
Wednesday, October 7, 2009

A Malay to be proud of.....(the UMNO way!)

Subject: VOTE FOR UMNO to enable their members to maintain their lifestyle - an appeal by Mr & Mrs Khir Toyo
 Bocor!  RM1.9 million ringgit
UMNO Cuti (Lawatan Sambil Belajar)

AFTER a gruelling seven days, the public inquiry into possible misuse of funds by Wives of Selangor Elected Representatives Charity Organisation (BALKIS) ended yesterday, leaving those who attended reeling from the revelations. 

[Toyol.jpg]PQE.jpg image by zainuddinmaidin
For more than a week, details of money spent on exotic trips, overseas souvenir- shopping expeditions and gifts for guests attending glitzy functions, kept members of the Selangor State Assembly’s Select Committee on Competency, Accountability and Transparency (Selcat) riveted as the figures continued to rise. 

The inquiry is the first to be conducted by a State Legislative Assembly in the country. Other States are widely expected to follow suit following the conclusion of the Balkis inquiry.

Yesterday, PNSB chief executive officer Datin Khairiyah Abu Hassan dropped a bombshell when she further revealed how much the State-owned conglomerate had forked out for former Selangor Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohd Khir Toyo and his family’s expenses during the overseas technical visits.

She also drew hoots of laughter when she explained the reasons for the trips.
1. Jakarta and Jogjakarta , Indonesia -  20-24 April 2003
Total cost: RM201,452
Dr Khir, his wife, daughter and maid also went on the trip. The purpose was for delegates to study Indonesia ’s batik production, which was supposed to lead to the opening of a batik factory in Selangor. 

Cost of airfare for Dr Khir, his wife, daughter and maid: RM37,695
Miscellaneous costs incurred by the delegates RM34,404
Spent on two-day rental of a limousine/ Mercedes Benz in Jakarta : RM5,800
Paid for two-day rental of a limousine/ Mercedes Benz in Jogjakarta : RM5,000
2. Morocco and Paris : 17-24 Dec 2004 
(inclusive of four-day transit in Dubai )
Total cost: RM900,000

The trip, attended by Dr Khir, his wife, children and maid as well as PNSB delegates, was to study Islamic architecture, which could be adopted in Selangor. 
The group, which had a reconnaissance trip beforehand, also visited Paris Disneyland to generate ideas for a theme park in Bagan Lalang, Sepang. 
They bought tickets to enter the theme park and did not meet any Disneyland representatives.
Cost of the recce team trip: RM366,000 

Cost of official trip: RM416,000 
Airfare: RM366,000
Ground arrangements RM420,000
City travel: RM70,000 
Other expenses RM43,000
3.  Honolulu ( Hawaii ) & Orlando ( Florida ) - 23 Dec 2007 to 1 Jan 2008 
Total cost: RM646,841
Additional cash taken: RM101,000 
A technical study on the Bagan Lalang theme park was also the pivotal reason for the trip. The group, comprising Dr Khir, his family and PNSB delegates, bought tickets to DisneyWorld and again did not meet any Disneyland representatives. 

A tour guide instead took them around. Cost of Dr Khir’s luxury suite: RM110,000 

Cost of six single superior rooms for the delegates: RM171,000 
Cost of one twin-sharing room RM24,800

Khairiyah claimed that on the trips, Dr Khir and his wife flew only first class. 

The itinerary of the US trip also included visits to Miami Beach , island tours, dinner cruises and a Honolulu city tour.

Dr Khir and his wife, supposed to have been key witnesses, failed to turn up for any of the inquiry proceedings. 

Dr Khir would be referred to the Committee of Privileges while Zaharah could be prosecuted under Section 5 of the Contempt of the House Act 2008. The inquiry’s findings will be presented at the next sitting of the Selangor State Assembly in July. 

The Malaysian Anti- Corruption Commission is expected to investigate possible criminal breach of trust (CBT) once Selcat concludes its findings and police conclude their investigations.

11 Sept 2009 - Khir Toyo was called
  for questioning by MACC  but he was let go after some greetings and minor questions.  Why didn't they keep him overnight like Teoh Beng Hock and then see if he jumps to his death from Plaza Masalam?

Bagan Pinang by-election is this month, on 11 October 2009.  If you love Barisan Nasional, then vote for UMNO in Bagan Pinang.  They will also love you for giving up your hard-earned tax ringgit so that they can enjoy a luxurious elite lifestyle, travelling all over the world and living like kings without having to work for a single cent.  Be a good rakyat - Vote BN in Bagan Pinang on 11 October 2009, give UMNO more money.
IstanaKhirToyo.jpg image by frommalaysian

With thanks to :-- 
Thank you & Warm Regards

Skype : siraj5

"The only limitation man has, is the limitation he imposes upon himself."


  1. I don't disagree with you Pak HH,

    I know one thing for sure, it is a clear cut case of abuse of power if not a clear cut corruption (and abuse of power is categorised as corruption too in the Akta Pencegahan Rasuah) by the then MB of Selangor to take his wife, daughter and maid (a family entourage) for a work trip that has got no provision whatsoever other than what is provided for, for him only. What more to spend a king's ransom for those trips that was a blatant disregard to people's money to travel with a family entourage just like a king's entourage?

    A Malay to be proud of is an UMNO Malay that is a BELACAN (prawn paste) that smells bad but so apetizing the Malays cannot resist eating it in our routine meals. Khir Toyo is really a real real BELACAN JAWA!

  2. I just dont know what to say anymore!

    Damn MACC! cant find an aorta of truth in the allegations! Its not an allegation, its an accusation!

  3. Well, I think you failed to publish his wife's trip to see her son in Melbourne.

    The son, went to Scotch College, tuition fees plus boarding house fees. I know this because I went to that school myself, my parents, until this day refuse to tell me how much it really cost them, but if i had to guess, it'd be around the 28-33k AUD per year.

  4. Dear HH,

    with K.Toyol and wife blatantly abuse of selangor state fund and yet no action being taken against them, they are damn hella lucky !!

    If this were to happened in China, both are likely to be 6 feet under the ground by now !!!


  5. Hi HH,
    Congratulations! Just saw your StatCounter. Today is your highest Hits so far with page-loads close to 20K and more than 13K visitors (as of 1030pm Malaysian Time, 7th Oct 2009).

    Keep up the good work, Sir!!

  6. Here we go again.

    The UMNO leaders live and travel more their means and entitlement. Their aides and supporters get the crumbs but the people who voted them "habuk pun tarak."

    The people are cheated by the UMNO leaders and they just love it. I have to agree with TDM ... "Melayu mudah lupa" and may I add "Melayu mudah terpedaya"

  7. This bastard Killed Toyol was treating the Selangor coffer like his grandfather one.
    Mahahthir and Bodolah condoned the bastard's action .

  8. If this happened in Australia,it will be all over the national papers,TV News and Radio Talk shows. Asit is, its malaysia, so you cover my arse,and i will cover yours! Any comment from Malaysian media?

  9. Paddy,

    For your info, the fee inclusive of Boarding at Scotch College in Melbourne is A$40,000 per year. Big money I must say, and he must be so well paid to send son to Scotch College.
    My father was an MP in Malaysia and he could not afford to send me to private school, I went to Melbourne High instead.
    If this message is true, it has to be investigated to the end and the correct penalty applies. This is a blatant abuse of tax payers money.


    what we see is nothing, what we have not seen is even more frightening !

    so don't worry folks we gather all the evidence and we put the away for good

    we will give them a changkul and shovel and make them work in the prison and make them plant their own food

    we will not give them any free meals

    they have robbed this country and all the monies belongs to the RAKYAT..




  11. Sir,

    This guy is specially selected by no other than Tun Dr. Mahathir to be the MB to do some house cleaning after the previous MB who could not speak good English was caught carrying a lot of cash Down Under.

    Looks like no matter who UMNO chooses, they are all Musang Berbulu Ayam di beri kuasa untuk menjaga reban.

    Yes, UMNO must go. We must break the myth that UMNO is Malay. The truth is UMNO = Bad Malay.

  12. Add to the Toyo's list:-

    1. Cow head protest at MBSA
    2. TBH death at MACC office
    3. Pig farms protest last yr that in the end found to be approved by UMNO members/Toyo link
    4. Ridiculously high Accessment Rate for apartment/condo dwellers in Selangor till 2008
    5. Selangor water charges gone to cronies link companies
    6. Ridiculous parking charges during weekend till 2008
    7. Bukit Cheraka or Cilake where forest reserved kena botak by Toyol?!
    8. Attacked on Selangor excos eg Teresa Kok's house, Utusan inflamatory articles, Eliz photos .... we know who behind the scene
    9. May be Abu Hassan of PAS kena bought over by hantu toyol too not surprise
    10. etc etc etc please add to the list.

    Basically they the corrupted regime just wanna take back Selangor by 'hooker or crooker'. In the end rakyat kena rape.

  13. lucky they bukan di China otherwise have to buy bullets for their own death executions !!
