
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Why must Najib make DSAI into a martyr?

The Americans buried Ben Laden at sea. No shrine, no place to gather and mourn his passing and no memory with a site to remember him by. Now Najib has insist on burying DSAI. And how does he intend on doing this?

He instructs his running dog of an Attorney General to prosecute DSAI through a tainted judiciary.  It will not matter if the facts are beyond reproach. Nor will a conviction damm DSAI as being guilty. From the beginning, Sodomy Two has been, for the people of Malaysia, what we all know it to be : A political ploy by Najib to eliminate someone against whom he is loath to compete in any political arena – especially one where the electorates are to choose between the two of them. For Najib knows he is not up to any contest with DSAI.

This sodomy two trail lost any sense of credibility at the very beginning with the people of Malaysia! How can anything else matters? But Najib does not understand this. DSAI wins Sodomy Two. Win or lose, DSAI wins.  

And then upon conviction what does Najib do? He puts DSAI in Jail. The jail becomes a shrine to DSAI supporters. To PKR to Pakatan Rakyat. DSAI can still speak to them. DSAI becomes a symbol of Najib’s inhumanity to someone they love and have much affection for. For each day that DSAI is imprisoned the anger grows against Najib and what he represents – a repressive regime without a human heart. And the longer DSAI stays in prison the greater the danger to Najib’s regime.

How Najib was not able to see what he is gifting PKR and Pakatan Rakyat with is anybody’s guess. He has made many mistakes before but this time his mistake in imprisoning Anwar will damm him as it dammed Mahathir.

Mahathir lived to see DSAI become UMNO’s nemesis. And Mahatir knows his part in UMNO’s downfall. And now Najib will see out the end of UMNO at the costs of DSAI’s incarceration. Maybe, to DSAI and to PKR and to Pakatan Rakyat, this is a small price to pay to rid our country of UMNO! What do you think?     


  1. The moment Najib send Anwar to prison, PR will enjoy the advantage as the people will get angrier at UMNO-BN and Najib.

    The best chance of PR wrestling Putrajaya is that Anwar goes to prison. Anwar has to be that sacrificial piece on the chessboard.

  2. The future of UMNO depends on Say Fool.

  3. It's a foregone conclusion that DSAI will be convicted and imprisoned knowing that the Malaysian court is a kangaroo court.There's no justice in M'sia today.It's autocracy and dictatorship iis second to none.It's our prayer that there will be a change in the government post 13GE!God willing,InsyaAllah!

  4. To those crooks your days are your turn to be tried and sent to jail for all the sins committed for 54 yrs.

  5. is JIB doing this on purpose to save our nation?? he is doing this to let PR win big? it is difficult to read JIB. maybe he is fed up of being told by M - how to do n what to do? easy way out is to lose the game> end of the story
