
Thursday, September 1, 2011

What BN has in common with Mao Zedong

Another day another slogan from our Prime Minister. This time it is for our National Day : 

"1Malaysia: Successful Transformation, Prosperous People" 

I think right now we have enough to rival Chairman Mao, the great teacher, the great leader, the great commander and of course, the great helmsman. What is the purpose of all these slogans? Is it to bolster Barisan Nasional image as the great political party that is now taking Malaysia to unheard of heights of economic achievements and success? Or is it to confer super-human qualities to our Prime Minister and his First Lady? 

Day after day we are bombarded with slogans after slogans. Each more tacky and more embarrassing then the previous one. And these short staccato sentences are meant to give comfort and semangat to the people of Malaysia that all is well? That the government is doing great things? That our Prime Minister is the great leader?

Is there a team located somewhere on the fourth floor of the the PM department in Putrajaya whose sole vocation is to come up with these slogans? Or has our government hired one of those glitzy and very very expensive New York ad agency to do the work for them? Probably for a retainer of RM 20 million annually? When will they come up with their version of the Red Book that Mao had? I am just waiting for some songs to go with these slogans and then of course all those wall paintings of our leaders gazing sky wards with hands out stretched ala Chairman Mao himself. 

Have a look at the following article and you will see where BN is heading with all these sloganeering...and they are calling Mat Sabu a communist? How can lah!  

Mao Slogans

The Mao cult involved a lot of sloganeering that served to bolster the myth surrounding the Chairman and to ascribe super-human qualities to him. During the first reception of millions of Red Guards on Tiananmen Square on 18 August 1966, Chen Boda first used the slogan of the 'Four Greats', with which he termed Mao as the great teacher, the great leader, the great (or supreme) commander, and the great helmsman. The image of Mao as the great helmsman not only inspired poster designers, but gave birth to a song, "Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman, waging revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought".
Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman, waging revolution depends on Mao Zedong Thought, 1969
Other slogans revolved around the people's loyalty that Mao deserved. Particular mention must be made of the 'Three Loyalties', which called for boundless loyalty to Chairman Mao, loyalty to Mao Zedong Thought and loyalty to Chairman Mao's revolutionary line. The Chinese character for loyalty, zhong (忠, visible on the sunflower below), played an important role in the images devoted to these slogans.
Boundlessly loyal to the great leader Chairman Mao, boundlessly loyal to the great Mao Zedong Thought, boundlessly loyal to Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, 1966
Boundlessly loyal to the great leader Chairman Mao, boundlessly loyal to the great Mao Zedong Thought, boundlessly loyal to Chairman Mao's revolutionary line, 1966
These and other slogans ('The Four Boundlessness', 'Long Live ...', 'Eternal Life ...') were shouted in public by leaders and led alike, used in the print media and wall papers, and became part of everyday speech.


  1. Najib should do a once and for all slogan. Why not bestow himself "Dear Leader for Life" title. That way, no one can challenge him. His 1Malaysia is an embarrassment not only to himself but the whole country. To think what the huge amount of money spent could do for the country especially the poor.

  2. The communist duo Nga and Ngeh in Perak cannot wait to get their hands.....
