
Monday, October 5, 2009

Bagan Pinang...there is no Plan B (part 2)

UMNO’s championing of Ketuanan Melayu from the time of Mahathir is not the result of its beliefs in the superiority of the Malay race nor was it looking at raising the lot of the Malays to what was promised in the context of the NEP. It was simply a ploy for the rise and rise of UMNO’S to its dominant position in Malaysian Politics so that they could enrich themselves to their hearts content….and their hearts are not content yet! . And so with Mahathir begun the divide and rule of the Malaysian people.

But now the Rakyat has seen that the rot has set in. We can see how precisely this policy was being used. In the enriching of the UMNO elite but not the Malays.

UMNO could not.

In the injustice and sufferings it had caused to the non-Malays by denying them basic rights and decency in a country the call home.

UMNO could not.

In the abuse perpetuated on its own people through PDRM, the Judiciary etc necessary to ensure effective imposition of its divide and rule policies – resulting in the death in custody of many many of it’s citizens, the ISA and the deliberate imposition of an all consuming passion to stifle dissent and opposition to its rule.

UMNO could not.

While we the Rakyat understood the inevitability of change as borne out in the last General Elections. .

UMNO could not!

Despite the last General Election results UMNO was adamant that it faced no immediate danger that would result in its demise. What has ‘helped’ UMNO cope with the crisis of losing 50% of the Rakyat’s votes was it’s inability to look within itself for renewal, for rejuvenation, for change. To UMNO the fault lies without.

This is what UMNO parrots. The Malays were being played out by the rantings of Anwar who will sell religion, race and country for political power. The Indians are not grateful for what President Samy Velu and UMNO has done for MIC. The Chinese are always against the Malays and they are instigating the Malays to go against UMNO so that Political power will be in the hands of DAP. UMNO has been misunderstood. It had all the while been fighting to protect the rights of the Malays, the honor of the Malays and the wealth of the Malays….and UMNO tirades against it’s own people goes on and on.

Here comes the irony of UMNO’s calling ‘wolf’ too many times….we the people have become immune to these kind of talk from UMNO.. ….and now the icing on the cake, Bagan Pinang!

All the kings horses, all the kings men….all that they have said..... Expediency is still the prime consideration for UMNO. Always the need to make a quick profit from business opportunity overcomes all other consideration. The inability to wait made it all right for Najib to work with one pliant and two corrupt MP in Perak to grab that state from it’s rightful elected government. It also made it all right for Najib to meet and collude with that sorry excuse for a human being to conjure up another sodomy charge against Anwar. Najib with Altantuya? No he denied it in the name of ALLAH! Let me tell him this – an accusation like that made of you and Altantuya – if not answered in court becomes true within days!

And now Isa. When will they ever learn? From the moment they decided on Isa there have already lost the war. What is one battle in a war of attrition that will culminate in the next General Elections not too far away? It might one battle but we want to win this battle at Bagan  Pinang! Not by reducing UMNO’s majority but by ensuring that Pakatan Rakyat will win – even if it is with one solitary vote!

And so that is why you who are close enough to go to Bagan Pinang for Pakatan Rakat   - you must make the time and go. Go and do what you can if it is even to just stand amongst our people and our cause.

A few minutes ago I received this email from a friend:  “ The guy who takes care of my house here, when I am away, tells me that BN will win here for sure. And, he looks depressed. He says that voters each are getting RM100, a huge tin of Milo, and something else that I can't remember. How lah like this, he asked me! Opposition cannot lawan if like this. The people here are very poor lah!”

Najib this is what your people are doing in Bagan Pinang…as if you do not know!

One thing we know now friend. UMNO focus has now shifted to survival mode. The naming of Isa confirms that. But UMNO are not on life support yet….we have to work harder! Our best defense is offense. And the only offense is relentless! 

Bahasa Translation by Gerila Rakyat - with thanks.

Bagan Pinang..tiada Pelan B (bhgn 2)
Daripada zaman Mahathir, Tujuan UMNO kononnya memperjuangkan Ketuanan Melayu bukanlah untuk mengekalkan kekuasaan bangsa Melayu atau meningkatkan taraf hidup bangsa Melayu seperti diutarakan dalam konteks NEP. Ia hanyalah helah untuk menaikkan UMNO ke kedudukan dominan dalam politik Malaysia supaya mereka dapat mengkayakan diri mereka sendiri dengan sepuas hati..tapi kepuasan mereka takkan pernah cukup! Itulah penyebabnya Mahathir terus mengamalkan dasar pecah dan perintah di antara rakyat Malaysia.

Sekarang penyakit ini telah melarat dan mula kelihatan di mata Rakyat. Kita sudah nampak polisi itu disalahgunakan. Mengkayakan elit dalam UMNO, bukan bangsa Melayu.

UMNO masih tak nampak.

Ketidakadilan dan penderitaan yang berlaku terhadap kaum bukan Melayu dengan menidakkan hak asasi dan kehormatan mereka di Negara mereka sendiri.

UMNO masih tak nampak.

Salahguna kuasa PDRM,institusi kehakiman ke atas rakyat Negara ini sendiri untuk memastikan polisi pecah dan perintah mereka tidak tergugat – menyebabkan ramai kematian di dalam tahanan, undang-undang ISA untuk menyenyapkan ketidakpuasan dan bantahan mereka yang menentang.

UMNO masih tak nampak.

Sedangkan kita Rakyat telah mula memahami angin perubahan yang dibawa oleh PRU yang lepas..

UMNO tetap tak nampak!

Walaupun daripada keputusan PRU yang lepas, UMNO masih tidak ingin tahu bahaya yang mengundang mereka. Apa yang membantu UMNO kehilangan 50% sokongan rakyat adalah ketidakmampuan mereka untuk melihat diri sendiri untuk pembaharuan, nafas baru dan perubahan. Mereka rasa mereka tiada salah sedikit pun.

Inilah yang UMNO momokkan. Kepada Melayu Anwar akan menjual agama, bangsa dan Negara untuk berkuasa. Kaum India tidak bersyukur dengan apa President Samy Vellu dan UMNO buat untuk MIC. Kaum Cina akan memijak kaum Melayu dan mereka akan menjadi batu api supaya kaum Melayu menolak UMNO agar kuasa politik terus di tangan DAP. Rakyat salah faham kepada UMNO. Selama ini mereka yang melindungi hak Melayu, maruah Melayu dan kekayaan Melayu... Dan momokan UMNO terhadap rakyat berterusan lagi dan lagi.

Sekarang inilah ironinya momokan UMNO itu… Kita Rakyat sudah mula lali dengannya.. dan sekarang untuk acara pembuka selera, Bagan Pinang!

Rupanya momokan itu semua hanya manis di bibir sahaja. Kepentingan politik itu adalah lebih utama bagi UMNO. Keputusan untuk cepat untung daripada sesebuah peluang yang timbul akan melebihi keperluan yang lain. Ketidaksabaran membuatkan Najib terus sahaja bersetuju untuk mengambil seorang MP yang mudah terpengaruh dan dua MP yang korup di Perak sebagai langkah untuk merampas kuasa daripada kerajaan yang dipilih rakyat. Najib juga terus sahaja bersetuju untuk bersekongkol dengan seseorang yang mempunyai alasan lemah untuk menyabit satu lagi kesalahan liwat ke atas Anwar. Bagaimana dengan Najib dan Altantuya? Sanggup dia tak mengaku atas nama ALLAH! Biar saya nyatakan di sini – tuduhan seperti itu antara anda dan Altantuya – selagi ia tidak dijawab di mahkamah, ia akan dianggap benar!

Sekarang pula dengan Isa. Bila mereka akan belajar? Dari ketika keputusan mencalonkan Isa dipersetujui, mereka telahpun kalah dalam perang ini. Apalah pertembungan ini dalam perang gerak gempur yang akan memuncak semasa PRU yang akan menjelang? Ia mungkin pertembungan kecil, tapi kita mesti memenangi pertembungan ini di Bagan Pinang! Bukan hanya dengan mengurangkan majoriti UMNO tapi juga dengan memastikan kemenangan Pakatan Rakyat – walaupun hanya satu undi!

Oleh kerana itu, jika anda berada berdekatan untuk pergi Bagan Pinang bagi Pakatan Rakyat – anda wajib ambil peluang ini dan pergi. Pergilah dan sumbanglah apa yang termampu walaupun hanya berdiri bersama untuk menyokong pihak dan perjuangan kita.

Beberapa minit lalu saya terima email ini dari seorang kawan: “Orang yang tolong jaga rumah saya di sini bila saya takde kata, dia rasa BN tentu akan menang. Tapi raut mukanya nampak sedih. Dia kata setiap pengundi di sini dapat RM100, satu tin Milo besar, dan ada sikit lagi, entah saya tak ingat. Macam mana ni.. Pembangkang susahlah nak lawan, orang kat sini semua miskin-miskin.”

Najib, inilah yang orang-orang anda lakukan di Bagan Pinang… Macamlah anda tak tahu!

Namun satu perkara yang kita tahu. UMNO sekarang dah jadi terdesak. Buktinya ialah dengan pencalonan Isa. Tapi UMNO masih belum terduduk lagi..kita mesti kerja dengan lebih keras! Pertahanan terbaik ialah dengan menyerang. Dan serangan terbaik ialah jangan duduk diam!


  1. Get the fact right bro!
    it is DSAI that leverage the Ketuanan Melayu fundamental and not Tun M!

  2. Get the fact right bro!
    its UMNO peoples "kata keramat" for political survival, not DSAI political survival. Even Tun M (M= mamak)is one of the creator of this kata keramat not DSAI alone! But people can change but not Tun M! ada paham?

  3. only RM100 per voter? then pls tell the poor bagan pinang folks that they are being short-changed! Manek Urai folks were getting at least RM300 each! knowing they sure lose in Permatang Pasir, they tried to con the poor folks with monopoly notes!
