
Sunday, December 4, 2011

The flip of a Coin to decide BN or PR?

As our nation confronts another general election in the not too distant future we are all watching and wondering. Will Barisan Nasional fall? Can Pakatan Rakyat become the government post the 13th general elections? Anything could happen and probably will – but it is worth noting the big difference between Barisan Nasional and Pakatan Rakyat. 

Pakatan Rakyat faces the unknown. First it has a leader facing possible conviction on sodomy charges with a possible jail sentence for up to 20 years. Whether this is a political conspiracy involving the prime minister and his wife or the come uppance for a leader who has not learn the lessons of his first sodomy trial is moot. Whatever the verdict, it will have a major impact on the outcome of the 13th general election.

Pakatan Rakyat also has not been able to consolidate its massive political inroads after the 12th general elections. It had lost Perak and a number of MP’s to BN. The PKR party elections was an exercise in futility if its purpose was to showcase PKR’s coming of age as a open and accountable political organization NOT model after UMNO from where most of its First Tier leaders come from. Zaid’s Ibrahim contentious departure from PKR suited factions within PKR but dealt PKR, perhaps, a mortal blow to its claim for open and responsible governance.

PAS, DAP and PKR have had one too many robust discussions on race and religion – a topic best dealt in the confines of it’s first tier leadership if the potential damage to PR’s public persona is to be contained. While some would argue that this spirited overt discussion of sensitive issues augers well for PR’s maturity, it has nevertheless given BN the opportunity to make capital of an issue that can and does divide a nation.

Barisan Nasional by contrast retains its ability to regroup and redirect its focus towards what it needs to do to retain power. After their 12th general election loss they have taken back Perak and by a war of attrition, managing to hurt Pakatan Rakyat where it matters :

Ensured that Anwar’s ability to lead Pakatan Rakyat is severely curtailed through tying him up via the sodomy two trial and other questionable but effective gutter politicking.

Effectively used all the means at their disposal to delay, block and make difficult the business of government in Pakatan Rakyat states.
Effectively harness the Sultans, race and religion towards advancing their purpose of holding on to government.
Effectively used the Election Commission to ensure that Barisan Nasional interests are reflected in the decision the commission makes.

The great truth facing our people is not that we lack solutions to our problems of wanting an open and responsible government – both BN and PR seems committed to this. Our problem is that we have two political parties and a political system that seems unable to do anything.

Pakatan Rakyat pledges to uphold the rights and interest of all Malaysian and its ideals revolves around social justice and anti-corruption themes. Yet the realities of a numerically Malay dominated electorate forces Pakatan Rakyat to acknowledge that race, not the most competent candidate, shall lead Pakatan Rakayat and be Prime Minister should Pakatan Rakyat forms government.

Barisan Nasional is unashamedly resolute in its contention that the Malays and only the Malays will dominate the business of government in Malaysia!

So for BN or PR race will still be the criteria by which each will allow itself to be defined.

In a nation of over 23 million, people will disagree with what I have postulated but this fact remains. The two parties seem stuck in a timeless wrap where race and religion matters more then good governance. It is easy to conclude that if you need to choose between the two of them, the flip of a coin would be more accurate but is that a fair assessment?

That would be for you, honorable voters, to decide. My work is to make you think and ask questions of those that promise us plenty but deliver little.

Ask yourself if Pakatan Rakyat will do as it says to uphold the rights and interest of all Malaysians because what it says it will do dwarfs all that Barisan Nasional has said it will do. Pakatan Rakyat has made their case to our people patiently and persistently over these last four years. Have they done this in Penang, Kedah, Kelantan and Selangor If so how?

All that Barisan Nasional has promised us is more of the same.That Ketuanan Melayu and Islam will dominate their policies in government. That their close one eye and shut the other way of handling corruption and abuse of public office will continue to dominate the way they govern our nation. That all government machinery at their disposal will be used to further the vested interest of Barisan Nasional and not that of the people.

That we need to asses the credibility of both political parties tells us that Pakatan Rakyat is not unlike Barisan Nasional at all, alas.  


  1. I ve got two words for you......Malaysian are a bunch of CORRUPT HYPOCRITE.......and with that BN will still prevail.

  2. Uncle,

    I want to share with you my thoughts.

    I am a 2nd generation chinese. Despite being born here, we were never considered as equals. Whenever, the malays feels they were 'threatened' or 'spooked', shouts of balik cina would be ringing aloud.

    Malays in general think they own this country. They see themselves as 1st class citizens, the rest are simply 2nd class. Ketuanan melayu is the standard operandi here.

    My parents struggled and sent me to Australia because despite obtaining way better grades than malays, no local universities were able to offer me a place.

    Going to Australia was a blessing as I am now happily settled here with my family. We gave up our Malaysian citizenships 5 years ago.

    The malays are the majority in government. They are the majority in the police, armed forces etc etc. This country will go to the dogs and the malays got no one else to blame except for themselves.

    Over 1 million plus Malaysians have packed their bags and left. And these are smart Malaysians, happily settled in Australia, NZ, Singapore, USA, Taiwan, England, Canada etc. Now, other than this brain drain, Malaysia is also facing capital flight out of the country. Yes, the rich are taking or simply moving their money elsewhere other than Malaysia.

    Malaysia will hit ground zero. Very soon. And only then the malays will wake up from their false dawn about all things ketuanan melayu. When extreme poverty hits only then the malays will realised that UMNO took them to the cleaners ... but it will all be too late. When you are poor, what's good about ketuanan melayu.

    Sorry, like many I have given up on Malaysia, simply because she gave up on me. Malaysia now to be is just a holiday destination where the food is great and things are cheap because of the exchange rate.

  3. sein,saifool bersumpah dgn koran sebut nama Allah dia telah diliwat olih dsai.dah hampir 3 tahun Allah tak turun bala pada dsai pun,betul ke saifol kena hentam jubornya?ada orang pasal duit mereka sangup bersumpah dalam masjid!

  4. ANon 10.30 itu antara saifol dan ALLAH....kenapa ALLAh tidak turun bala kepada BN dan UMNO? Kenapa ALLAH tidak turn bala kepada Yahudi dan mereka yang telah mebunuh Ben Laden?..sesiapa boleh bersumpah dalam masjid..saya hanya tahu apa yang saya tengok dengan mata sendiri
