
Saturday, October 3, 2009

cakap cakap...can we count on getting our Indian Brothers to help us?

I would like to say something to our Indian Brothers in Bagan Pinang. We have never met and I doubt if we ever will but I still want to say ‘Hello and Salam’. I will be the first one to say that I dislike Samy Velu. I dislike him for what he has done to his own race – the Indians. If you just recall how his son Vel Pari throws  million of ringgit around like they are pappadam that you can get for 50cents a plate – then you will understand why I am angry. The money that he throws around is your money  - our money – money he gets from taking business deals that should rightly go to the Indian community – like the shares from telikoms – just like the money that Isa and his three towkays are now throwing in Bagan Pinang. It is our money.

Enough of this brother. The votes from Indians in Bagan Pinang will make a difference in deciding who wins and who losses in Bagan Pinang. We need your help to put Pakatan Rakyat candidate in so that he will start to make a difference in life for all of us – Malay, Chinese, Indians and all others.

Every time I see the name “KUGAN” I have to sit down and write what I feel in my heart –this morning again I had to do it. Why? Can you see what they are doing again? Trying to get away with the murder of an Indian – and using another Indian to do it! What human being will do this? Brother that ‘human being’ is the Barisan government. They tell PDRM what to do – they tell the IGP go find an Indian to be the sacrificial lamb and they will reward him  later. Then they get the AG to do the rest. Many months from now, when everything is quite – the trial will slowly wind down and this Indian Policeman will get a light slap on his wrist for being a naughty mata mata and then he will have enough money to live the easy life. It will be hard for him to say ‘no’.

Cukuplah brothers. Show Barisan that you have had enough of how they allow PDRM to bully, torture and kill so many Indians in their custody. Vote them out of Bagan Pinang. Vote for Pakatan Rakyat. Do not give Isa another chance to practise his type of politics in your Bagan Pinang. If this Samy Velu comes to your area and start to talk nonsense about how the Indians must support Barisan Nasional because of this and that…just tell him “Podah!” …and tell his son Vel Pari the same thing too. If you come to our side we will have enough to start the change we all want – for Justice, for Decency and for all of us to move forward together as one. Salam.    


  1. The Indians are important but they are not and wont be the critical voice.Its not the Chinese either.

    Dont worry.

    The Chinese and the Indians are solidly (at least 70%) behind Pakatan.

    I commented sometime back, to really take over, Pakatan have to answer 2 questions, can they win these 2 groups ? If we cant , even during PRU 13, it will b really really difficult :-

    1) The Kampung Malays
    2) The Sabahans and Sarawakians

    These are the only 2 major constituents we need to address, any others Pakatan has under lock and key.

    1) The Indians.
    2) The Chinese.
    3) The urban Malays.

    Bagan Pinang will address how far we have come with the Kampung Malays.


  2. I know...I am trying to see if I can write in can do lah...have tried.

  3. I think its not the language , its the channel.

    The Internet and the online media is the channel to reach the urban masses. Thats why its a success for the urban Malays.

    The Kampung Malays and the Sabahans and Sarawakians, I am not too sure the online media alone is sufficient as a delivery channel.

    We need to figure this out within the next 1 year or so and in Sarawak state election case, we have an even shorter time frame.


  4. I am sure anwar and company are working on it too...will ask them if I have the opportunity.

  5. Hi, I am reading your blog for the first time today. Read many articles but stopped at your 'importance of one vote' story.
    The information you gave is wrong. Just google and you will find that ALL the examples of winning by one vote are false.
    To get you started, Hitler won in 1921, not 1923. He won by a majority of 553 votes against one vote. That my dear sir, is well documented by even jewish websites.
    Plse do the necessary correction so your readers will know the truth. Gud dy mate.

  6. I have only one regret, that the poor Bagan Pinang Injuns will not get to read your points. By keeping them in an ignorant situation all the while, these Semi Values have kept themselves in power. To this power drunk pigs, I give you the ancient indian curse - "May a thousand peacocks laugh over your dead body".

  7. "importance of one vote" - tqs for pointing that out - I will check what you pointed out. appreciate your concern and please continue to point out any other incorrect data. regards.

  8. HH, like bala , dis indian eye-eye akan hilang one ....!

  9. HH, pls write similarly to the chinese voters about TBH, tks !

  10. Dear HH,

    You are a great writer.
    Enjoy reading your articles in this blog.

    It is people like you who bring hope to this country which is being robbed and raped by the crooks and thieves from BN.

    Do keep on writing.
    May Allah bless you and your family.

  11. Not only MIC ditch their own race but UMNO, MCA, Gerakan too. BN ditch our people. Our founding father help us and now new BN forget about us. Because of them, we're lagging behind Singapore, Korea, Taiwan and Hong Kong. I'm tired of being behind these country. It's time for Malay to vote against UMNO if we want to save our country. We must unite together to help our country. I'll always remember Anwar's speech "Anak Melayu anak saya, Anak Cina Anak saya, Anak India anak saya, Anak Iban anak saya!" Give me back our country!
