
Friday, October 9, 2009

Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize

US President Barack Obama has sensationally won the Nobel Peace Prize less than a year after he took office with the jury hailing his "extraordinary" diplomatic efforts on the international stage.
Obama was honoured "for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples," the head of the Norwegian Nobel Committee Thorbjoern Jagland said on Friday.
The committee attached "special importance to Obama's vision and work for a world without nuclear weapons" and said he had created "a new climate in international politics."
"Only very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world's attention and given its people hope for a better future," it said.


  1. NOT sure aku if he really deserves !!

  2. I think it was given more for what they think he can do...rather then for what he has done.

  3. Of course Obama bags the Nobel prize but not without controversies. After all, he won it not so much for his achievements but for his visions to a better world. In fact, for him being elected into the highest office in the US is already a "CHANGE" by itself.

    No worries, here in Malaysia, we don't need the Nobel prize that comes only with small sum of USD 1.4 mil (approx RM 4.8mil). Our Malaysian leaders can accumulate a lot more than that, not declare tax, and still in safe heavens.

    See how wonderful 1Malaysia is. We live in a big happy family with diverse races, religinn, and culture. The world need to come and learn from us and form the 1World.

  4. Excerpt from Yahoo, "Rather than recognizing concrete achievement, the 2009 prize appeared intended to support initiatives that have yet to bear fruit: reducing the world stock of nuclear arms, easing American conflicts with Muslim nations and strengthening the U.S. role in combating climate change."

    You made a good comprehension Pak HH, could you make a similar comprehension on any Malaysian you thought as a potential Nobel Prize laureate?

  5. Sweden gives these peace prizes based on mere rhetoric. I mean, what peace has Obama actually generated?

    Has he pulled out of Irq or Afghanistan or solved the Middle East conflict? Nada!

    Based on this, I should be given the peace prize because I, like Obaman, so badly want world peace!

    We are all of 1 race, the Human race

  6. dpp,

    Sweden is No.3 in the list of least corrupt country, we are no.47. Noble is a Swedish, you are a Malaysian. I am sorry dpp, I trust the Swedish much much more than you.

  7. Yes, HH, it may not happen in our life time. But, the seed that we sow today to right the wrong will surely help to make it happen.

    My simple thought for requisite to achieve that include,

    1. All our elected representatives must work towards common goal to devise good policies for the benefits of the country. This applies to both the governing and opposition. They cannot work on the basis of zero-sum principle, party first, race first, or religion first.

    2. We need to restore and ensure the separation of the legislative, judiciary, and executive.

    3. All the people of the land are subject to the law of the land without favor, that include our representatives.

    These may be "academic" but that's what the developed nation has achieved. Even the developing nations such as Taiwan and South Korea are in the same direction as above.

    No, it's not impossible to achieve. The people of the land must have the realization. A step at a time and we'll get there. After all, 50 years of independence can be considered relatively young.

  8. HH,

    Obama transcends religious, racial and national idenity. He is the symbol of expression of collective consciousness. Born in Hawaii of black father and white mother, having spent his younger days in Indonesia, swore on the bible during the inauguration ceremony and having a muslim middle name Hussein, he truly deserves the Nobel Prize.

    Give him time to serve his term and let's see the outcome of his Presidency.

    Check and view the video clip commentary by Deepak Chopra.

  9. I will not give him that prize
    he removed troops from Iraq and he went into Afghanistan

    to fight another war, killing again
    does he show he loves peace

    he did nothing to condemn the Zionists regime killing spree in GAZA

    he is still not doing anything to pressure the Jews to get lost from Palestine..all talk cock only!

    come on folks don't be fooled by all this crap stories that he loves peace!

    wake up folks, name or no name he is just a black guy being controlled by the Zionists regime

    one wrong foot or mistake he will be taken out of the equation

    is he not a war monger like all other US Presidents?

  10. yes, the N prize been given for his wawasan laa !

  11. Deepak Chopra has shown hinself to be an ass more than once.

    How absurd is this selection? Obama was inaugurated on January 20, 2009. Nominations for the Nobel Peace Prize had to be presented by February 3, 2009. What did he do in TWO WEEKS that merited a Nobel Peace Prize? Replace George Bush?

  12. "wake up folks, name or no name he is just a black guy being controlled by the Zionists regime"

    Ya right.
    His Butt Tharir and their Caliphate are coming.
