
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Mohon maaf masalah penglihatan saya: Tengok Umno,nampak lembu

with thanks to
 ~penarik beca

Selepas pilihan raya 2008 lalu, beberapa kali saya tulis bahawa orang undi pembangkang bukan kerana depa nak sangat pembangkang. Depa undi pembangkang sebab depa benci sangat-sangat kat Umno sama seperti depa benci syaitan. Pembangkang pun buruk kelaku. Contohnya, sebaik sahaja menang banyak sikit kerusi dalam pilihan raya itu (kerana rakyat benci Umno), ada yang buat perangai jijik, jahat lagi terkutuk pergi berkendak dalam gelap dengan Umno.

Yang saya nak tekankan ialah tema "Asal Bukan Umno" (ABU) yang saya harap menjadi tema kebangkitan tanpa pemimpin bagi rakyat negara ini telah bermula sejak 2008 lagi. Bagi yang masih tidak memahami apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan kebangkitan rakyat tanpa pemimpin, saya petik sekali lagi apa yang dinyatakan oleh 
Rashid Al-Ghannushi mengenai kebangkitan rakyat membunuh kuasa pemimpin-pemimpin kurang ajar di Mesir dan Tunisia:
"...the reason the uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia were able to overthrow their presidents is the fact that neither had a leader".
Itulah kebangkitan yang paling berkesan. Kita tidak ada masa nak melayan macam-macam hal parti lain kalau kita bangkit melawan Umno di bawah bendera mereka. Pi mampoih la hal depa. Hal depa, depa jawab sendiri. Bukan urusan kita,

Urusan kita ialah untuk memastikan kejayaan membunuh kuasa Umno dengan kebangkitan tanpa pemimpin.

Umno ni, kalau kita dapat bunuh kuasa dia, dia akan mampoih terus. Selama ni dia bernafas dengan menyalahgunakan kuasa dia - guna polis, SPR, SPRM semuanya puak Umno gunakan untuk pertahankan kesedapan depa merembat harta negara. Hanya itu talian hayat Umno.

Sebab itulah Umno tak mampu kalah. Kalau dia kalah, dia akan mampoih terus.

Tinggal lagi, sehari dua ini saya mengalami masalah. Ada masalah peribadi yang nanti saya akan tulis kemudian. Dan, ada masalah penglihatan. Masalah sungguh sebab setiap kali saya melihat orang Umno, saya nampak lembu. Dalam paparan You Tube yang saya link ni pun, oleh kerana masalah penglihatan saya, saya nampak
lembu bertepuk dan bersorak. Tak tau la lembu feedlot ka, apa ka... Kalau penglihatan saya salah, saya mohon maaf. Tapi sah-sah saya nampak macam lembu.

Di bawah ini, surat yang menceritakan bahawa "lembu dan rasuah berpisah tiada":
Assalammualikum wbt Dear Pak Bakaq,

1. In his main speech of the UMNO Convention,Najib says UMNO Menerajui Transformasi.

2. I need your help (and if possible also from readers of Penarik Beca). Base on the article below from The Malaysian Insider, which one do you think is more reflective of Umno - Umno Menerajui Transformasi OR Umno Menerajui Rasuah ?

Thank you
Malaysia’s corruption score falls again
TMI, 1/12/11: Malaysia’s Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score has worsened for the third year running, slipping to 4.3 this year from 4.4 in 2010, according to a Transparency International Malaysia (TI-M) report.

Malaysia’s country ranking also fell to 60 out of 183 countries from 56 out of 178 last year.

It remained the third-least corrupt nation in Asean after Singapore (9.2) and Brunei (5.2), with Thailand (3.4) and Indonesia (3.0) following in fourth and fifth places respectively.

Singapore also placed fifth in the overall country rankings and was the highest-ranked Asian nation this year.

“Singapore is way ahead and I would like to point out that Indonesia is improving very fast and may overtake us because Indonesia has shown some will,” said TI-M secretary-general Josie Fernandez (picture).

New Zealand (9.5), Denmark (9.4) and Finland (9.4) were ranked the least corrupt nations in the world, while Somalia (1.0), North Korea (1.0) and Myanmar (1.5) were the most corrupt.

Malaysia’s Corruption Barometer results were unchanged, with 40 per cent of the public saying graft levels have stayed the same over the past three years and would remain so for the next three.

The Corruption Barometer is a measure of the public perception of corruption.

Members of the public saw the police and political parties as the most corrupt institutions, with the police named as the most likely recipient of bribes in the past 12 months.

But the percentage of respondents who admitted to paying bribes in the past year has fallen to 1.2 per cent from nine per cent in 2010.

Forty-nine per cent also thought the government’s efforts to fight corruption were effective or very effective, up a touch from 48 per cent last year.

However, the number of respondents who felt Putrajaya’s battle against graft was ineffective or very ineffective rose five points to 25 per cent.

“This means the fence sitters have moved to see government’s efforts as ineffective,” said TI-M exco member Ngooi Chiu Ing.

Performance Management and Delivery Unit (Pemandu) corruption NKRA director D. Ravindran, present at the launch of report, said it was “clearly not very good news” that Malaysia was now further from its 4.9 CPI benchmark.

However, he said it was more a mixed result if seen holistically, pointing out that almost half the public still saw the government’s fight against corruption as effective.

He added the Pemandu would continue its efforts to clamp down on “grand corruption” and increase the successful prosecution of corruption by the national anti-graft agency.

“Some of these other things we are pursuing, we’ve not let it go, and hopefully we’ll see some success going forward,” Ravindran said.

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