorang kawan kita:

Melayu 700 tahun dulu!
Cina            1000 tahun dulu!              
India           1030 tahun dulu!                 

Sebenarnya siapa yang sampai dulu tak ada sangkut paut langsung dengan kaum mana yang berhak ke atas Malaysia. Saya orang Bugis, atuk nenek saya pun asal dari Sulawesi. Hang Tuah pun belum tentu orang Melayu atau tak! Tapi apa yang saya perasan, ‘pendatang baru’ dalam UMNO yang kecoh-kecoh sangat tentang isu ini. Malaysia bukannya terang benderang milik orang Melayu, sama saja dengan kaum Cina, India dan yang lain.

Lepas tu isu kedua, UMNO nak Melayu bersatu sebab tak nak kaum Cina/DAP memegang kuasa Politik. Kaum Cina dah menguasai ekonomi – sekarang DAP komunis pulak nak merampas kuasa! PAS dan Keadilan pun dah ‘kena kencing’ dengan DAP!

Sebenarnya kaum Cina cuma nak mereka bebas menjalankan bisnes mereka saja. Kalau saya pun dalam bisnes, saya pun nak macam tu jugak – bebas daripada campur tangan kerajaan atau saudara-mara sendiri. Kemana sahaja kaum Cina pergi - Amerika, Australia, New Zealand, Kanada – mereka hanya nak menumpukan usaha agar bisnes mereka berjaya. Ada juga kaum Cina yang tak terlibat dengan bisnes. Mereka pun sama macam kita, cuma nak hidup dalam suasana aman makmur saja.

Utk alasan yang DAP tu komunis – tolonglah… Kalau cakap macam tu, lebih kurang macam kita kata Al-Maunah tu cabang UMNO.  UMNO pernah  penjarakan Kit Siang dan anaknya dalam ISA – bayangkan kalau anda di tempat mereka, sanggupkah anda melupakan pengalaman anda disumbat ke penjara – bukan atas sebab anda buat salah, tapi sebab perjuangan anda? Mesti tidak kan? Boleh bayangkan kalau Najib atau Din disumbat ke penjara untuk 6 bulan? Saya boleh ‘bet’, masa atas Black Maria ke Sungai Buluh, diorang dah terkencing-kencing agaknya!

Akhir sekali pasal kita akan ditindas oleh kaum Cina. Tengoklah jangkaan populasi kaum kat atas tu – kaum Melayu pun dah melebihi 50% - saya rasa, mintak maaflah ye sesiapa kaum Cina – kita orang Melayu ni lagi senang nak ‘membiak’!  Kita boleh kahwin empat, tu belum campur lagi skandal-skandal lagi tu! Tak mungkin kaum Cina boleh kejar kita dari segi populasi – walaupun campur dengan kaum India sekali pun! Kenapa UMNO nak bangkitkan perkara ni – bilangan kita lagi ramai dari kaum lain. Tapi apa yang patut kita ambil kira ialah di dalam masyarakat yang bertamadun, kaum majoriti seharusnya dipertanggungjawabkan untuk mengambil berat terhadap kaum yang minoriti.

Saya tak takut pun kepada kaum Cina atau India. Tapi saya lagi takut atas apa yang UMNO buat terhadap kaum mereka sendiri. Jangan lupa empat belas orang kampung Melayu yang terbunuh di Memali. Orang Melayu kampung melawan 200 Polis atas arahan orang atasan UMNO yang berada di Kuala Lumpur! Jangan lupa juga pendemonstrasi ISA yang kebanyakannya orang Melayu dipukul oleh Polis yang juga orang Melayu! Sebab itulah kaum-kaum lain pun jadi takut dengan Melayu yang berada di dalam PDRM dan Askar Diraja Malaysia. Mereka ada senjata dan tak takut untuk menggunakannya ke atas mana-mana rakyat Malaysia jika diarahkan oleh orang atasan UMNO. Bolehkah mereka tak ikut arahan tersebut?

Cukuplah untuk sekarang, lagi difikirkan lagi susah hati saya jadinya atasan cabaran yang menanti kita. Tapi kita harus bangkit sekarang. Banyak pertarungan yang kita perlu tempuh untuk mencapai matlamat kita. Jangan difikirkan sangat atas apa yang berlaku dalam Pakatan Rakyat. Dalam keluarga saya pun, kadang-kadang susah nak fahamkan bini kita sendiri yang kita ni Presiden…tapi itu pun salah saya jugak pasal saya lantik dia jadi Bendahari (orang yang pegang duit)! Tapi keluarga kami tetap kukuh sebab kami saling sayang menyayangi. Dalam diri kita semua dah ada pun suatu semangat kecintaan sesama kita. Akan ada salah faham – tapi kita boleh selesaikan. Yang patut dirisaukan ialah UMNO sebab kita tak tahu apa permainan mereka seterusnya, dan dah tentu banyak lagi tipu muslihat akan mereka keluarkan. Sesiapa yang marah atau tak puas hati kepada Pakatan Rakyat, saya cadangkan anda buat sebegini. Bila anda marah, kira sehingga sepuluh sebelum anda luahkan atau tulis amarah anda itu. Kalau tersangat-sangat marah, kira sehingga seratus! Semoga anda sihat sejahtera saudara-saudara ku.


  1. Pak,

    I hope that the Malays read your blog, sorry to says, many does not.
    Because you write in English, get it translated into Bahasa, many will respond

  2. "maybe,(just maybe) the rocket symbol of dap looks "scary" and "meragukan" terhadap melayu terbanyak.tu mentaliti yg tertanam,for i myself i dun really buy the "symbiosis- theorem-of-dap-is-communist",but i do hope more good leaders from other ethnic get involve in dap,to really give impact on dap's "allrounder" democratic credentials..also the pkr and pas [status yet to be confirmed :p] , both should engage more than just merely "malay pretext" of leadership..err by the way maybe(just maybe) wise people in dap can suggest to do some rebranding on their .."rocket" symbol,(i wonder if they're indeed pernah debate and buat specific studies on perception of dap's symbol), tapi ada apa dgn simbol ye tak?
    (teringat saya dgn kisah cik DIN Nerdy yg waving that keris..auww,lihat kesan dr simbol keris di julang dlm satu perhimpunan gerombolan sengal2 ubi melayu,bebeza dgn khairy,tk di julang keris tapi di beri "miniscule keris" kpd penumpang2 teksinya dlm short film "meter", lakonannya,dun worry im not a khairy fan hehe]

    By the way pak HH,Tq for writing on this one,will be waiting 4 ur articulation on the other topic i asked..that black tragedy..take your time pak,

    p/s: other readers of steadyaku hope tak sakit mata reading my rojak language..

  3. "What we must remember is that in a civilized world it is always the responsibility of those who are in the majority to take care of the interest of those who are in the minority." very well said, brother! juz like the rich men shd share their wealth with the poor (dun be like palace toyol), the strong healthy souls look after the weaker souls, show your compassion to the old folks and the very young folks, etc, etc. spread God's love & make planet earth a much better place for every1!

    pls vote the BN_UMNO gomen out!

  4. Dear Pak,

    I am Chinese and also a product of Sekolah Kebangsaan, hence I neither read nor write Chinese.

    My late father was born in KL and so did his dad before him.

    Neither of them knew much of anything or anyone in China but here we are, being branded Chinese instead of Malaysian.

    I look forward to your column every morning and I wish you good health and luck in continuing the good fight.

    Thank you.

  5. fatboy2671 - we still have far to go but in heart I know that there is no other way to go but towards equal opportunity for every body. regards.

  6. yusaini your writing is rojak with semua tarok - but what is important is that you put what in in your head on paper. Keep sending me your rojak - more work for me but no complains.


    Cina are still around - long time no hear from you...I am trying to write in Bahasa...trying very hard. Not happy with result yet.

  7. Sorry guys I have to get this thing correct first. Whatever we argue on who's the first being of this country, the fact remains in the numerous Malay sultanates existed since the beginning of Malaya history, from Inderapura, Langkasuka to Malacca before the Dutch, Portugese and British set foot on this soil.

    It is a fact that we were Hindus before we were Islam which means not only Indians were here but Arabs too and they had been here to spread their religions and civilizations to the people who had been here earlier than them and those people were the uncivilised indigenous of this soil which at that time was not even known as Malaya, but as individual states of their own name, culture and religion. That is already a fact that as early as the history of Malaya, the Indians and the Arabs had been screwing the earlier people of this land to start our history with a race of mixed blood. That's why now we are more Hindu and Arabic than we are Chinese.

    1000 year ago China had already been a very old civilization and a sea power that had sailed the world over with sea worthy merchant ships while the people of this land were fishermen in perahu and some small time pirates. There is no proof of Chinese landing in this soil to prove their inheritance not after 500 years later when Admiral Cheng Ho (Zeng He) with his exploration team of 1000 ships made a stopover in Malacca to leave Hang Li Po in the good hand of Malacca Sultan to mark a descendant of Baba-Nyonya.

    We all can argue over this to no end but just what is the point we want to prove? Even if we can prove what we want to prove, that can never change our history. Why are we keep hurting each other just to prove this stupid thing?

    The people of this country have all sorts of blood in their blood and when they bleed their blood is as red as the blue blood bastards.

  8. We have to change
    The government that we have
    Too long on the list
    Even bankers shift areas

    The leaders become arrogant
    They always say they have the experiences
    Milking our public funds
    As the Auditor General's report says

    Billions vanished
    No tracking and accountability
    Is this the government we wanted?
    Is this the experience they talked about?

    Even budget year in year out
    There is no post mortem on its failures
    What gains and losses, why certain projects delayed?
    The Bee Anne government thinks we are fooled
    Harping on the old records of yesteryears

    We have to change
    It is in our hands
    We mustn't forget
    Enough of blatant abuses
    We must have our rights back
    For the country and her people











    Please folks MELAYU is a man made race....!
    Please read the definition in the federal constitution again, understand what it says and what it implies!

    FMZ - please read IT again, again, and again...till you get it right!
    Otherwise come and see me!

    UNLIKE - TAMBI indians and CHINA TONGSAN apek!

  10. Malaysia is India for me. For the Chinese, Malaysia is China for him and likewise the other people who migrated to Malaysia.
    Malaysia has become their motherland, what more when they are born on, Mother Earth.
    My personal view is, it's no use revealing or identifying who, what and where, we are from. The bottom line is 'we are all in a ship, that is heading for the reefs'. If we, after knowing from reliable sources on the bridge, that nothing is going right and we are on the verge to crash, abondoning the ship would be a disaster. What choice do we have "mutiny", no way. Since the oars (voting rights) are at our disposal, let us all with, a single mind and a strong heart, save our future and the future of our generations to come. Remove the tyrans.

  11. Komando,

    That's why I said don't go talking on this stupid thing, that stupid thing is arguing who's the first being of this land. When we start arguing, whatever I've said you said I am wrong and whatever you've said I said you are not right. All I meant is stop arguing about this thing because it's stupid.

  12. If only there are more of people like HAH and Gerila Rakyat, Malaysia would be a better place. The present govt is more and more propogating dividing the races instead uniting them.

  13. aku org melayu..tgk tulisan aku nie...tulisan melayu sejati....

    tapi aku benci UMNO...sbb UMNO slalu takut2kan kan kaum aku yg mereka akan hilang kuasa jika tak bagik UMNO memerintah....tapi apa yg aku nampak selama 50 tahun UMNO melayu makin terok....makin parah...rempit..dadah...perasuah...semuanya dimajoritikan oleh org melayu...dan mahathir (sial) sendiri pon cakap die GAGAL bangunkan org mlayu....

    so ....takkan kite maseh lagi nak bagik peluang pada pemimpin yg GAGAL mcm MAHATHIR SIAL and the krnoies??

    wake up la org cina dan india bukan mencuri ...mereka kan bekerja....sape kerje lebih..die dpt lebih...sape malas kerje lebih...die dpt kuarang...tapi UMNO bukan ajar melayu utk kerje lebih...UMNO ajar melayu supaya AMPU lebih...duit dpt..pangkat pun naik....inilah ajaran UMNO....kalo camni..sampai bile pun melayu takkan maju...

    lagi satu...kalu UMNO selalu ckp..Melayu ni bangsa yg kuat...bangsa yg gagah...kenapa kite takut utk bersaing secara sama rata dgn bangsa lain......kan hak2 keistimewaan tu dah dilindungi dalam apa masalahnya lagi.....kite pangkah je mana2 pembangkang yg ada.....biar bunuh diri sume pimimpin UMNO nie.....pastu bru kite salin UMNO dgn pemimpin2 yg betul2 ikhlas....dan jujur.....

    ...UMNO...byk lagi hutang kpd rakyat yg ko belum jelaskan......
