
Thursday, December 1, 2011

We Deserve Better!

As a Malay I think we deserve better from our Malay leaders then what is now going on in the UMNO general assembly at PWTC.

As a Malay I am embarrass that UMNO insist on blaming everyone but themselves for the dire situation that this once great Malay political organization now finds itself in.

And as Malays it is incumbent upon us to let UMNO understand that despite their insistence, there is no threat from Dap , PAS or PKR to the survival of our race or Islam . For UMNO to claim otherwise is  irressponsible and mischievous for it threatens to wreck asunder the very fabric of our society!

I will not be persuaded that just because the survival of UMNO is now at stake the survival of the Malays too is at stake! It insults my intelligence for UMNO to try and link the survival of the Malays with that of UMNO. The survival of UMNO is in the hands of the Malays but the survival of the Malays is definitely not in the hands of UMNO!

The lot of the Malays are tied up with the survival of the other races of this country! It would be more appropriate to say that the survival of the Malays and the other races of this country – the survival of our country even, could be better with the demise of UMNO.

I say all this because I want UMNO to do to itself whatever is necessary to survive as a relevant political entity after the 13th general election. Just as Pakatan Rakyat is now a credible opposition party we will have need of a credible oppossition once Pakatan Rakyat governs because we want a functioning democracy in our country. 

“It is a characteristic of wisdom not to do desperate things” Henry David Thoreau…but then is there any more wisdom left in UMNO?

The alpha male baboon have high stress level because of the demands of fighting off challenges and guarding access to fertile females. Not much different from what the Alpha males in UMNO faces! Whether Najib has done guarding access to fertile females is anybody guess but there is no denying his need to fight off challenges from his peers.

But what is Sharizat now facing? Her present situation points to the stalling of a once promising future coming to a shuddering halt as a result of the NFC debacle. Her serious participation in serious politics now is questionable given demands made for her resignation. Is she politically finished?

It would seem that Sharizat’s work-life balance is a problem. The loyal husband of hers seems to be remiss in his duty to his politician wife! Either way all this is now made more delicate by it being played out in the public domain. It is not a gender issue. It would seem that when push comes to shove, Sharizat have shown that she can equal, and, in some cases, put her male counterparts in the shade when it comes to sleaze, nepotism and money politics. She is just as corrupt, as odious and as incompetent as any UMNO male politician.  

We Malays deserve better than this from these Malay leaders in UMNO. Much better


  1. And Shahrizat is one of those politicians we thought weren't too bad, comparatively. Can you imagine what the rest are like, without their masks.
    And wanita want more projects for wanita. Is that their motive for being active in umno. Serving the rakyat seems to be the last thing they are thinking of

  2. Dear steadyku: I am "borrowing" your post from fellow Malay Msian -- I'm a Chinese Msian. First of ll, we are Bloggers fighting for Change for the Better! Tks in adV.YL, Desi

  3. Sir,

    Sharizat was perceived to be one of the better ones. APgate replaced with cowgate. How wrong we we all.

    Young ones of Malaysia, please be an agent of change. The older generation (currently in power) has failed to provide a better future for you all. You will have to do it yourself, before it is too late.

  4. Breaking news. IGP announced the police did not find any instances of criminality. This is as expected of our subservient police so what is new. Malaysia future is now very much dependent on Malays who can see truth and falsehood and act accordingly to choose their leaders.

  5. Tuan HH. If the new allegations are true about NFC & Shahrizat, then its starting to be a Malaysian Bernie Madoff situation - trying to Ponzi Malaysian suckers. This is what happens when UMNO creates more "orang baru kaya."

    Tok Rojak

  6. By the way, Tuan Syed.. some are taking your advice - "We deserve Better". See:

    Some need viagra, others antelope horns, deer penis, some tongkat ali but some deserve better!!

    Terima kasih... warisan dari...

    Tok Rojak

  7. Tuan,

    Kalau diubah status quo yang ada sekarang, siapa yang nak bagi makan kepada kontraktor-kontraktor Melayu? Tuan kena faham, majoriti kontraktor Melayu ialah kontraktor kelas F. Mereka nak makan apa kalau tiada projek? Takkan nak suruh mereka yang sudah tua bangka kerja kilang atau bawak teksi, mana mereka larat?

  8. Anon 10.30

    Selagi kita Melayu di suap dengan projek kita akan selama lamanya begini : bergantung kepada UMNO. UMNO curi RM1 million - di beri ka kontaktor Melayu kelas F Rm$10,000. Bila lagi kita nak belajar berniga secara bangsa lain? Biar kita bersusah sekarang supaya anak kita ada masa depan yang bebas dari konkongan UMNO! Salam.

  9. SHAH ALAM: Choose the wrong side in the coming general election and risk the nation going downhill, warned Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak.
    We are at the bottom of the pit. With almost RM500 billion in debt, and much more to come, how much worse can we go?
    Maybe a change of regime can change our country's fortune. For the sake of our future generations, I would give it a try before it is too late.
