
Friday, October 2, 2009

Cakap cakap...Terrina.

It is Friday today. I have a clean slate in front of me. My PC is waiting for me to write. There is absolutely nothing in my head that needs to be dissected, discussed or simply written down. I do this sometimes. In fact I do this a lot. I put my thoughts in neutral and wait for things to gel. Morning is the best part of the day to do this because if I am lazy – as I am this morning – I can let my thoughts idle until something catches my fancy.

As I sit watching the monitor my first thought is of my daughter and her family in Toronto….well really it was of Isabel (our grand daughter) and then my daughter and her better half. And I smile. I smile thinking of what happened over a year ago in Bangsar Permai. I was at their place and Isabel was in her mother’s arms and my daughter Terrina, was about to feed her. Isabel would not sit still. And you know what my daughter said? “Izzy CHILL!”….and Izzy understood! I think that’s another way of saying “Don’t you dare move!”…but in a cool way. Since that day I always smile when that thought crosses my mind."CHILL!".

Then again my memories goes back to those days when my wife, Lucy, started to let me know that Terrina was going out with this guy call Emmett. My wife keeps secrets very well. Let me be more truthful. I only really got to know about this Emmett guy when Terrina and him decided that they were going to get married! “And what does he do?” I asked Lucy. “He is with Butterfingers – a band”. Never heard of Butterfingers – and more important – never met Emmett and they are talking about getting married! But I was cool. I said something to the effect of: “If that is what Terrina wants – it’s ok with me”. When I did meet Emmett he had the obligatory long hair that guys in bands have. Now tell me friends what would you do if your daughter wants to marry a long hair guy who is in a band call “Butterfingers?” But as I said I was cool about it.

In the end it was good. He took time off singing to go and do his studies in Canada – got whatever it was he was studying for – married and are now settled in Toronto with our grand daughter. In my book anybody that makes Terrina happy – makes me and my wife happy too.

OK enough of that. I will have to start thinking about now.


  1. Hej Man! I like your style of writing. You are really cool yourself. Keep on the good work.

  2. Hey man at 63 you have to be cool...everything have to move more be cool or you are going to be a fool!

  3. Hi En Hussein, you have a beautiful daughter, a handsome son-in-law and a lovely grand daughter here.

    Congratulation to you for your open-mindedness for this to be happening.

  4. Hi H!!

    Liked this post so much. And, that's how I see things too: it's their lives now, to do with as they see fit, no?

    Lovely, lovely post!

  5. Great dad you are, HH, you remind me of me - we love our daughters very much!Keep ruminating!!

  6. cute-cantik-handsome ascending order !
    btw, chill = freeze = beku = dun move
    or i shoot ! RIGHT !??????

  7. Dad ... 'chill' doesn't work anymore with Isabel. We have to up our game with her. She's getting too smart, too loud and too fast for all of us.
    I need a break - am Fed Ex-ing her over to you and mum.

    ps: nice work.

    Terrina & Emmett

  8. Hi you guys. Great to see u guys on Skype last night! Slept at 4am last night and woke up at 8am - mum and zack still asleep. Hug for izzy and c u friday on skype.

  9. i shared your 'chill, izzy' story with some friends with kids and they were amused.

    one of them responded:
    " My daughters love this game called 'Dance, dance ... freeze'. They would dance to the music and as soon as somebody says freeze, they would stop and freeze their whole body. One day, they were chasing each other all over the house, driving me crazy and for some reason I shouted, "Freeze!" They both stopped, froze on the spot and stared at me. I was ecstatic! Reminded me of Pavlov's dogs."

    now that terrina says that izzy is too wise for 'chill' , maybe its time she is graduated to 'freeze'. :)


  10. tv3 malay sub-title for 'freeze' = beku when a police shouted at the thief !
    ....'fire' = 'api' when the captain gave an order to his men !
