
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

ISA SAMAD and what he thinks money can do!

This is the lady that ISA SAMAD has been trying to ‘buy’ from her husband so that he could take her from her family and her four children to be with him in his Istana at Nilai that was built for him by one of the three towkays now financing the Bagan Pinang election expenses on behalf of Isa Samad and UMNO. This corrupt Isa is not content with taking money from the coffers of Negri Sembilan, not content with dishing out money during UMNO elections – NOW he wants to wreck a Family of four – by abusing the trust a husband had in Isa and allowing his wife to to do ‘work’ for UMNO Rembau.

Najib you talk of UMNO being an Islamic Party – is this UMNO’s interpretation of an Islamic Party? You condone corruption, you encourage greed and now you allow this Isa Samad, your candidate for Bagan Pinang, to wreck a Malay Family? Cukuplah UMNO. Cukuplah Najib. Cukuplah Isa. Damm. Damm. Damm them! 

Bibi Shariza Mohd. Khalid


Having been the organisation's secretary for the past five years, Bibi Sharliza is tagged as the "moving encyclopaedia" -- the expert who is sought for all clarifications regarding Puteri.

Bibi Sharliza, a businesswoman, had been interested in politics since the age of 12, partly influenced by her uncle and grandfather.

"Back then, Umno members would come over to my grandfather's house to sembang-sembang politik (talk politics). As a young girl, I was fascinated by their discussions.

"So when I got older, I was very eager to register as a member.

"Having been among the pioneer leaders of Puteri Umno, I view this as my opportunity to serve the party. What more can I ask for?" said Bibi Sharliza, who has four children aged 2 to 11.

The 36-year-old former Paroi assemblyman is passionate about her early days, first as Negri Sembilan Puteri Umno head and then as the movement's secretary.

"Our early days are very clear to me, all the struggle and hard work. Puteri Umno has come a long way since then, but I feel more should be done especially in view of the March 8 general election results.

"If the delegates give me a chance to lead the movement, my aim is to work our way up and ensure that Puteri Umno members are taken more seriously.

"We must be vocal and play a more prominent role in politics."


  1. Its as clear as day why Isa Samad is NOT suitable as a candidate.

    If Isa Samad wins, to me, the most sad part of this whole entire affair is actually the people of Bagan Pinang, I would like to see if we analyse without the postal votes (this one we know its bent) , without the postal votes, I hope Bagan Pinang delivers the win to PAS.


  2. Wow explosive news you make here; you might get suit , do be careful.

  3. Isa Samad can go for any women, after all he is a bachelor, but not this woman definitely. Don't ruin her family and that will bruise the feeling of her 2 children, please pity the kids, Pak Isa and that my advise to you. By all means, please don't and let thing be as it in the normal situation previously. Good Day.

  4. Abang Hussein,

    Is there proof of this (I don't doubt your sources are correct, but if there is no proof, they will come after you with the full calvary!)? I wonder if the poor husand knows about this!
    On another note, it's no surprise anymore of what UMNO Leaders do & what their supporters condone!
    As Najib said, it's just a "Technical Matter"!!!

  5. By no means at all am I defending Isa but common sense dictates that it takes two hands to clap. No one can "sell" a wife who is not a willing party to the transaction. For every lelaki gatal, there must be an equally gatal woman to willing to scratch that itch. It is not so much that he is willing to ruin her family, but that she is willing to allow her family to be ruined.

  6. Apologies to "Suci Dalam Debu" if I contravened the blogger's etiquette and used your 'nom de guerre'. It seemed appropriate at time of joining in the comments. From here on I will be known as "Chaste in the Dust". Someone has to keep the ranting lot on the straight and narrow. Otherwise they will run off the cliff. And all those with herd mentality venting support will be brain damanged when the momentum hits rock bottom.

    Just doing what is right. One can disagree, one can consult and insult each other. But facts must be 1st hand or from the horse's mouth. Hitting below the belt and posting her identity for all to speculate is vicious. Shame on you, sir.

  7. dirty and gatal UMNO... what a shame !!
    Harta rakyat digasak UMNO...bini orang digasak pemimpin UMNO !!

    Pandai-pandailah pengundi2 Bagan Pinang, janganlah termakan janji2 manis UMNO, semuanya main tipu.


  8. Encik HH, I really like your "go tell that to UTK"!!!! Bravo on your write-ups, they are not only enlightening but your style of writing is very refreshing!!

  9. Encik HH, I really like your "go tell that to UTK"!!!! Bravo on your write-ups, they are not only enlightening but your style of writing is very refreshing!!

  10. Looks like he is an all rounder. Money collecter,money politics expert, a great fucker,etc. Next target should be Rosmah

  11. Wah! This is explosive stuff. You better have copies of the evidence stored all over the place in case they come for you and make you disappear. Or if you have money abd other assets you better transfer them somewhere, otherwise you get sued until you pants drop.

  12. HH shouldn't be feeling any shame, this Lad.....i mean women, should have know that such antics will be and should be exposed by any form of media. Isa is a public figure and whoever associated with him will inevitably be exposed.

  13. Abang,,

    How could youuuuuuuuu do this, see the photo, I couldn't resists,
    for she has the gist,
    that makes goody-goodyyyy kiss,
    now, that I dream I am hers,
    how could I offer Isa, cheese,
    to back out and leave this peice.

  14. This Isa must be real gatal and do not know where to park his little thing. Sudah kawin mana ada syiok lagi. Keliling ta ada gigik..sudah longar.

    If he wins, he will be going after another man's wife..who is next?

    This reminds me of an incidence ...
    a husband and wife who were argueing very loudly in the husband's office. We were curious and peeped through the window..we saw, the woman lifted up her sarong and told the
    husband ""Abang naik pangkat sebab puki aku""

  15. Chaste in the dust, agreed, no hitting below the belt, but in this bout, shouldn't UMNO stick to the rule against using steroid to win at all costs? Now, have you any defence to repel what HH has posted on that luscious Bibi? If you have so post it here, problem? How would plead on behalf of Isa Samad and Bibi to that allegation? Your mere word? Now I ask is that the best you could do to the best that HH had pasted this thread with exhibits? Show us your defence, please.

  16. Encik HH, thank you for this latest information. NO TO ISA !!!!
    God Bless To You Too :-)

  17. the new Malaysia need more fearless attacking fighters like you to give all those slimy depraved sexpot BN leeches a decisive knockout .
    Old dirty $$$ bastard !

  18. apart from bibi's case what has isa done during tenure as MB of NS.
    1.there was no "welcome to seremban" arch after the tolls.
    2.i only knew the main road to town is named jln sg ujong after the new MB
    3.there was no fly overs or viaduct previously
    4.umpteen no.of uncompleted structures esp in kemayan sq street lighting and decors along the sg ujong road.
    6.depressing deficit in the state finance - all budgets went to him and his cronies
    today he is talking about developing bagan pinang after been a MB for 22 years..what a crap!

  19. Oh well....!

    We now know "what" the entire BN stands for.......!!!!!!!!

    And some say other races living together before marraige is so dispecable.....!!!!


  20. Isa Samad is doing what UMNO does best. Screw the rakyat and sodomise the opposition.

    Corrupt and subvert all institutions of good governance like what the Mamak Mohamad Kutty did.

    Rape the underaged girls (Puteri UMNO) like what the musang Rahim did in Malacca.

    Screw any famous local singer or actress as that happened in PD. The actor in that episode was no other than the pink lips accomplice of Razak Baginda.

    What about Mike Tyson of Selangor who ran away to a neighbouring country to screw a royal chick.

    Another exMB of Selangor could not help screwing his sister-in-law.

    All these shenanigans have a fixed pattern. When in power it is alright to loot, rape and philander if you are an UMNO warlord.

    It is also alright if you are a royalty and can't keep your lecherous dick in control but must be in the good books of UMNO.

    UMNO is filth, najis most foul. It is garbage that needs to be removed completely before the stench spreads to all corners of the country.

  21. UTK is Unit Tindakan Khas - part of PDRM and one of their jobs is to guard the VIPs. Two of them murdered they do all the dirty work for the politicians too.
