
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Corruption is corruption...even in Mecca.

Barisan’s Nasional sheep’s…errr I mean leadership are falling over themselves to find superlatives to better each other in praising Isa Samad. Samy Velu said “well liked and humble person.” In the present climate you need an endorsement by Samy Velu like you would need a hole in your head!

Din the Home Gangster….sorry I mean Minister said 
"His candidature is in line with the wishes of the people…and is also in line with the BN's policy that the people come first". Is this guy for real? It is a well-documented fact that human only use one tenth of their brainpower. With Din it could be less!

The Rakyat were not left out – ‘a people’s leader”, ‘has broad support”… “best choice”…  “support from Chinese and Indian” …and the clincher is that classic line from Mahyuddin “They mentioned it thrice - only then did I announce it”…such an excess of stupidity…so sad…so sad.

Now who is this  Isa Samad? Isa was suspended for three years for money politics in the 2004 Umno elections. He was originally suspended for six years but it was reduced after he appealed. This guy was convicted of corruption. Corruption is corruption. Even in Mecca!

He was Menteri Besar of Negri Sembilan for 22 years.

Enough time to ensure that by the time he left, the State Treasury of Negri Sembilan was in debt to the tune of almost Ringgit 1 Billion.

Enough time to ensure that by the time he left PKNNS (Perbadanan Kemajuan Negeri Negeri Sembilan) was insolvent.

Enough time to arrange that MAINNS (Majlis Agama Islam Negri Sembilan)  - which had huge acreage of land as assets lost almost all of them to bad Joint Ventures.

Enough time to give Yayasan Negri Sembilan’s land assets to his cronies just to collect cash.

Enough time to ensure that Mentri Besar Incorporated accounts were in a shambles.

Where did all this cash went?

And what did he leave Negri Sembilan for? A Federal Ministership! Such is the way of UMNO! You make a mess at State Level and they take you up to the Federal level to do the same again – but only on a bigger scale.   


  1. anti-ISA for 2 tujuan NOW !
    btw, dia berconvict di parti @#$%^&*
    = good guilt laa !

  2. In umno, the bigger the crook, the bigger the lanun, the more he stole from the Rakyat, the more despicable he is , the more immoral he is, the higher he rise !!

  3. greetings and salutations alike.great write up.Its my second time here and its pure pleasure reading ur articles.keep up the gud work.Sadly though,no amount of revealations and actual truth dislodge the evil regime.As such , may the force be with us.

  4. 1more Thingy: More than enough time to exact collateral & irreparable damage to Port Dickson's original rustic beauty & charm with those unwanted ugly development based on tourism 'hubrism'.

    I stop having my occasional weekend fast escapades to PD for the past 1.5 decades.

    No thanks to the PD destroyer, Isa (Y)ang (B)isa!

    I hope by the grace of a miracle Isa gonna lose, albeit by a razor-thin margin!

    Then me gonna party all & 1night long... Wanna join me folks?

  5. In bolehland you screw up, cheat, pilfer, steal the higher up you go. You grab posteriors in Brickfields, you get promoted to fondle bottoms in Foggy Bottom.

    And the sad thing is people in high places twist and turn to justify such evil and morally decrepit practices. And our servile press pick such statements, recycle them and treat the people to daily doses of stupidity from our politicians.

    Talk about lowering the bar.

  6. He can be soooo corrupted but he can wash off all his sins in Mecca & return a "clean" man.

  7. While we are all busy trying to highlight the subject of corruption with positive spin and arrogance by the BN no one is paying attention to history which the best antidote for arrogance. By the year 2019 that is 10 years from now - the time taken to feel the full impact of any government policy - my prediction is that Malaysia will be in the bottom 10% of countries in the TI Corruption Index. So fellow Malasians get ready for the ride.Ramalx

  8. Najib's 1Malaysia - Rakyat didahulukan! So, corruption is only corruption when committed by the rakyat. Menteris can wallop as much as they like. In fact, menteris can even murder an get away with it.

    Come on Bagan Pinang voters, show ISa the exit. Tell him and UMNO that we don't need corrupt politicians to represent us.

  9. Md Isa went to the big washing machine in Mecca to launderette himself up after dirtying himself with all the eating of PKNNS , MAIS etc money. He expects that the spring cleaning will wash him clean.

    God is almighty and he can see and is everywhere. If you do not get your doomsday now it can be somewhere or somethings else.

  10. Haha - you just need to look at that failed township called Bandar Baru Nilai to know the extent of this man's folly ....

  11. Cruzero, I dont think it can be that bad n BB Nilai cos after all, Isa has his huge bungalow there...hmm, was this a freebie too

  12. I find ir very sad that the people can be so easily hoodwink into this situation. UMNO is in denial and we are doomed.

  13. Kerajaan Hong Kong Rampas Wang Musa Aman?
    Posted by admin
    Thursday, 01 October 2009 19:11
    (TV Antara) - Ketua Angkatan Muda Keadilan Shamsul Iskandar Md Akin berlepas ke Hong Kong sebentar tadi untuk mendesak Badan Pencegah Rasuah Hong Kong menyoal siasat sekutu Ketua Menteri Sabah Musa Aman berhubung kes penyeludupan dan pengurupan wang RM16juta.

    Penangkapan Michael ini memberi tamparan hebat kepada Ketua Pengarah BPR, Datuk Seri Ahmad Said Hamdan kerana desas desus yang tersebar meluas mengatakan bahawa Kes Rasuah Loh Man Heng telah ditutup berikutan pengakuan Loh Man Heng sendiri bahawa beliau telah membayar sejumlah RM4 juta melalui pegawai kanan BPR, Mohd Jamidan Abdullah yang sebelum ini menutup kes Musa Aman dalam kegiatan pembalakan haram di Keningau.

  14. MIGS - SABAH - saya ada baca tentang perkara ini tapi masih sedang cuba nak memahami keadaan sebenar. Will write about it when I am sure of my understanding of the case. Tqs.

  15. ' the more u corrupt ...the higher u rise !' wow !?

  16. if u 'sin & sin' everyday, then fast for 1 month then go to mecca & back as 100% clean & 72 virgins will be rewarded ...WOW , so good one !

  17. "if u 'sin & sin' everyday, then fast for 1 month then go to mecca & back as 100% clean & 72 virgins will be rewarded ...WOW , so good one !"

    I think the basic problem in non-muslims as well as muslims is that we look at things partially. We see things which our brain want to. Its just our human nature.



