
Thursday, December 15, 2011

An embarrassment of possibilities for PKR

The man is still waiting for a verdict on his sodomy two case and the vultures are already circling around him!  At stake is the post of Prime Minister of Malaysia. Shades of UMNO all over again…only this time it is nearer to home. Within PKR.

I have watched with fascination, albeit from afar, the fall and fall of PKR from grace. There is no need to go into all the familiar details that we know to well. Suffice to say that as of today – 15th December 2011 – we will either witness, over these next few weeks, a change in fortunes for PKR or its demise. A resurgence of its fortune to a level just after the 12th general election or another fall from grace, this time beyond redemption.      

There seems to be a total lack of understanding from those within PKR that what matters to PKR is not what is within PKR but what is without. What we want to see is a cohesive PKR united behind a leader who would be able to meet the aspirations of those within PKR but more critically, this leader must gain the trust and support of the Rakyat.

Any other matters must be put aside until this is done. PKR must not be distracted by the media circus surrounding DSAI’s sodomy two case or the power struggle between adversaries within PKR. Blink and PKR might not be able to find it way back into our hearts, back into relevancy within Pakatan Rakyat on par with DAP and PAS. And this, my friend, is the real deal within Pakatan Rakyat. Can PKR hold its place within Pakatan Rakyat without DSAI!

I think it can. But those within PKR must get it right at the very first try because our patience with PKR is already stretched to the limit. There is no time for pride, ambition, no time for vested interest and certainly no time to allow for family nuances to cloud the decision making process. All the first tier leadership within PKR knows what is to be done –the devil is in the doing of it! Let me spell it out.

PAS takes the PM post. Nurrul as DPM and everyone else, including DAP, Chuah Jui Ming, Zahid, Azmin and Saifuddin fall into line as we march towards Putrajaya. Yes she is not ready. Yes she is inexperience. Yes she has no business thinking that she can helm PKR and take the post of DPM at the same time – but this I know. Najib tried to gain traction towards Putrajaya by ‘abolishing’ the ISA, the PPPA and putting through a host of transformation initiatives  but f*#ked himself up by lying to the Rakyat. Cakap bukan serupa bikin The people know that Nurrul is the real deal…she just needs time to grow into the job. And time she has.


  1. That sound so surreal.......but if it really happens,I will buy you nasi kerabu and ayam percik with bawang jeruk at 'yati's here in kb.

  2. sein,nurul is still mantah lah!dsai is the suitable man to lead this nation of ours.l think u still hate dsai,reasons best known to u alone.we have talented azmin ali and many others in pkr to lead this nation.after all in umno/bn there are many fools running the country.

  3. I like the idea of Nurul going for DPM.! yes let's make it happen. Given time she will be ready for the PM, a post made for her. She will be the best PM malaysia will have yet.

  4. i hv no problem with a PM from PAS as long as he/she is fair to all races and corruption free...Nurul as DPM is not an issue to me...
