
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Cakap cakap...United we stand...divided we fall.

UMNO will have it that the Malays are now facing their Waterloo. Two separate factions – the Malays Versus the others facing each other in an atmosphere of tension bordering on the country descending into riots and racial violence. What is about to happen will dwarf anything that we have seen that has happened in our country – even May 13th.

My friends nothing can be further from the truth. We are not a people divided. There are no two factions getting ready to do battle against each other.  

If there are two separate factions waiting to do battle with each other it is a myth made by UMNO for the deception of their followers and us. It is a myth perpetuated by UMNO so as to continue to preserve their privileged position as exploiters of the Rakyat. For only if the people are divided can they continue this pillaging and plundering of the country. This is more important to them then National Unity and its people living in peace and harmony with each other. Barisan is united for mutual protection more engrossed in the division of the Nation’s wealth amongst themselves then the plight of its Rakyat and the state of our Nation.

This divide and rule by Barisan of our people will serve their interest as communal rivalry weakens us all. What could be more useful for UMNO in persuading the Malays to continue with their support of UMNO  than to be able to distract them away from questions about its failure to champion the Malays and direct them towards the threats coming from  the Chinese and the other races who wants to take Ketuanan Melayu away from them? How convenient for UMNO to rally the Malays to the need of ensuring that UMNO remains in Government and defend UMNO against these Chinese and others? Under the guise of Ketuanan Melayu they could put in place all manner of control to ensure not only the Chinese and the others, BUT also the Malays – shall remain under the shadow of its regime. Ketuanan Melayu is the excuse but the real object is to divide and rule.

Like Perak was suppose to be the beginning of a new era! So said Najib. Indeed it is. It is the beginning of UMNO openly consorting with Politicians under suspicion of Graft to gain control of a State whose people have chosen Pakatan Rakyat in the last election! The people of that State thought that they were done with Barisan in the last election – now it has come back to haunt them through the courtesy of corrupt politicians in collusion with a corrupt UMNO – birds of a feather…… 


  1. The underlying premise of UMNO was correct.

    I just wonder this UMNO agenda........who EXACTLY and when was it exactly hijacked.

    My strong suspicion is the choice of Mad Hatter by Tun Hussein Onn as DPM was the when No 1 and Mad Hatter's near death experience agaisnt Ku LI was when No 2.

    The who i am pretty sure is Mad Hatter.

    He created a whole new breed of corrupt racist Malay ultras.

    Tunku was correct, SO SO CORRECT in his instincts when he sacked Mad Hatter from UMNO.

    History will judge Malaysia's biggest mistake as bringing Mad Hatter back into UMNO's fold.



  2. Yes. I remember I wrote asking PKR to sack these Changkat Jering and Behrang asemblymen for being suspects in corruption. The PR leadership did request them to resign so that a fresh by-election be held. Their corruption case is pending in court. PR wants the people to decide through fresh mandate from the rakyat.

    But alas, for greed of power UMNO seems fit to get these two tainted individuals to their side for the sake bringing down PR govt in Perak. Power at all cost even resorting to unethical or immoral methods. This is hypocrisy of the highest order. People first??This is UMNO. And I am sure these two jokers were promised many things....their corruption case is now quiet. It will not go to court until at least the next GE. Utter hypocrisy!

  3. Yes, yes...people say UMNO stands for "Untuk Melayu No Otak" or "Untuk Masuk Neraka Otomatik". Agree? Disagree?

  4. After more than 40 years since 13th May of indoctrination, there are group of malays who took "ketuanan melayu" as religion. Of course, it's the Ca$h Regi$ter religion.

    These, I looked a the past UMNO convention where some delegates voice out ...

    1. Become board member of GLC
    2. Head of GLC must be an UMNO member
    3. VC of university must be UMNO member.
    4. AP for UMNO members
    ... welcome to to add more.

    It's not about protecting malay interest through the above but avenues to siphon what's in it.

    If any malay who question their motive, they are labeled as traitor to the malay race and wanted to revoke the person citizenship. Example Dato Zaid Ibrahim and DS Anuar Ibrahim.

    What a pity to this bunch of malays being fooled by their leaders for pittance. Just look at Khir Toyo living in multimillion ringgit mansion while his hard-core followers are happy with low cost flats or houses.
