
Friday, December 2, 2011

cakap cakap...UMNO again!

How is it possible that men and women with questionable morals, little judgement and so little honor can rise to be leaders in UMNO? Can it be because UMNO itself is now bereft of any honor?

One by one they take their place at the rostrum of the UMNO general assembly and proceed to show us the level of incompetence and deception that UMNO has descended to.

Not one of them took responsibility for the massive corruption and abuse of executive power by UMNO politicians in high public office. Not one of them had the courage to tell UMNO that the loss of BN seats in Parliament in 2008 is nothing compared to what is to going to happen in the 13th general election. In all it was a procession of Malay leaders who delivered their sermon to the faithful in a manner best accompanied by the Benny Hill theme.

There was a time when we Malays dismiss the Chinese as a people who “makan babi” – and that was about the worst that any Malay could say of the Chinese. PDRM has dubiously earned the honor of being labeled as ‘babi’ too because of the endemic corruption of the rank and file  - so widespread that no Malaysian was spared being snared by its tentacles. 

And now we have UMNO. To call UMNO 'babi' demeans 'babi'. 

Not  a shred of dignity left that would allow them to tell themselves that they are the one to be blamed for what they have become. UMNO has become synonymous with deceit. With greed. And they are all Malays. Every single one of them Malays and Muslims!

Where is the honor when they do not take responsibility for 53 years of plundering and pillaging their own country?

Where is the honor if they will not look us in the eye and accept blame for 53 years of abusing the trust we place in them. 

And where is UMNO’s honor if they continue to make the non Malays their whipping boy for everything that is wrong with UMNO?

Sharizat and NFC? Blame DAP.

There is a conspiracy by the Chinese and DAP to do this and to do that!

Ibrahim Ali is a racist? Of course he is a racist because the DAP made him into a racist.

So if they know that DAP has been doing this and doing that why did they not stop DAP from doing this and that? Why did UMNO not stop DAP when they made that MCA President do the horizontal mambo on camera? Was it the DAP too that moved JJ hands into the raba raba position? 

Why did UMNO not stop DAP when they were making Mahathir spend RM$20 billion on Putrajaya?

Why did UMNO not stop DAP when DAP was making Khir Toyo buy that mansion in Shah Alam?

It look like UMNO and DAP are in cahoots in planning all the plundering and pillaging of our nation’s wealth! Was it Najib and Kit Siang or Muhyiddin and Guan Eng? 

But how come only UMNO got rich? How come DAP did not get any negotiated tenders? No IPP contracts! Not even a brass farthing!   

I wonder why UMNO still allowed DAP to engineer the loss of so many of BN seats to Pakatan Rakyat at the 2008 general election? Did UMNO wanted to kick out MCA  - was there a hidden agenda to kick out MCA and bring in DAP? PR must be careful and question DAP why they are working so closely with UMNO.  

Very soon UMNO will tells us that there is a global conspiracy
against them! The Jews and the Americans want UMNO to lose the 13th general election! Why the USA and the Zionist wants this to happen is something that UMNO will not tell us but they know that it is the Jews and the Americans that is turning the Malays against UMNO. 

I can tell you this. If DAP is doing all this then they are digging their own grave…Yes I know that DAP are digging a grave…but for whom is the grave being dug for? I am sure it is not for DAP! For UMNO perhaps! 

The concept that a political party like DAP with 29 MP's can be so much trouble to UMNO is astounding. What does it say about UMNO that is now holding the rein of power? UMNO appoints the CJ. UMNO appoint the IGP. UMNO appoints the Chief of the Armed Forces....and still they have a problem with DAP? This DAP must be one hell of an opponent! Thank GOD they are on our side!   


  1. I am a DAP member, and I have nothing against the malays. My fight is against the pencuri in UMNO.

    Together with my fellow brothers and sisters in PAS, PKR and right thinking Malaysians .. we will show UMNO-BN the door come 13GE

  2. The Gen Meeting was DAP bashing till kingdom come! Nothing about the Economy, nothing to address the increasing cost of living for the rakyat.. no nothing!
