
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Kam Agong died because of day light robbery in Sarawak by Federal and State governments.

Agnes and her mother Kam Agong
They will victimize the poor, innocent and ignorant.
They failed to monitor her and neglected her. They performed Cesarean with complications but failed to consult a Gynecologist. They discharged her in a hurry. Her condition deteriorated and they blamed it on her age. They knew something was gravely wrong with her and urgently discharged her for the second time. They sent her back to Long Semado hoping that she will die without notice.
Immediately after her death, came the medical officers removed medical documents and medications from our home. They told our family members that it was not their doing and that it was fated.
They thought that this family incapable of bringing legal action or understand what went wrong. And if the family brings legal action they can prolong it, discourage the family or out of court settlement  would be an option. They knew predicament of the Lun Bawang community from Long Semado.
One must ask why the doctors refused to refer her condition to a Gynecologist. Is it to protect their livelihood? Could it be, if mistakes were identified it could be detrimental to their career advancement in the medical profession. Could these be the reason why they refused to safe her life?
She was basically killed to cover their dreadful mistakes.

To all those who have contributed directly and indirectly to her death and suffering only GOD can forgive you.


  1. This is common in Sarawak. The problem is most of the victims do not know their rights. Making thing worst, medical staffs at all level including at the apex conspire to shove such case under the carpet. I am facing I similar incident with my staff's wife as the victim of the incompetent on Miri Hospital. I will ensure those culprits will get what they deserve.

  2. Pak Hussein,

    This is unbelievable. I served Long Semadao, Bakalalan, and Bario during the the mid 60's. I can still remember the wonderful people who made our stay in the far interior a memorable one. Balang and Rinai were some that I remembered. To have neglected these wonderful people is a grave sin.

  3. Pak Arshad,

    I am beyond being astounded at the callous disregard by the authorities of our poor and our disadvantaged..all they care about is themselves!
