
Friday, October 2, 2009


Last night I watched the news coverage of the tsunami that hit American Samoa. Destruction everywhere. There seem to be no rhyme or reason for these things to happen. The mind cannot rationalize why. How do you react to hearing this said by a mother “We lost our kids. Our two kids”. I simply cannot wrap my mind around that. How much pain and anguish must the parents be feeling? They have found the body of one of them and were still looking for the other one. “We just want to give him a burial,” said the mother. Compared to what these parents were going through what else matters? I could never empathize with them because it would be impossible to know what they have been through. It is when I am faced with these situations that everything in life comes into perspective. Your priorities must always be your loved ones. Nothing else really matters.


  1. HH, The pain of losing one's own flesh and blood is too much to comprehend. :(

  2. HH, I feel so sad now. I'd been avoiding watching the news about it because I don't want the images to be in my mind.:(

  3. Yes, it is sad. And I felt the same when I watched it all yesterday. I cannot comprehend what this would mean to me, should it happen to me and mine.

    Yes, the ones we love are the most important. Too often, we forget. Let's not forget that today.

  4. yes, it is a sad thing to lose your family and loved ones. we cannot understand nor comprehend why these things happened. so many calamities
    strikes these days. we cannot inmagin
    what pain these people went through. Let's be thankful our country and spare from such disaster.

  5. I was spared the visuals because I don't watch TV. But I can imagine the impact of such an incomprehensible event. Meanwhile, in Padang, a guy survived being thrown out of his 4th floor hotel room by landing in the swimming pool...
