
Thursday, October 1, 2009

In the beginning he was DPM!

What was Anwar's biggest contribution to what we are today? I sat and ponder over this question the whole day today. I wanted to write about it and yet I cannot because there were so many thoughts that came and went inside me. All I could do today was about two half page - notes on times go by – Cakap cakap about AP and then I revisited the “Bentong car park” issue because one of our friends sent me something new about that car park. It is now 11.42pm and I have been thinking since 7.15am this morning….fifteen minutes ago it hit me! I believe that what Anwar did to me and to many of us can be conceptualised in two words:


Before Anwar was dismissed by Mahatir I was a  Bumiputra intent on pursuing my “rights” as a Bumiputra. The right to have a share in the perceived richness brought into the consciousness of the Malays as a result of the New Economic Policies. All that was in my mind was where the next ringgit was going to be found. Tenders, project proposals, pink slips, AP’s, IPO, licenses, Privatisation opportunities…life was a whirl of meetings and discussions in five star hotels and lunches in restaurants whose name you find hard to pronounce – Troika was one of those that I can still remember – in Jalan Raja Chulan. The evenings were again another whirl of coffee houses and meetings until the early mornings.

Then 2nd September 1998 he was dismissed as DPM. The next day he was expelled from UMNO. September 20th he was arrested and September 29th he was brought to court to be charged. Five cases for sodomy and five for corruption. My first conscious understanding that this was really happening was seeing him with a black eye. Common sense tells me that no policeman would dare lay a hand on someone who was the DPM just a few months ago….surely Anwar must have injured himself….but looking at him I could see that he was accepting of the fact that he was no longer DPM and I felt that he was coming to terms within himself as to where he would have to go from there. There was a grim acceptance in his face that the battle for his life and his future had begun.

When his trail started do you remember what Judge Augustine Paul said when a request was made by Anwar’s lawyers for observer status to be given to the Malaysian Bar Council, several rights group and the U.N. Rapporteur Param Cumaraswamy?

"This is a big insult to the court," Augustine said of the request. "It gives the impression that the court may not be dispensing justice."
In hindsight and knowing what we know now, I do not know how this Augustine Paul could have prostituted himself to do the biddings of Mahathir! He is the scum of the earth!
As the days unfold and I relive Anwar’s arrest in his house with Balaclava clad personals, his black eye, how he was being treated during the trial and how UMNO and Mahathir was trying to demonized him…my dislike for Mahathir  became a dislike for UMNO. Slowly this crystallized into my questioning what was happening within UMNO. It was not enough that Mahathir have dismissed him as DPM  - that he relentlessly pursued Anwar in such a manner made me, and I am sure most of us, start to question the sanity of that man who was then our Prime Minister.
So my friends if you ask me what was Anwar’s biggest contribution to our consciousness until now – it will be our political awakening of what is right and what is wrong with our government,with our Prime Minister and with UMNO.….and after much thought we know that Mahathir and UMNO is wrong for our nation! So do not question Anwar’s on his commitment to our cause – we are with him in HIS cause to bring decency and dignity back to how things are done in Malaysia. He showed us the way, he stands in front -  but we are together now and we will persevere.  


  1. Yes on ... it was a blessing in disguise that time many of us were more or less pollitically blind ....thinking of how to get more ringgit into our pockets ...sadly there are many still Malays who are steadfastly clinging on the apartheid -style Ketuanan Melayu still .... i got the political awakening 10 yrs ago while studying in Ireland sum of the earth Mahathir has been all these years

  2. UMNo is force to swallow it's own medicine right now. If they did not victimised Anwar so badly, the Rakyat would most probably bite their tongue and carry on with their lives despite all the ill treatment and unjust laws pile on us.

  3. Politically awakened and then to become political activist to ensure CHANGE to take place, come the 13th GE.

    Also to be the judge and jury in the Court of Public Opinion - the voice of the people - the tax payers.

  4. Sir,

    That was Bullseye! Political Awakening.
    Since last 308 GE12,I hope the ripples will turn into tsunami.

    On reflection, if he had not been fired and mistreated, he would still be what UMNO is today, maybe even worse and Steadyku would still be having many negos for more APs!

    How times change and hard knocks can be the best tonic a person needs.

    I pray that DSAI will continue to provide the leadership and the Political Awakening will bloom soon this coming GE13.

  5. I totally agree with Suci Dalam Debu. Maybe HH would have become a Menteri!!

    Golden Boy

  6. Seriously though DSAI needs to crystallise a common platform between DAP and PAS.

    I cannot imagine how things will be if ever he is not around.


  7. i prefer his pretty eldest daughter to be a PM ....b4 i ...i ...!

  8. Part of the consciousness is the realization that free lunches have a price. In this case of free lunch onboard the umnoputra gravy train is the impoverishment of millions of Malays, while the elite few gorged themselves to excesses.
    As gluttons gorge themselves, the price to be paid are disease and ill health, and so shall the umnoputras suffer the consequences of their gluttony.
    My Malay brothers and sisters must overcome the shackles of community (race & religion) to speak out for goodness, fairness and justice for the sake of our nation, and their community.

  9. Dear Steadyaku47

    You are so right. We could not deny DSAI has certainly really contribute towards the political awakening of most malaysians for e.g. me!

    I was like most females that have not much interest in politic awareness. I do not even bother to vote and for the first time in my life (even though I am an eligible voter for the last 20 years), I have take the intiative to register as a voter this year. And WHY??!!

    IT IS REALLY BECAUSE OF DSAI. HE HAS MADE ME REALISE WHAT IS GOING IN OUR COUNTRY. HE HAS ALSO GAVE ME SOME HOPE THAT THERE IS A POSSIBILITY/ALTERNATIVE TO A BETTER GOVERNMENT.(I have always said to people who asked me why I do not vote, "All politicians are the same, none of them are really concern for the country. It make no difference to me who is the govenment, therefore do not waste time to vote")

    Thank you so much DSAI, you have really open up my eyes. Your struggle will be our struggle too.


  10. Augustine Paul is worst than the scum of the earth! He will bring eternal damnation upon himself and the curse of God upon his family. When he dies there will be many many people that will spit upon his grave. Your children will inherit the contempt of the poeple whom you have wronged. There is nothing worse than a corrupt judge , one who has been looked upon to dispense justice. No amount of justification on your part will spare you from the terrible judgement of God because of what you have done. You need to repent before it is too late for you and your entire family.

  11. There was an interesting rumour going on about Augustine Paul , his son and somehow thats the link that made him judge the way he judged in the DSAI case.

    Of course his subsequent fast track all the way to the Federal Court is also a tell-tale sign of good a mah-chai he had become.


  12. I remembered the day the news broke out about the "black eye" on the newspapaer. As I holding the newspaper while order my nasi lemak from a makcik by the side of Kelana Jaya's 7-11 store...She saw the photo of the black and she asked me, " How on earth anybody can did such thing...". As the moment I knew that this was the turn point of Malaysian politic----an awakening had begun.....
