
Friday, December 16, 2011

The getting of wisdom for UMNO.

UMNO has survived on two absolutes: 

·      UMNO defends the sanctity of Islam.

·      UMNO defends the dignity of the Malay race and Malay rulers.

Two absolutes that have serve UMNO well in as long as they are able to hold the people of this country within the confines of race and religion. However to try and do so is an impossibility flawed from the very beginning as religion and race are two dynamics that does not lend itself to a constant that would allow any government to latch itself to for any period of time. What more to use it in justifying their very existence for any period of time – say for 50 years and counting! 

Take UMNO's defense of the sanctity of Islam. In the beginning absolute morality in Islam demands stoning for adultery, death for apostasy. Today modern morality born out of a consensus of reasoning and historical times does not. Islam has evolved over the years and is now able to withstand the robust inroads attempted by other religions into its innermost sanctums. Islam now opens itself to introspections by others and welcomes vigorous debates as to its relevancy today. It does not need UMNO to fight its fights – especially so when UMNO lacks the credentials to so do.
Defending the dignity of the Malay race also require the ability to monitor public perception and the real needs of the Malay race in order for UMNO to provide for these needs. Public perception is important because Malaysia is a multi ethnic society trying to evolve into a harmonious mix. So you need to be sensitive and proactive to keep an even keel amongst the races even as UMNO is ‘defending’ the dignity of the Malays through Ketuanan Melayu and other attendant policies design to favor the Malays.     

UMNO’s defense of the Malay Rulers is more an exercise in building a ‘land bank’ to be used against any comers as and when required. Recently UMNO have called in their markers with the Malay rulers in Perak and Selangor. Even Istana Negara are not immune to these overtures from UMNO from time to time. But the truth is this: Any notion that privilege of birth or wealth could grant anyone any advantage over another in common law or in fact no longer holds true in any civilized society.  

Today modern morality abhors racism and makes archaic UMNO’s defense of the Malay rulers. .

And here in essence lies UMNO’s problems. The times have changed and UMNO has not.

Today’s enlightened government should not get into the business of religion, race and the defense of Royalty. Especially Royalty  - an institution totally in conflict with modern morality where everyone is expected to earn their keep and any privileges of birth is now archaic.

UMNO’s inability to change and evolve with the modernity of the times we live in means that it now finds itself irrelevant. . Race and religion is no longer the business of any enlighten government. A government should not endorse any religious views. People have evolved. We now believe in the equality of race, the equality of women. We no longer believe in slavery. We believe in being kind to animals. We believe that political leaders must be held accountable for their deeds. We believe that it is the duty of the strong to look after the weak, of the rich to care for the poor. We believe that the majority should not always get its way in certain areas because the right of the minority must be protected under the constitution – even if 99% of the population wants it! All this has become our reality now through a consensus of reasoning, moral philosophy and rational discussions.

We now care for what is true.

It is true that all that calls Malaysia their home are our equals. It is true that each and every one of us should be able to have their own beliefs in religion and in God. And it is true that each and every one of us should be held accountable for their deeds and actions. None more so for the leaders we have elected to govern us.

UMNO does not understand this.

UMNO does not understand that race, religion and Malay rulers are no longer of any concern to Malaysian when it comes to government. Civil liberties, an independent Judiciary, the ability to earn a decent income and good governance are now our concern. These are the issues that will dominate the 13th general election. These are the absolutes that Pakatan Rakyat needs to concern themselves with. Do so and Pakatan Rakyat will form government after the 13th general election. MERDEKA!      

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