
Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Chin Peng and Ex servicemen

Dear HH,

Your blog is still carrying the Chin Peng story. And Chin Peng will still be the talking point for years to come. Even after his death.

How shallow minded our people are especially those who ravaged the corridors of power. What are they trying to prove?

Don't they know that if Chin Peng is allowed to return, the euphoria, if it can be termed as such, will last perhaps a week or two. Or even less. Thereafter, Chin Peng will just be another person.

If you can remember, in early June, the president of x-servicemen called a press conference pertaining to the unfortunate Chin Peng.

If it fits your blog, please post my 'rebellious' outpour. Edit and correct the tenses where necessary.

"right to rebel, a last resort" was written on my locker door that suprised the commanding officer. But he was a wise man and said nothing.

Thanks and Salam.
lading batagar



The Ex-Servicemen’s Association has called on the government to use the Internal Security Act (ISA) against anyone, including politicians, who proposed or supported a move to allow former communist leader Chin Peng to return to Malaysia.

On June 1st, the president of ex-servicemen association flanked by two ex-soldiers held a press conference and issued the following ‘battle cry’. Or tantrums.

“If possible, use the ISA. We do not want the communist ideology to grow in Malaysia”. said the all knowing and wise president.

So deep-rooted was his hatred towards a ‘former’ enemy that his vision was distorted. He could not think of any other means other than to despatch peace-loving Malaysians to Kamunting. And if this man was an officer in the armed forces, I dread to think what would have been his reactions in the face of enemy fire.

And is he not aware that once a peace treaty is signed, the animosity should and must end.

“However, we, as ex-servicemen, will feel insulted if they were allowed to return as Malaysian nationals,”

Insulted. Who should feel insulted?

The two retired armed forces personnel and many others should. For all the sacrifices, losing limbs and eyesight, they only receive RM 429 and RM274  monthly pensions, barely or perhaps insufficient to make ends meet.

Who else should feel insulted?

The ex-servicemen who have high hopes on their president to bring about meaningful changes that could improve the lives of disabled comrades instead of goading them by stoking the ember of hatred.

By implying that the voices who supported the return of Chin Peng are communist sympathizers and therefore should be locked in Kamunting reflects the capacity of the person.

By implying that the return of a man who is deep in his twilight years and  ’could hardly summon a meeting of two people’  will spur the growth of communist ideology is insulting the intelligence of broad minded Malaysians.

As an ex-serviceman who opted to dissociate from the association, one could not help but feel vindicated for spurning the widely accepted notion that one has more to gain by being a member. As it stands, regrets could have been appropriate. How could an association move forward if it’s rudder is helmed by someone who despises the opinion of others. Wonder how many enemies had he killed or shot or ever being shot at all.

By harping the blame solely on the communists for the conditions they are in is synonymous with electricians blaming TNB for electric shocks or electrocutions, or machine operators blaming the machine for mishaps that caused the loss of  limbs, or motorists blaming the road for accidents that disabled them for life.

Did  Wayne Rainey ever blame the bike’s manufacturer  for the crash during the 1993 Italian MOTOR GP race that paralyzed him waist down? Did the legendary Muhammad Ali ever blame the promoter for pitching him against tough opponents that subsequently  lead to the Parkinson syndrome that restricted his mobility? Did the family of Ayrton Senna ever prohibit other family members from pursuing F1 racing just because Senna was killed at Imola in 1994?

No they did not. And they don’t lament on ‘what could have been’.

Wayne Rainey is now managing a motor GP outfit. Muhammad Ali, despite the handicap, is still busy travelling world over promoting racial goodwill. A nephew of Ayrton Senna was racing for the Renault F1 team.

The two soldiers and those that bemoaned the tragedy that befell them should take a leaf out of those who live their dreams by turning adversities into opportunities. Harbouring grudges will not help them overcome difficulties. If, by gouging Chin Peng’s eyes could restore his vision, then go ahead. Otherwise, keep the desire tightly locked in the subconscious.

Failure to keep emotions in check especially during press conferences more often than not expose one’s weaknesses. For ordinary men, such failures are not uncommon. But for a soldier or an ex-soldier, it is tantamount to self-degradations.

True fighting men are those who respect the enemy and vice versa. In every encounter, there are the victors and the vanquished. If one could not accept that ’unwritten law’ of battle, then do not disrespect the uniform that we once proudly donned. It is a disgrace to be still moaning  long after the duel or hostilities are  over.

Perhaps if they are bestowed with honours similar to the living legend, the indomitable Iban Warrior Kanang anak Langkau, or Victoria Cross like the one bestowed by the Queen on Lance Corporal Rambahadur Limbu from the 10th Princess Mary’s Own Gurkha’s Rifles  during the Indonesia-Malaysia Confrontation in 1965, then they might have strung a different chord.

Perhaps, the words of Professor Sir Ralph Turner who once served with the 3rd Queen Alexandra’s Own Gurkha Rifles during the First World War could serve as reminder of how true fighting men should be:

“As I write these last words, my thoughts return to you who were my comrades, the stubborn and indomitable peasants of Nepal. Once more I hear the laughter with which you greeted every hardship. Once more I see you in your bivouacs or about your fires, on forced march or in the trenches, now shivering with wet and cold, now scorched by a pitiless and burning sun. Uncomplaining you endure hunger and thirst and wounds; and at the last your unwavering lines disappear into the smoke and wrath of battle. Bravest of the brave, most generous of the generous, never had country more faithful friends than you”.

What an epilogue.

steadyaku47 comment:
We are just starting with Chin Peng....


  1. Now that I see the scribe of the article used the name lading batagar, that if I can remember is from utuh paloi banjar blog which I have been asking if he is also the one we know as XRMN M2140. No answer until now, silent. I don't care if the scribe is lading batagar or utuh paloi banjar or XRMN M2140, but I just can't stomach it if the same person has to use 3 different nome-de-plum for no apparent reason other than to make himself looks like some kind of mysterious person and letting us doing the guessing game in confusion.

    Don't blame me for saying this for if you are afraid to have to to say your piece about Chin Peng from under the guise, think why we are so brave to fight for Chin Peng in the open.

    If you're an ex-soldier, so am I and many others who don't share the corrupt mind of all the ex-servicemen associations of this country, let alone the Ex-Servicemen Association led by that so called president.

  2. FMZam I was GM of the ex serviceman association of Wilayah - with Abdullah Badawi as our patron...I will have a story to tell about my stint in this organization - a cesspool of ahli jawatan kuasa all with their vested interest !...probably in a few days time!

  3. How about the Japs. We seem to love them very much!!!

    Golden Boy

  4. In Sarawak, Bong Kee Chok, the leader of the communist insurgents was allowed to start a pig farm after signing the peace agreement (or 'surrender'?) with the Sarawak Government!

    The Americans and Europeans rebuilt Germany after World War II. Many of them suffered lost of lives and limbs in that war.

    We are now friends with the Japanese. Their soldiers were very cruel to our parents/grandparents when they were occupiers in WWII.

    When your country make peace with your her enemy, or your enemy surrender, you the people or the soldier should make peace. You would want your enemy to forgive you if it was your side that surrendered, or if you had been a willing participant in a peace deal.

  5. XRMN@Utuh Paloi Banjar@Lading Batagar,

    Please update with Mind No Evil blog on readers' comment about ex-svcmen assocs which is why I said there are many of us ex-soldiers who are still insane not to be goaded and cowed by not joining them. And even amongst those assocs, they are never in cohesion with each other.

    The Ex-Servicemen Association you mentioned is having a court case still pending.

  6. ERRATA!

    There's no correction to the word "insane" on my previous posting. I mean it.

  7. Mu dear friend FMZam,

    Very sorry for not picking up your query earlier. I must have missed it.

    I was very busy the last two days. Though retired, I am a D.I.Y. person. Service and wash my own, my wife and my daughters car, can also do car and household wiring, wood work, tiling, cooking and you name it. In short I am a jack of all trade (master of none).

    Early in the morning, just after Subuh prayer, I walk @ 6kms around the housing estate and I must cover 1km in less than 10 mins.

    That 'lading batagar' is a Banjarese word and form part of the tagline in utuhpaloi banjar blog.

    Lading batagar means 'rusty knife' which is what I am now. Rusty. Whatever you read in Steadyaku47 originated from this blog.

    If I do not want to take the responsibility of what I have written, I would not have divulged my identity.

    As for the various names, I have no intention to deceive anyone. To be honest, The blog and the email was created by my son. I am virtually computer illiterate. (when I was in the service, computations was the subject I dislike most). Even this morning when I pasted the article from UPBB to the email, I was lost and didn't know what to do when I saw the letterings were of different fonts. Luckily, I managed to contact my son and he was the one who corrected it.

    Frankly, what is there to be afraid writing about Chin Peng. I do not see anything wrong. The names in that article are real. I was in Nyior Estate just a few weeks before the incident. I was beside my father listening to uncle Hamdan and his tweaking wooden leg. I was a good listener then. And even now.

    Man Cilak was from the same 'guru' as Mat Indera. Ada ilmu kebal dan ilmu ghaib.

    I have no intention to make myself look 'mysterious'. Those who follow "menyusur denai ingatan" in UPBB will eventually know my real identity.

    And those who follow the "banjar" section would have already known.

    A man of your intelligence would have been able to piece together the jigsaw puzzle by now.

    I will follow closely the comments hereafter. If you are still at a loss, do not hesitate to blurt. I will listen and respond.


  8. dear readers,

    Why Japan lost the war? The 2nd WW.

  9. My dear sir, Lading Batagar,

    My apology for jumping the gun on your identity, I'm glad you are the same man. You are a real Banjar, I guess you speak the language well. I am a Siak, but I can't even remember a word to claim I am one. Shame on me.

  10. But before anyone answer the question by Lading Batagar, see that you know why before there was Japanese there was Chin Peng.

  11. 35 mass grave sites were discovered all over Singapore in 1960, the graves of 25000 - 50000 Chinese males who were systematically murdered by the Japanese, engineered by Colonel Masanobu Tsuji (author of The Fall of Singapore), in what is historically known as the Sook Ching Massacre.

    There were 250,000 Chinese population in Singapore at the time of British surrender in Feb 1942. They didn't run away, including the rich Chinese business families, believing the British's word that Singapore is an impregnable fortress just like they boasted about their two warships Prince of Wales and Repulse undefeatable.

    35 mass graves and 50000 Chinese massacred. It took only 5 days for the Japanese to do that with bullets. It took 4 years for Singapore government to stop construction works at all sites where the mass graves were found to relocate the remains of the dead to what is now known as Sook Ching War Memorial.

    In a gathering after the completion of the Sook Ching War Memorial, the victims' families had only this to say, "We can forgive but we cannot forget". How can they forget, they have 50000 skeletons buried under the memorial to not to remember, and every year they have a day to remember the dead. But yet they can forgive. And Masanobu Tsuji was never convicted, not as the butcher of Sook Ming and not as a war criminal. The massacre was executed by the Japanese Kempetei under direct supervision by Masanobu Tsuji at the time when Yamashita was in Indonesia launching his invasion campaign.

    To say Yamashita was responsible for the massacre, yes Yamashita was convicted for all atrocities in Malaya and Indonesia and hanged to death after a trial that proved him guilty as a war criminal on the charge of crime against humanity. Yamashita was tried by a tribunal according to the Geneva Convention.

    What is the moral of this story and what has it to do with Chin Peng? The Chinese has suffered more than us to forgive the Japanese. If for whatever reason we have all the reasons in the world to not to forget Chin Peng, have we any reason to not to forgive him?
