
Thursday, December 15, 2011

STOP Will And Kate from Visiting Malaysia!


William and Kate to visit Malaysia next year

December 14, 2011

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will also tour Singapore, the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu on behalf of the Queen. — Reuters file pic
KUALA LUMPUR, Dec 14 — The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, who delighted fans during their trips abroad this year, will journey to Malaysia next year to mark Queen Elizabeth’s diamond jubilee.
Prince William and Kate Middleton have enjoyed growing popularity as a couple following their wedding in April, and their public appearances and acts of charity have brought welcome positive coverage to the British royal family.
The Telegraph reported today that senior royals will embark on a global tour to destinations with close links to the UK but William and Kate’s trip to Malaysia, Singapore, the Solomon Islands and Tuvalu on behalf of the Queen is likely to attract the most interest.

steadyaku47 comment:
Ok Guys you want to make an impression globally?  You want what you do to have coverage in all the media that matters: The Age, The Times, The Guardian...etc...well you will have to stop this Royal Visit! 
You may not even have to get to the point of having to brave a confrontation with the riot squad or any of the goon squads that this BN government will throw at you. What we will have to do is make it known to this Royal couple that they will not be welcomed here in Malaysia. Tell them that their trip will be disrupted. That thousands of us will turn up to demonstrate our displeasure at them visiting a corrupt BN government that is prepared to spend money welcoming Royal visitors while its own people live in poverty and squalor.  
These Royals will not have the stomach to visit a country if they feel that they will encounter about it guys? Start work on it now and start posting protest notes to the British Government, the Queen (of England lah not the one at Sri Perdana!)...collect signatures, start a blog site or whatever you call it. Plenty of time to work on this one.  Go get Zorro Unmasked to hold a watching brief on all things - and I will do what I can. I am sure there are some anti-Royalist in Oz who would be only too willing to have their say on this issue!



  1. These British Royals-the glamour seeking royals. Then how about the untouchable Thai Royal-Imprisonment of 20 years jail for so called royal insult??

  2. what the hell are you talking about? let them come's not like they are going to do anything to the's just a visit for gods sakes...And im sure you are a PAS person...
