
Monday, October 5, 2009

Cakap cakap....Najib Tun Razak.

Why did the War Lords of UMNO wanted Najib as their President? As we have seen in Bagan Pinang what the War Lords of UMNO wants – they get! How could Najib who had never before in his political life took a firm stand on issues that others have staked their future on – be chosen as President of UMNO? Najib did not come out in open support of Mahathir on the Team A and Team B issue until right towards the end when he knew that Mahathir had the numbers. He only moved against Pak Lah after he had Mahathir and Mahyuddin do the dirty work for him. And even then he could have said “NO” but as is his way – when he is 200% sure of his position, then he will move.

Why did the War Lords of UMNO chose him as their President? Very simply this – they wanted him to be President of UMNO BECAUSE Najib is indecisive, BECAUSE Najib will not make a decision until he is sure that he will be supported by the War Lords of UMNO. They wanted Najib because he was easily manipulated. And they wanted Najib because when you have a man by his balls…his heart and mind will surely follow!


  1. Nice thought HH.

    I like to add that I'm most worried if Nalib "guli" are being held at the foreign intelligence the like of Singapore or France as it involves sovereignty.

    Otherwise why would LKY want to meet the wife of our PM in person though she's just holding "gomen" post. Something not right in diplomatic history.

  2. We shall be blackmailed by S'pore and France in time to come. This is his disservice to the people by not coming clean when he had the chance to. God Bless Us

  3. Pak HH, You are spot on. TDM changed his tune and supported Najib so that he can easily 'dethrone' him and take full control thru M'deen. A leader who dont clear his name can be easily manipulated!!!

  4. Boss,

    But what do you think of Najib's husband Rosmah?

    I thot 'he' is the one that decides everything Najib Boy does?

    The UMNO War Lords can control Najib Boy easy but his husband Rosmah also?


  5. I think if you read the latest "thou shalt not...." on ISA - that would be more interesting in time to come....

  6. O! they want a rotten head 1st then
    rest of the body stinks later without 'fear & konsains' !
