
Friday, October 23, 2009

A very stupid idiot !


This guy looks like an Idiot.
Talks like an Idiot. 
Acts like an Idiot…must be an Idiot lah!
KHALWAT RAID: Residents’ group stays defiant

RA chairman defends his ‘investigative’ effort, blames Jais for inaction
You all have read this story about another investigation by over zealous stupid idiot into a  ‘khalwat – cross proximity’  situation. This guy happens to be the LESTARI  Apartment Resident’s Association chairman – no I will not mention his name – let us just call him a stupid idiot! He says:
“In fact, the responsibility to curb khalwat should be borne by the community as it affects us all”.
Tell me idiot how does an act between two consenting adults in the privacy of their own bedroom “affects us all?” You went into their house uninvited. You went to the trouble of putting together a raiding party – which included an official from the local mosque – and four male Muslims with “a clear conscience”. How the hell do you know that there have a clear conscience? You Superman? Can see into their head?..and must not be mentally handicapped! To me anybody who is comes into my house to ‘investigate’ what I am doing or not doing with whoever I am with is mentally handicapped. But then again the definition of mentally handicapped might vary  - especially if an idiot is involved.

It would seem that you did display some compassion by not handing over the “khalwatees” (my own word lah!) to the Police because you did not want them to pay the RM$3000 fine. Betul ka? Nak ‘selesai” tak? Idiot when you want to do the right thing by the syariah law – then do it right. If they have to be fined RM3000 then you do not have the power to decide that you took pity upon them and made the decision not to hand them over to the authorities. You are the perfect example of those little Napoleans that we talk about. Lost in your own empty importance. A community leader without substance who gets his thrill going into the privacy of peoples home to watch them do what is their business to do. Not yours. As an NGO commented “An outright invasion of Privacy!”   

And this idiot is a community leader…well at least he refers to himself as a community leader. Is it not obvious how our country has got to where it is now…with community leaders like this idiot! And it seems that his time is busily taken up with reporting Khalwat cases to Jais – which Jais routinely ignores!
Why don’t you go check whether that Pahang Sultan did father a Daughter out of wedlock? What about that corruption case in Perak with those katak aduns – there are movies of sex taking place! Is that not adequate evidence? Or maybe that is not as much fun for you because you get your thrill from catching them red handed? Go get your thrill not from the suffering of others. You have a wife don’t you?

And now the Jais director Datuk Mohamed Khusrin Munawi said the RA had no right to conduct the raid as Jais does not give consent to members of the public to conduct raids on others. Now what will the Police do? Nothing I guess.

Mr Chairman, community leader and idiot of the week - life for all of us is hard enough without any one else making it harder for us. Let people who are in the privacy of their home alone. If you want to investigate these ‘khalwat’ cases for your own thrill can I suggest this. Go to Chinatown – go get some DVDs ‘lucah’ for your viewing pleasure  and invite those four clear conscience and NOT mentally handicapped guys along and the mosque official too if you must – enjoy. You do not disturb anybody. You do not harm anybody. Shok sendiri !  

It is said that every time you make love/have sex/ fornicate or that one word – first word F  thing – you get the same health goodness of having gone for a brisk walk for eight kilometers. I would respectfully suggest that this community leader in question go walk eight miles…all by himself!

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "A very stupid idiot !":
Used to stay in Lestari Apt in Damansara Damai which is actually a stone throw away from Prima D'sara. This Mohd Yusuf guy is the JMB (joint Mgmt Body) chairman of the residential area since 2 yrs ago. Don't know how he got selected but one thing which is known fact is that he is an UMNO guy, a PEKEDA gang and a known corrupted & immoral bastard who is there to make easy money under the pretenxt of community leader. Nobody give a fark abt him anyway. Residents hate him but feared his gang of Pekeda boys who hang out every night at a small pondok in the apt area. Those raids of khalwat activites have been on-going since 4 years ago...most of the time is for them to make money and to ugut the victims. Everybody knew it in Lestari. 


  1. Used to stay in Lestari Apt in Damansara Damai which is actually a stone throw away from Prima D'sara. This Mohd Yusuf guy is the JMB (joint Mgmt Body) chairman of the residential area since 2 yrs ago. Don't know how he got selected but one thing which is known fact is that he is an UMNO guy, a PEKEDA gang and a known corrupted & immoral bastard who is there to make easy money under the pretenxt of community leader. Nobody give a fark abt him anyway. Residents hate him but feared his gang of Pekeda boys who hang out every night at a small pondok in the apt area. Those raids of khalwat activites have been on-going since 4 years ago...most of the time is for them to make money and to ugut the victims. Everybody knew it in Lestari.

  2. HH, I don't think Islam provided a manual to train vice spies. In fact, I think Islam do not encourage spying on another muslim. And I'm sure Islam does not teach people to enter somebody's private home uninvited, let alone forced oneself in. Yeah, this guy is a blardy stupeeeed iieeeedieeot!

  3. Aisehman Haris you nak api api kan saya ka? Did go to that site ..but will not dignify that rubbish he wrote with a reply. Now our friends will want to go visit that site ni musuh dalam selimut kut? Giving free PR for the site???...joke lagi !! regards brother.

  4. PEKEDA's version of Islam is equivalent to communism and 'gestaposim'.

    To them freedom is no longer a right.

  5. Sedih aku.. orang Melayu skang beria ria nak berpower... too much power root kott...

  6. "...when you want to do the right thing by the syariah law – then do it right. If they have to be fined RM3000 then you do not have the power to decide that you took pity upon them and made the decision not to hand them over to the authorities."

    A brilliant observation. That line alone says it all.

  7. HH,

    The problem with this issue is , lets not forget abt the bigger issues.

    The bigger issue is to worry abt the downfall of UMNO.

    To do that, it is 100% certain we have to work with PAS, warts and all.

    These bugger may b an UMNO bastard but i am under no illusions theres thpousands of PAS members who will do the same thing.

    Much as I disagree with PAS for many things, I WILL bite my tongue.

    Remember always, the bigger enemy of this country is UMNO.

    Not PAS!


  8. Sunwayopal - agree with you what is ort matalamat! But once in a while even John Wayne must have a drink or two in the bar to let off steam...but it is good that there are amongst us friends that will remind us of our objectives! I hear you!

  9. PEKEDA is a basically a gang of ballsless monkeys who attack in a bunch... Nothing more... Kampung heroes who try to make themselves look big-time but when stood up to, run helter-skelter and then meet later at some mamak stall later and brag how they are going to take revenge and 'ajar' the brave person who dared to stand up to them... in essence that is what PEKEDA is. Lelaki Melayu jati or for that matter a man of any other descent don't need to be part of a larger group to be a real man la... Fuck PEKEDA... ahli-ahli semua terdiri daripada anak luar nikah!!!

  10. anda baru tau inilah lestari yg kapalanya bangang lg pandai makan duit pendudukrnya segala dicover balaci-balaci yg mcm bodoh tahap tapir.kini dgn power kapala lestari tlh menghimpum segalanya utk kesenangan bila nak mampuih.rumah sampah dijadikan pot para;para balaci yg mcm lembu dicucuk idung.segala tender dibagi pd kroni mcm dulu kini selamanya.kita harus sedar yg kita ditindas utk kepentingan pak yusof n kroni pekeda lestari khasnya (bkn semua jemaah)wahai stupid idiot n staff jmb anda tk lama lg akan blah mcm anjing kurap yg tgu nk mampuihhhhhhh.kt sebgai penduduk harus mengubah apa yg ada sekarang nie.renung;renungkan lah

  11. Saya pun tinggal di lestari sekarang ini.Memang Persatuan Penduduk dan JMB dah melampau........! (Kedua-duanya di kepalai oleh Yusof bodoh tu).Saya duduk di blok B,pun sama juga keadaannya disini. Ketua blok. Latif(Timbalan penerusi PPAL) dan Timbalan blok Sofi(anjing peliharaan Latif).Dua-dua sampah masyarakat...!Nak jaga kepentingan bukan nak pegang amanah sebagai pemimpin.Penduduk dalam keadaan susah hati tentang problem disini(lif dan bekalan air),A.J.K Blok B sibuk nak buat makan-makan nak raya.Ada juga kami terima khabar tentang penyelewengan wang yang masuk poket masing-masing. Peruntukkan semua hilang entah kemana...!Semuanya terpulang kepada penduduk-penduduk lestari......Buat undi tak percaya,bubarkan PPAL,buat pemilihan baru. Fikir-fikirkan lah demi masa depan penduduk semua....

  12. Persatuan Penduduk dan JMB di pegang oleh orang yg sama....Tak lojik.....Saya pun tinggal di lestari blok B. Sini pun sama juga ceritanya.Ketua blok B dan Timbalan Pengerusi Persatuan Penduduk.(Latif)dan kulinya Sofi(Timbalan ketua Blok) pun balaci Yusof juga.Penduduk berdepan dengan masaalah lif dan bekalan air,tapi A.J.K blok B sibuk nak buat makan-makan nak raya...!Terpulang kepada penduduk semua.Kita buat undi tak percaya,bubarkan PPAL,buat pemilihan baru...Fikirkan la semua .....

  13. kehadapan Anonymous,
    saya rasakan, kalau adakan pemilihan baru, for sure u yg patut offer diri jd ketua.. sebabnya, u pandai komplen itu ini, itu xbagus, ini bangang, seleweng itu ini.. jd, lebih baik kalau org yg pandai komplen, urus sendiri.. tgk, sejauh mana kamu boleh ubah situasi ini. saya sokong kamu jadi ketua kalu benar berlaku rombakan.. jgn jd cakap xserupa bikin, @anuar ibrahim. hidup lestari bebas, bebas dari anasir kepartian..

  14. ini mmg melayu boddoo...sibuk nak tahu cara org lain menguruskan "konek" dan "puki" mereka....

    yg siYUSuf melayu (aku pon melayu tapi tak bodoo mcm die)..bodoo nie nak sibuk2 tahu urusan dalam umah org apa ke hal?? cube kalo die dapat "pepek"/...aku rase die pun jilat gak.,,,,sudahlah..basis die raid sebenarnya sbb die nie melayu dengki dan jeles...

    islam pun melalui tulisan dr asri dah kata..."apabila dosa yg disembunyikan...itu suda bukan lagi tanggungjawap kite.."...berserah ajelah pada yg maha esa.....kalo kite syak tanpa bukti...itu pun dah fitnah...nielah..melayu islam bodoo....tak faham..tak nak belajor....mmg bodoo...muke pun nampak muke org boddoo makan duit haram!!!

    inilah hasil ..pemerintahan UMNO...mencipta golongan2 melayu bodo mcm nie...malu aku nak ngaku melayu..tgk bangsa aku sebegini bodooo.

    aku nak tanya 1 soalan kat YUSUF bodo nie...."die (yusuf boddoo)..konpom ke die masok syurga sok???"....abih yg die sibuk2 nak jadik tuhan dgn mengadili org kat dunia nie..sampai bleh masok dan serbu dalam umah org lain nie apasal??

    indaf la wahai yusuf....tgk amalan ko tu sendiri....berdasarkan komen2 kat atas..nampak gaya ko nie org UMNo...dan kaki bodek..dan kuat makan duit2 projek kan.....mungkin duit yg ko makan tu haram YUSUF...pasal tu ilmu tak masuk dlm otak ko.....maka jadilah ko YUSUF BAHALOL YG SUKE JAGA KONEK DAN PUKI ORG LEN....

    .....tata yusuf....
