
Friday, December 16, 2011

Joke Lagi.....

Two politicans were having a heated debate. Finally, one of them jumped up and yelled at the other, "What about the powerful interest that controls you?" 
And the other politician screamed back, "You leave my wife out of this!"

A little girl asked her father, 'do all fairy tales begin with "Once upon a time"?
The father replied, 'No, some begin with - If I am elected.'

Don't vote - it only encourages them.

It's tough being a politician. Half your reputation is ruined by lies the other half is ruined by the truth!
Limit BN Members of Parliaments to 2 terms: 1 in office, 1 in jail.
Why is it that political leaders don't seem to have all the answers until they write their memoirs?

During Britain's "brain drain," not a single politician left the country.

Wife: To think that I had to marry you to find out just how stupid you are.
Husband: You should have realised that when I asked you to marry me.

Justice - a decision in your favor.

If you were twice as smart, you'd still be stupid.
You make me believe in reincarnation. Nobody can be as stupid as you in just one lifetime.

I want to reach your mind - where is it currently located?

He is as strong as an ox and almost as intelligent.

How can you drop and egg six feet without it breaking?
 By dropping it seven feet - it won't break for the first six.

If the black box flight recorder is never damaged during a plane crash, why isn't the whole airplane made out of the stuff?

Q: Do you know how to save five drowning lawyers?

A: No.

Reply: Good!

"You are a cheat!" shouted the attorney to his opponent.

"And you're a liar!" bellowed the opposition.

Banging his gavel loudly, the judge interjected, "Now that both attorneys have been identified for the record, let's get on with the case."


  1. When you see a politicain and a snake who do you kill first? You kill the politician first. Why? Because if you kill the snake first the politician will claim that he killed the snake.
