
Thursday, October 8, 2009

Musuh dalam selimut kut?

Something I want to share with you all. I wrote recently about someone taking the identity of our of our regulars ‘suci dalam debu’ to try and stop me from posting the article on Isa and his lady love. When I found out that this guy was an imposter I had only this to tell him: “"Go tell that to UTK!!"
Since them he has been trying to engage me in a debate. I really have no time for him. Herewith are the emails he has sent me – if any of you feel so inclined – go talk to him. I am sure he will be monitoring everything that comes onto this blog – why he is doing so is anybody’s guess.

He starts off by passing himself of as “anonymous”, then as “suci dalam debu” and then as “chaste in the dust”.

In item 3 I did ask him to get in touch with me through my email to discuss the Isa Bibi situation – but no response from him. I guess he did not want me to get his email address. Enjoy.

Anonymous said...
Are u saying that Isa and Bibi is an item? Pls confirm.

Suci Dalam Debu has left a new comment on your post "Prime Minister of UMNO?":

Pls do not spread vicious rumors about Bibi. If you publish info you lifted from other blogs you should be ashamed of yourself. You are in Australia so I know that your sources are from anti-Isa and pro-MB informants, knowing the state of power struggle here in NS. It is a sin to 'fitnah' someone you don't even know anything about. Dosa besar saudara HH. I am no supporter of UMNO nor Pakatan. For all I care, both should be laid to rest. Hidup Makkal Sakti, so long as Sami V also RIP.

Jokes aside, don't write without checking your facts vigilantly. Don't destroy someone's family in pursuit of your own gratification.

HH has left a new comment on your post "Prime Minister of UMNO?":

Suci Dalam Debu - i do not intend to do so. Write to me more on this - but send it to my e mail

Suci Dalam Debu has left a new comment on your post "Prime Minister of UMNO?":


I did not write the comments quoted below.

Pls do not spread vicious rumors about Bibi. If you publish info you lifted from other blogs you should be ashamed of yourself. You are in Australia so I know that your sources are from anti-Isa and pro-MB informants, knowing the state of power struggle here in NS. It is a sin to 'fitnah' someone you don't even know anything about. Dosa besar saudara HH. I am no supporter of UMNO nor Pakatan. For all I care, both should be laid to rest. Hidup Makkal Sakti, so long as Sami V also RIP.

Jokes aside, don't write without checking your facts vigilantly. Don't destroy someone's family in pursuit of your own gratification.




Chaste in the Dust has left a new comment on your post "ISA SAMAD and what he thinks money can do!":

Apologies to "Suci Dalam Debu" if I contravened the blogger's etiquette and used your 'nom de guerre'. It seemed appropriate at time of joining in the comments. From here on I will be known as "Chaste in the Dust". Someone has to keep the ranting lot on the straight and narrow. Otherwise they will run off the cliff. And all those with herd mentality venting support will be brain damanged when the momentum hits rock bottom.

Just doing what is right. One can disagree, one can consult and insult each other. But facts must be 1st hand or from the horse's mouth. Hitting below the belt and posting her identity for all to speculate is vicious. Shame on you, sir.

Chaste in the Dust has left a new comment on your post "UMNO : Two words. First word starts with the lett...":

"Go tell that to UTK!!"

Was that the best you could come up with? Got your goat, eh!! Now you know what it feels like when someone disagrees with you. Rejection is hard to accept. I will make sure that you don't go overboard cause I don't have time to throw you a lifeline.

And by the way, stop soliciting for funds. You sound pathetic. We all thought you were a big fish living in Australia. See, now you show us that you are just another Pak Man Telo.

Look before you leap, big brother is watching.

Chaste in the Dust has left a new comment on your post "Friend I have begun to realize that theselast few ...":

I do advocate good governance. That is a prerequisite of any democratic government. What I do not advocate is demonizing your own country with radical and subversive comments without knowing much about its history and the constitution.

Character assassination only shows how low one can stoop. If the other side does it, it triggers your defense mechanism and you respond with similar attacks. That only shows you are playing the game at their level. Does that make you any better than them?? If you call them scum than the reflection also mirrors you.

You put out facts and figures which you lifted from somewhere (Pakatan’s blogs, I assume).

Now, you take a deep breath and tell us all:-

How are they treating you in Australia? Do you integrate with the locals? Can you get a job or are you only good for menial positions. Do they call you “mate” or do they look at you and mutter beneath their breath “bloody foreigner” for better word than “bloody asshole”.

Why don’t you give us the stats regarding job positions and schooling in Australia viz a viz between Aussies and the immigrants.

While you are at it, what about stats from Singapore, Indonesia, India and Thailand.

This land that you call home, “Malaysia” is home of the Malays. Simple.
India is home of the Indians.
China is home of the Chinese
and Singapore is home of the Chinese.

Malaysia does not discriminate as the USA does to the negros and Latinos.
Malaysia does not discriminate as India does to the Muslims. Malaysia does not discriminate as Singapore does to the Malays.
Malaysia does not discriminate as Thailand does to the Muslims.

Are the Chinese, Indians and other races in Malaysia dying of hunger and living in shanty towns (like the blacks in South Africa…in their own country)?

No sir, Malays too are living in shanty towns. I will support and stand by you if you tell UMNO and the BN government to get off their backsides and implement substantial long term programs to eliminate this poverty.

Are the Chinese and Indian and other races illiterate?? No, illiteracy among Malays is just as high if not higher, despite 50 odd years of Independence. I will support you if you blast UMNO and BN about the carnage resulting from the Bahasa Omputih fiasco.

Other than political and administrative advantage, everybody is on a level playing field.

Which would you prefer? Political and Administrative or Economic Power?

Yes, we can and should condemn Corruption, in any form and in any organization or setup. But please, do not put down this land, my country Malaysia, because you will be walking on the bad side of me.


  1. I do not see Chaste in the dust as your "musuh dalam selimut" for you're not sleeping with the enemy, I see him or her either a ghost or a lost soul searching for identity.

    To the point, why did he email you trying to draw you into a private discussion instead of normal posting in this thread for all to comment? Must be a shy type guy but to me it's ungentleman.

    Another point, learning from experience from some other blog, there are such thing as decoys and implants. Sorry I am being skeptical from lesson learnt. The burden of proof is your to check his cyber identity. Malaysia Today has couple of very alert readers who checks on dubious identity.

    Last point, why did you flash his email here, he's not your source? Just ignore him so let him talk in the open like other readers, or keep quiet.

  2. FMZ - r u suggesting that we take him out of this blog - all his comments and ignore him?

  3. Nah! I mean better let him commit himself in this battlefield with his worthy opponent. You worth far more than just one marauding UMNO's soldier. Leave him to us.

  4. don't worry uncle HH, this guy ain't got no balls, we shall whack him hard nice and proper

    another scumbag from UMNO shitheads!

  5. To 'Chaste in the Dust' - no sure who the devil you are

    Your latest response to steadyaku4 irritated me so much so that I wish to say a few words to you.

    I think you are missing the 'point here son! Steadyaku at no stage at all insulted the beloved country or 'demonized' Malaysia in any shape or form in any of his postings thus far. What Steadyaku, in fact, has done is to expose the wrong doings of many top executives in Malaysian Government that have festerd their own nest at the expense of tax payers money. You admitted verhemently that you advocate good governance, this is contrary to what is happening in the way that excutives are behaving in the Malaysian Government. Decision makers in the Goverment continually exrcised their power to sponge tax payers dollars for their own greed. This is 'not' I repeat 'not' a Good Governance. Do you agree son?

    The other thing you said that irritated me so much is when you claimed 'Malaysia is the home for the 'Malays'.

    Your staement:

    "This land that you call home, “Malaysia” is home of the Malays. Simple.
    India is home of the Indians.
    China is home of the Chinese
    and Singapore is home of the Chinese"

    You must be insane to say this as you might want to reacall that 'Malaysia' was formed when our past leaders were able to annexed Sabah and Sarawak to become one nation named Malaysia. In Sabah, for instance, there were hardly any Malays living there. Previously known as British North Borneo, Sabah's population are predominantly non Malays, now tell me what make you think that Malaysia is for the Malays only. Come on man! wake up and get a life.
    Let me tell you something about myself. I am a Malay and proud of it. I married a Sabahan Chinese and have 5 grand children. I have been living abroad for so many years. I obtained my Tertiary degree in Australia. I was a top executive in a very large retail company and had the responsibilty to take charge of many 'whites' subordinates. Mate! I have no problems at all living in Australia as I have been given lots a lots of opportunities to excel and work hard for my living. All is above board over here, transparancies is paramount in all shape or form. Corporate Governance in every aspect is manage and checked at all time. I agree discimination exist everywhere globally, thats because we are 'human'. Don't drag USA into this argument as they are doing everything they can to overcome racial descrimination. Brother Obama is having a hard time addressing this issue but he will prevail.
    Now, lets focus on the main subject of 'dishonest' people in our Malaysian Goverment and get rid of them as fast as we could by not putting them in power. We need honest representatives to govern and work for the people who elected them in the first place.

