
Saturday, December 3, 2011

A desperate Mahathir talks cock about freedom

with thanks to : 


journalism, media, politics and current affairs relevant to Malaysia

MONDAY 28 NOV 2011 MYT 20:26:42

When Mahathir Mohamad talks about freedom, there is only one kind of freedom he means: freedom for himself, his family and his cronies to do as they wish, to plunder and to fritter away the people’s wealth and the country’s resources on projects that benefit themselves.
Freedom will destroy society, Malaysian Insider quotes him as saying.
What does he mean by that? It means the people’s freedom will destroy his society,his freedom, and the freedom of his friends and cronies, and especially that of his son Mukhriz who he hopes will become a prime minister in turn. By keeping you without freedom of course.
Destroy society? He means the exclusive, closed clubby society that he lives in, where he and his friends can do and say what they want and you must just shut up and do nothing.
Good friends: keeping freedom for themselves by the power of the fist
“All freedoms must be limited” otherwise society would become “primitive and backwards”, he says.
Mahathir Mohamad is getting afraid. If the people had freedom, his world would become primitive and backwards — he and his friends might even end up in jail. So he transfers the problem to you.
You live without freedom like a dog on a leash and he decides how much “freedom” you can have: a longer leash or a shorter leash. But he’ll keep you all on a leash, so he can decide what you can do, what you can say, what you can think.
Ananda Krishnan’s light rail feeds people to his KLCC luxury shopping mall. Vincent Tan’s monorail feeds customers to his Berjaya Times Square and also to Low Yat Plaza. You, the taxpayer, paid for both of them. Every time you pay your electricity bill, you’re giving Francis Yeoh’s YTL a few sen. And that’s just three of those in Mahathir’s world. Others are still lining up for things that you and your children must pay for.
That’s why Mahathir fears a free people, living in the freedom that their Creator gave. Just like his good friend that cheap thug Robert Mugabe.
Because the people’s freedom will be the end of Mahathir’s freedom.
You think he and his cronies give a shit about you?

Some profound comments from an MCKK classmate of mine: 
Bro AB,

I'm sorry I don't know if O Henry said that. I know that he was a v witty short story writer who made caustic remarks on those around him. He served 3 yrs in jail.
On personal freedom and the freedom of what we as a society can exercise I am greatly influenced by the ideas of John Stuart Mills. He said, "over himself, over his own body and mind, the individual is sovereign". This shows the amount of freedom we should have on ourselves and what we can do. Society can only intervene if we cause harm to others.
Of course if we go into details, some explanations and limitations will have to be made. But more often when those in power puts a limit to what we can do, it becomes tyranny. We should go on the premise that our govt should try to do the maximum good for the max number. We want to have freedom of speech, freedom to demonstrate to show that we are not in agreement with certain matters. No idea is ever completely right or completely wrong. But if we let the idea to be expressed, to be debated, we will understand more.
It will lead to a society that will understand and more aware of the issues. Putting limits will only retard society. Those doing it actually have their own interests more, not that of the majority.


On 30 November 2011 18:23, AB wrote:
Bro ,
What you have written is all true.
Incidentally, was  it O Henry who declared that 
his body can be chained,  but not his mind....

But what are you doing in that part 
of our country where I came from ?


I sit in my little corner here in KB. At this time of the year, the north east monsoon signals its coming. Suddenly we have heavy rain, strong wind, sometimes even thunder and lightning. It just make its presence felt. Something else is also making its coming felt, there is going to be a gen election.
We cannot avoid hearing or reading speeches by supposedly great people. Somebody said there has to be a limit to freedom. Did I miss heard something? Human political history had been a record of man's struggle to obtain freedom for himself, his family and society. This went back to the the time of the Greeks some 500 years BC. Here the idea of the individual voting for what his society should do, who became the leader and the importance of every individual participating was established. 
Islam established our freedom as an individual. We bow only to Allah. We should not worship idols, this also means demi-gods or individuals acting like one. Jangan memperduakan Tuhan. Maknanya luas dan dalam. Tidak siapa nak mengaku perkara ni. Tapi kalu kita sentiasa ikut sesiapa yg nyata buat salah berlawan ajaran Quran dan Hadith, kita termasuk golongan ni.
Slavery was abolished by an act in 1833. Islam did not specifically called for it to be abolished because human society was still not ready to end this practise which existed since man became aware of his powers. Islam laid down the ground for the practise to be humane and encouraged slaves to be set free. A rich individual can buy and own slaves. He can sell his slaves even if it means selling young children separate from their mothers. This idea is revolting to thinking individuals. Every human should have his freedom.
"A limit to freedom". Any self respecting society will not want to be told this by any individual. 
That an individual said this showed how warped his mind is. Right thinking people knows where freedom begins and where it ends. Freedom is an individual can do anything with himself as long as he does not harm others. Regimes that want to limit freedom will always emphasise the harming others part. We have to examine whether certain actions really harm others or the act of preventing those actions limit the rights of the individuals of that society.


1 comment:

  1. They look quite alike, both wear glasses.One is charcoal black while the other is metallic black. Twin ali babas.
