
Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cakap Cakap...of Chendol & Rojak.

On behalf of all the Mamaks in Malaysia…please lah…one bad Mamak does not make us all bad!

“The Malaysian Mamak (commonly known as Mamak) are Tamil Muslims of Malaysian nationality, whose forefathers mostly migrated from South India to the Malay Peninsula and various locations in Southeast Asia centuries ago. They are regarded as part of the Malaysian Indian community” – Wilkipedia.

Show some respect to us please. Are we not Malaysian too. Do we not bleed when you prick us? Everyday, in every blog, in every office  - everywhere where more then one Malaysian congregate - we are demonized and call names which we would not even call our worst enemies  - and all because of one man whose names we do not want mentioned here nor be associated with us. We are proud to be Mamaks and if any of us break ranks and insists on being labeled a Bumiputra – so be it – we shall forever brand him or her as a turncoat too our cause. Tiada maaf bagi mu.

Our contributions to the culinary delights of our country are legendary. Chendol and Rojak comes to mind immediately. No Mamak – no rojak no chendol!

All that we ask is that you cease and desists, from today, to pour blame on us for the antics of ‘that’ person who by his own admission and free will is now a Bumiputra! Consider us Mamaks as your brothers in your fight to bring decency and justice back to our way of life. We are with you! ..and brothers and sisters support us too – go visit a chendol/mamak stall for lunch today!   

On a serious note – don’t you think we are being a bit unfair to the Mamak’s of this country?


  1. I don't think we hate mamaks, you know and I know typical mamaks which you can exactly find many of them in UMNO and these are the mamaks that we despise but the one that sell cendol/rojak are the different breeds that we, the people enjoy patronizing their rojak stalls and shouting at them-woit... mamak rojak satu, sotong lebih!!! And the best part when you ask for the bill, he will add, subtract in his own way and come out with the figure that you will surely be surprise- anyway it is still fun as when you challenge his figure he will come out with a discount figure may be 10 cent less....hahahaa .
    Sure!!! I will have mamak lunch today!!! anybody for lunch at PELITA restaurant at Ampang point!!! see you there!!!

  2. my best memories of eating at mamak stalls?....when we say "semua tarok!" ...and then ask for discount some more!..and always that 'itu gula kasi lebih sikit" when having chendol...and all that for less then $3 ringgit...unless of course you want extra sotong!

  3. dun think you are referring to dat mamak carrying the blooded bodoh-head !

  4. We have no problem with the true Mamak of Malaysia BUT are not happy with the " clone ones ". Where else in this world except in Bolihland whereby a person can change his or her race ?

    No wonder they (clone ones) are so good in politics. Try the Perak one and you will know how they play politics in Malaysia. In the days ahead I think they will even call UMNO ( United Mamak National Organisation )because more are jumping on the band wagon of a way to wealth in politics.

  5. Aiyoh, no mamak no nasi come can forget this.

    HH..need to leave footnotes that you received this article from someone..if not people will think you are a mamak pulak!

    Btw to the author, why mamak so gian want to become b'putra? Mati-mati want to fight for Malay rights but at home speak Tamil? You have a culture which dominated most of the civilisation, thousands of years ago...religion aside, but you want to forget all that when you are in M'sia..
