
Sunday, December 4, 2011

cakap cakap...UMNO.

Let us be clear about the people that we are up against.

They are the elected government of Malaysia. They have been in power for over 50 years and they intend to continue being in power for the next 50 years. They will do anything legal or illegal, overt or covert, right or wrong to hang on to power.

They did not foresee what happened in the 12th general election (neither did we!) and were totally unprepared for the onslaught that hit them causing them to lose five states to the opposition. Hindsight is useless after the fact.

After the 12th general election they had faltered for only a moment. Since then they have taken back Perak, lured many opposition MP’s into their camp, impede, obstruct and made difficult the work of government in the states controlled by the opposition. For additional insurance they have tied up the leader of the opposition in court on sodomy charges.

And now they go into the 13th general election with their leader unbowed and seemingly unaffected by Altantuya, PKFZ, the antics of his wife or anything the opposition can and did throw his way.

We need to ask ourselves this. How will they fight us? What motivates them? We need to understand their plan and their strategies. Why do they lie? Why do they have need to use people like Ibrahim Ali ? Why repeal the ISA and the PPPA and the PA Bill 2011 only to replace them with other instruments of control?

Afghanistan 40 years ago was a tolerant, enlighten and pro western country. The USA screw them up! Religion and politicians did not help.

The same with Malaysia. The Malaysia of 50 years ago was tolerant and 1Malaysia was a fact of life, not something to be implemented and imposed upon the people by a government that does not intend to do what they say they will do.

Yes I am talking about UMNO. UMNO knows about politics. But to them politics without personal gain is like having sex without a condom. It is simply not as good. Now politics is secondary to wealth gathering. The blind pursuit of money drives UMNO.

The President of UMNO can be liken to a 800 lbs gorilla. He can and has done just about everything he wants to do. But an 800 lbs gorilla also needs a lot of food. UMNO feeds him. Now how do you expect that gorilla to bite the hands that feeds it?

Only when we understand all this can we can start to plan how to fight them.

Two things are in our favor. UMNO will have to try to hold on to power without being able to draw on the goodwill of the people to keep them in power because the people have grown wise to the duplicity and arrogance of UMNO. Nor can they ask the people to trust them to do the right thing when in power. No trust and no goodwill from the people for UMNO. The emotional response from the people towards UMNO is “screw them!”. The rational response is “we will vote PR”.

Meticulously and relentlessly we must secure every voter onto our side. Make anyone not yet converted come to our side. It must be your personal crusade to make this happen. One by one, brick by brick…that is how they build a house!   

Whatever Najib does now it will only be to retain political power. UMNO and honesty are incompatible. When all else fail, they will use money. Let us understand that UMNO will never give up power. It has to be taken away from them.

If we understand all this about UMNO then we understand what we need to do to rid ourselves of UMNO. Our first duty is to restate the obvious : That UMNO is corrupt, that UMNO is deceitful and that UMNO is arrogant. There is something wrong with a government that bleeds it own country to death.

WE know that what UMNO is now saying at their general assembly about the opposition, about DAP and about the Chinese is not true. But what good is us knowing all this if UMNO wins the 13th general election? History is written by winners. So until they lose UMNO will continue lying to us.

You are one. With me we are two. Who else will join us?


  1. i'm with u. my dear brother hussien.i'm one with u we r two. let's get all malaysian join us. kick out the corrupted govt.

  2. its too late, i m afraid. when it comes to this country, nasi sudah jadi bubur

  3. HH, just to add to your article; Perak was forcibly taken away by royalty and given back to the dumnos and what do they have to show after 54 continous years of rule?
    Almost One Billion in State Debts.
    All PR led states have successfully stopped the rot and are in "rebound" mode with various degrees of surpluses.
    You can bet the suffering Perakians will not tolerate another Royal intervention this GE.

  4. There's a degree of truth in what anon said........with Malaysian,it could be too little too late,nasi sudah jadi JUBUR.
