
Sunday, December 4, 2011

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "The flip of a Coin to decide BN or PR?": 


I want to share with you my thoughts.

I am a 2nd generation chinese. Despite being born here, we were never considered as equals. Whenever, the malays feels they were 'threatened' or 'spooked', shouts of balik cina would be ringing aloud.

Malays in general think they own this country. They see themselves as 1st class citizens, the rest are simply 2nd class. Ketuanan melayu is the standard operandi here.

My parents struggled and sent me to Australia because despite obtaining way better grades than malays, no local universities were able to offer me a place. 

Going to Australia was a blessing as I am now happily settled here with my family. We gave up our Malaysian citizenships 5 years ago.

The malays are the majority in government. They are the majority in the police, armed forces etc etc. This country will go to the dogs and the malays got no one else to blame except for themselves.

Over 1 million plus Malaysians have packed their bags and left. And these are smart Malaysians, happily settled in Australia, NZ, Singapore, USA, Taiwan, England, Canada etc. Now, other than this brain drain, Malaysia is also facing capital flight out of the country. Yes, the rich are taking or simply moving their money elsewhere other than Malaysia.

Malaysia will hit ground zero. Very soon. And only then the malays will wake up from their false dawn about all things ketuanan melayu. When extreme poverty hits only then the malays will realised that UMNO took them to the cleaners ... but it will all be too late. When you are poor, what's good about ketuanan melayu.

Sorry, like many I have given up on Malaysia, simply because she gave up on me. Malaysia now to be is just a holiday destination where the food is great and things are cheap because of the exchange rate. 

Posted by Anonymous to steadyaku47 at Sunday, December 4, 2011 12:52:00 PM GMT+10:30

steadyaku47 comment:

I moved to Australia over 30 years ago but the anger against what is being done in the name of Ketuanan Melayu still burns within me! But all of us that leaves Malaysia still call Malaysia home....maybe our children will not, but we still do! What say the others that have left? Is Malaysia still home? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    I too work and live abroad, Singapore. Been here for 7 years already. Now, I see Singapore as home. I do go back to Malaysia every two months or so to visit my mom in Batu Pahat.

    Life here in Singapore is so different. Here, the newspapers dont play up racial issues. Leaders dont issue racial comments or brandish some traditional weapon in their party meeting. the roads are better and cleaner. No police roadblocks where the cops go asking for bribes.

    In JB just before you cross over, you really feel you are in some 3rd world country.
