
Tuesday, December 13, 2011

cakap cakap...A life lived the best way I can.

In my hearts of hearts I know that if we are to keep UMNO out of government in the 13th general election we need to trust each other. Trust but verify. The devil is in the verifying! Look around you and ask yourself if there is anyone you can trust with your money, your wife and your life….in that order because life comes after money and wife! Wife you can look for if you have the money and life is good if you have a good wife…but without money or wife what good is a life? But I digress…as I always do when I am unable to focus my attention on the matter at hand..and what is the matter at hand? I cannot wrap my head around anything right now except to think about old friends and past misdeeds! I do not really know which are more plentiful..old friends or old misdeeds but I smile at the thought of both.

London holds the best memories. George Best. For the only time in my life I memorized all the names of his MU team mates so that I would know who was passing the ball to Best and to whom Best was passing the ball to. Bobby Charlton, Dennis Law hero's all.

I found my true love in London. Married her and right now as I write this she is stretched out on the sofa behind me with a blanket that I got to keep her warm covering her – me writing and she just resting them. Both of us comfortable with each other company. Tell me how many of you at 65 wish for no other better company then the person you married when you were 21! Though it must be said that if Ainouk Aimee was in the other room I might be tempted to have a look see. After all “A Man and a Women” is one of life’s must see classics movie and after “Casablanca” it is for me the very essence of film that gives one memories that stays a lifetime. If you have not seen “A Man and a Women” then do put that on your “must do” list before you depart this world!

I remember living in Alor Gajah, Tampin, Pendang, and Kuala Lipis. Hazy memories of times long past but still lingering with moments of clarity with childhood experiences that stays with you forever. I would think that all these memories would be relived in the last conscious moments of my life – hopefully still many years away.

I remember the times when life lessons were impressed upon me to be lessons learned for a life that I had chosen for myself. That of living life on the edge, always taking chances, always willing to chance what the future will bring for me and my family because that is what excites and keeps me alive.    

But my life pales in comparison with others that seek to better their life elsewhere  - away from Afghanistan, from Vietnam and from all the hell holes that abounds in the world of ours. I make myself watch all the documentaries about these migrants and the hardship and heartbreaks they encounter in their journey into a new world.  What are the problems we face against the heartbreak of a father or mother who have just lost their only child to famine in Sudan? A teenage girl who saw her whole family butchered in the very hut that they  called home..what are our problems compared to hers? So for what I have I am grateful.

Tonight my life pleasures will be fried chicken eaten with Basmati rice soaked in butter! Eat it the only way you must – with your hands! And then some sweet desserts…and then black Nescafe before I start work on my blog again. What more can I want?

Now if only those thoughts will start to flow again in my head so that I can finish any one of the six articles that I have started today….started but not even half way through to finishing them…then life would indeed be very good.      

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