
Saturday, October 10, 2009

Cakap cakap...under 30's.

I am 63. Over half a century. Over three scores. Over the hill? No lah! I can still write. I can still write about a few things that people out there will still want to read. In the process of reading what I write some of you have use verbs to describe what you would want to do to me:
·      Choke
·      Deliver(as in a punch!)
·      kick
Some of you have deemed it fit to address me as Pak or Uncle. These I accept with a smile because they denote more ‘old age’ then respect….but no complains. I read every emails and comment sent and there have been some good ones and they keep me going. Nowdays I never sleep before 2 am and am normally awake by 7am because I enjoy what I do.
But I do not seem to be able to talk to the young people. Those who are in their teens and early twenties – and these are the people that will make a difference to what we are trying to do. The young are able to adapt to the need for change more willingly then for most of us on the other side of forty. Those in between will have to make up their own mind and their awareness of what is happening around them is more acute then most of us. So I think they will seek out what they want to know without much prompting from anybody.
What I would like to try and do is to start a dialogue or ‘talk’ to you who are in your teens and in your twenties. It is an exercise to understand how you guys think, what you think about and how we can work together in achieving change in our country. It was the young who made America rethink their commitment in Vietnam and I think it will be the young in Malaysia that will make a significant difference to what we hope to achieve in our country. I do not know where this will lead but could we start to ‘talk’ through steadyaku47? If you are already with us please let me know and we see where we go from here. Regards.     


  1. HAH,
    I am not under 30 but am 51 going to 52. I have been following your blog and I must say that you are amongst equals with the likes of RPK, Zorro, Haris, Art, abang Din and many many other Towering Malaysian. I believe you are 100% correct to engage the younger generation as they will be the future of our beloved Malaysia. I sincerely hope that change will visit our shores so that we can make Malaysia truly ASIA.

    sang kancil

  2. Dear HH,
    The post-merdeka generation are more exposed to modern technology but they may have a different world-view and values. Obviously a generation gap exists between baby boomers of post-world war 2 and the 30 years-old and below.
    They speak a different language and their train of thoughts too could be on a different track. Perhaps what you write here is not well understood by them. Probably you need to close the communication gap first and foremost.

  3. Hi naga - can you give me your email -please forward it to mine at

  4. Sorry, I'm out of range .... I mean age range :)

  5. Hi, sai-low dear, me 64, abang laa !

  6. salam pakcik hussein,well the pakcik bit probably gave away my in my late teens and very interested in your proposal.treating the young as equals and giving us a chance too be heard would be greatly appreciated.we have so far only watched our 'seniors' plunder away and destroy our country,now its time too get our hands dirty and fight for the la resistance.

  7. My young friends (20-35 age range) are split between the politically conscious and active - and the totally apathetic. A pity indeed that so many youngsters turn their backs on political engagement in favor of unmitigated hedonism. Many don't even bother registering to vote!

    Alas, I was a lot like that in my youth and only started paying attention to what was happening in my country at the ripe old age of 37 - after Mahathir's infamous Ops Lalang. So there is still hope for those who prefer to indulge themselves rather than contribute constructively to re-inventing Malaysia as a nation!

  8. can start by forwarding me your email to mine at


  9. Hi Bro Antares..if you are ripe at 37, what am i at 63?
    We need to cross the age divide -let us see if they will walk the talk. I think there are some of them out there that will give me a few minute of their time..we see what happens. Salam


  10. Alamak.. dah over "twenties" to be considered a teen... but hey...

    Mr Steady.. you wanna start a dialogue with those in the twenties, all and fine, but maybe also something else for the thirties (i'm 33), fouties, fifties, sixties, seventies...???

    Gua feel left out lah! .)

    Bro Antares, lu tak ripe lagi lah! Mr Steady at 63 put masih tak ripe but steady! Hehhee... gua really like this blog lah.. tapi the blog name is abit.. cheesy lah!

    Heeehhee... lastly, i hope Barisan Corruption kalah esok! Port Dickson perlu diberi peluang untuk melawan Phuket la! Selagi ia dibawah jajahan BN, ia hanya boleh dibanding dengan longkang belankang rumah aku..

    Hidup Malaysia Baru!!

  11. 21 going on 22 here. Found your blog from MT and have been following for about a month now.

  12. Hi Choon Kye - can you please forward me your email to and then we will take it from there. tqs


  13. me 64 oredi ...wish could be sweet 46 again !
