
Thursday, December 15, 2011

Cakap cakap...comments from reader - macham macham!

My posting “Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia? ….dream on!” got me comments that span the whole gauntlet of emotions that aptly reflects the diversity of us all. Two of them are reprinted below.

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia? ...dream on !":

Ever thought of emigrating especially now that you have found your Chinaman run haven! Malaysian would be blessed with one less Chinese ass kisser!


Mohd Hussin Tamby has left a new comment on your post "Takkan Melayu Hilang Di Dunia? ...dream on !":

It's good reading your perception of the subject - but you should know, that all politicians of whatever hues and parties work more on expediency & opportunities than on justice, per se. Whoever we elect the results produced will be the same things, though wrapped in different forms. So, you do not have to tell people in Malaysia to rock the boat especially when you are secure on foreign shores. It is better for us in Malaysia to deal with the devils we already know than the devils who could turn out to be more devilish & destructive. After all BN has brought relatively much development & advancement through the years - of course with some collateral wastage & leakage along the way. With constructive criticism (if need be with some meaningful but not overpowering elected opposition)BN will have to improve - remember Rome was not built in a day or in 55 years but it can be burnt down in a few hours. So Malaysians will have to be more rational than emotional. Thanks. From Mohd Hussin Tamby.

The one from ‘Anon’ differs somewhat from the one from Hussin Tamby. On reading ‘Anon’ I was amused but slightly taken by surprise why ‘Anon’ would presume that Australia is a ‘Chinaman run haven’. There is only one Chinese in the Federal Cabinet. Penny Wong. And she is Sabah born and is Minister of Finance. By any stretch of the imagination, one Chinese does not make Australia a nation run by Chinaman.

The top ten richest person in Australia as of March 2010 are listed below by Forbes Australia:

1. Andrew Forrest $US4.1 billion
2. Frank Lowy $US3.6 billion
3. James Packer $US3.5 billion
4. Harry Triguboff $US3 billion
5. John Gandel $US2.4 billion
6. Kerr Neilson $US2.2 billion
7. Gina Rinehart $US2 billion
8. Anthony Pratt $US1.95 billion
9. Leslie Alan Wilson $US1.55 billion
10. Lindsay Fox $US1.5 billion

Again not one Chinaman!

Moral of this story? 'Anon’ the least you must do is to make sure that you know which ass is it that I am kissing! Chinaman do not run Australia - Australians do! 

Now when I first read what Hussein Tamby posted the first thing I did after I finish reading it was to google his name to find out more about him because I learned a few things just by reading his comments on my posting.

1.  That politicians work more on expediency   
     & opportunities rather then justice.
2.  Better to deal with the devils we already know than
     the devils who could turn out to be more devilish &
3.  That we need to be more rational then emotional.

Honestly I do already know these things but Hussein Tamby put them across in a manner that makes me smile with pleasure at his use of prose! Syabas brother!

So 'Anon' before you post anything on anybody’s blog…THINK!

You are entitled to call me a Chinese ass kisser but you would have to convince those reading what you write that what you said about me is right.

As for you my friend, I can show you up for what you really are – which is that you are an ignorant idiot deficient in general knowledge and without the decency of being polite when entering into another persons space : in this case mine! 

Whether this is your parent fault because they failed to bring you up to be a decent human being or whether this is your own fault because you are past 18 years old and your parents are no longer responsible for you, is for you to know. 

I am not in the least interested in an answer to that! Do what I do when I come across blogs that starts to upset me in any way – just click your mouse and go elsewhere!

Thank you Hussein Tamby for your contribution towards educating me in my journey to continually learn about life. As for ‘Anon’ you have at least assured me that we are indeed a mix bunch of people…..bloggers, educators, politicians and even idiots. Amen.


  1. Why so sensitive Sein when being associated with the Chinaman...see how hypocrite you are.When put a Chinaman next to your name buddy you feel threatened eh.Now you stay of our shore and row your boat to Turkey mate.Obnoxiously yours.

  2. for you my friend, I can show you up for what you really are – which is that you are an ignorant idiot deficient in general knowledge and without the decency of being polite when entering into another persons space : in this case mine!

    Sein so are you mate pea brain old deserve none.... up yours mate

  3. Honestly I do already know these things .....from the way you write you know nuts mate

  4. Satu masa dulu,adik aku pernah menetap di UK selama lebih setahun . Tapi adik ipar aku duduk situ dah lama,dekat 6 tahun . Duduk situ,kerja bukannya kerja besar,kerja pun chef kecil-kecilan dekat restoran . Adik aku pulak kerja jadi baby sitter . Gaji,takde la besar, tak sampai pun seribu pound tak silap aku . . . tapi . . .

    1 . Baju kat sana 3 pound . Kat Malaysia baju2 tu hanya dijual di Pavilion,KL . Baju orang kebanyakan di UK ,baju orang kaya di Malaysia .

    2 . Kasut Lacoste kat sana 20 pound .

    3 . Sewa bilik ada dapur 200 pound .

    4 . Transportation,takde,naik bas,naik tube,satu hari punya tiket 5 pound unlimited ride . Tak payah tunggu lama, paling lama tunggu bas,5 minit 2 bijik datang . Naik tube tak pernah rasa tak selesa . Ada Oyster kad,senang nak ke mana-mana .

    5 . Pegi Asda ke Tesco ke, beli barang dapur,satu troli 20 pound . Lepas untuk seminggu .

    6 . Tak pernah rasa nak beli kereta sebab membazir, orang kaya berlagak aje pakai kereta ke mana-mana .

    7 . Jalanraya sesuai untuk bawak basikal . Adik ipar aku, main transportation dia,basikal,undang-undang . . . wajib pakai helmet .

    8 . Tambang tube nak ke airport . . . 3 pound .

    9 . DVD ori sekeping 3 pound . Aku beli Ice Age 1 dan 2 boxset 6 pound .

    10 . Apa-apa barang pun mcm pakaian, tak puas hati dengan produk, boleh pulangkan dalam tempoh 30 hari, takde banyak soal asal simpan resit dan tag tak dicabut .

    11 . Dan aku malas nak cerita pasal Black Friday dan sale musim panas . . .

    12 . Bayangkan anda mampu beli kereta Mercedes second hand cash . . . dengan hanya mengeluarkan 500 pound . Sini? Hutang 5 tahun untuk bayar kereta second hand . . kereta di UK tidak ada value sangat kerana . . . pengangkutan awam membuatkan kereta tidak relevan dan penting dalam hidup . Perkhidmatan teksi adalah sesuatu perkhidmatan premium sebab teksi tidak diperlukan sangat .

    Bila dia balik Malaysia,

    . . . . . . kerja mesti kena ambik overtime, kalau tak duit tak cukup . Barang makanan sekali pegi beli Rm200 . Nak pegi beli barang pun susah sebab public transport susah . Apa yang Ismail Sabri Yaakob pelik macam mana RPK boleh hidup mewah kat UK kalau orang Malaysia yang kerja dia waiter kedai makan dekat Malaysia Hall pun boleh hidup senang kat sana? Adik ipar aku balik sini, sambil hisap rokok dengan aku dia tanya aku, "Apasal hidup kat Malaysia ni susah sangat?"

    Lagi la pelik bila menteri tanya apasal ramai orang lebih gemar migrate ke negara lain . . . Tukang sapu pun boleh hidup senang kat UK . Marah pulak diorang bila rakyat mempersoalkan "Kenapa menteri mampu hidup mewah kat Malaysia ,layak ke diorang?"

  5. Anon 11:27,

    Betul-betul tu.

    Saya baru balik dari UK. Semua murah disana. Jadi waiter dapat 280 pound seminggu. Seorang waiter saya kenal kata, dengan sebulan gaji (1,100 pound) dia dapat datang cuti di Penang 3 minggu termasuk tambang, hotel dan makan.

    Baju dekat Primark dapt beli antara 5-10 pound sehelai.

    Internet kelajuan 20 mbps 30 pound sebulan termasuk satelit TV ratusan channel free.

    Smart phones antara 200-300 pound satu. Kalau ambil contract talipon di bagi free.

    Buat call ke Malaysia dengan service provider Lebara 5 pence seminit.

    Makan dekat restaurant antara 5-9 pound lebih pada kenyang sebab serving dia besar..

    Beli ayam mentah halal 2 ekor 5 pound. Sewa kereta 30 pound sehari. Petrol 95 Ron 1.30 pound satu liter.

    Harga Toyota Vios 8,000 pound.

    Naik tube/bas satu hari unlimited sekarang 8 pound pakai oyster card. Student dapat 30% diskaun.

    Tube dari Heathrow ke Central London 2.90 pound.

    Semua murahlah bagi mereka yang dapat gaji dalam pound. Kuasa membeli duit pound amat besar.

    Kita dekat KL dapat gaji dalam RM sama dengan gaji mereka. Tapi kuasa membelinya RM amatlah kecil dari negara maju dan kaya. Sebab itulah kita rasa mahal. Mahal bagi kita tak mahal bagi mereka.

    Kita sepatutnya dah kaya lama dah tapi bila banyak rasuah dan penyalah gunaan kusa, beginilah jadinya.

    Undi di tangan kita. Kalau kita celik dan cerdik, pandai-pandailah buat pilihan.
