
Monday, October 12, 2009

cakap cakap...who will lead the donkey?

When I look at Najib and Mahyuddin and their coming tussle to lead UMNO I am reminded of this apt description of two Princes fighting over a donkey.

“I am a Prince. You are a Prince. Who will lead this donkey?”

Just think. UMNO is to vote on a proposal to extend voting rights from the current 2,5000 delegates to more than 140.000 members in a bid to make it almost impossible to buy votes, as it will be very expensive!

How sad…vote buying becomes almost impossible because it will be very expensive? No it will not be too expensive because it is not UMNO that pays –it is the people that pay. It is our money that they take to bribe their own people. And when elected they will then say “ I am very honor to be honored by this honor that allow me to take some more money to buy more honor….no there is no honor amongst thieves! 


  1. UMNO members = donkey! Very apt indeed, sir! The trouble with these UMNO members ( not including the ketua cawangan and bahagian) is that they are so ignorant that they don't even realize that they are being used like donkey. But then again, only the ignorant joined UMNO as ordinary members!

  2. I dont know, to the people who keep on harping about UMNO members = donkeys, UMNO = corrupt lah, this lah, that lah, you must b v happy. So what I say.

    At the end of the day, nothing else matters except results.

    They may be donkeys, they may b corrupt, they may b the biggest bunch of idiots on earth but so long as they can convince the majority of Malaysians to vote them in to continue their plundering of this country, what does that make u , oh smart commentator.

    For that matter, what does that make me!


  3. sunwayopal,

    are you a member of Hindraf or Makkal Sakhti?
    banyak pusing pusing tarek!

  4. I'm just saying we like to call people donkeys and idiots.

    End of the day who is in power?

    We fight among ourselves over issues like beer and whipping and call people donkeys.

    That about sums up our act.


  5. Yes. UMNO members are made up of donkeys. Malaysians who, when come to Vote think only UMNO can rule this country are the biggest donkey's. I pity the rakyat who think along this lines but after they vote and when they start facing the music and find that they have been cheated they still don't accept that they are the one's who made their fate. But NO, they blame God over their fate. When God has given them BRAINS to think, rationalize issues, they don't use it. They just want to leave the thinking part to the UMNO/BN Govt because they are the donkeys. As long as these donkeys exists Malaysia is doomed.
