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Way back in November 2009 I did say that in defense of Najib it must be
said that this man has never been caught doing anything illicit, immoral or
unsavory. Yes he did it all but he was just never caught!
It is despicable to see our Prime Minister descend to the level of filth
and pig swirl that he is now in up to his neck in his desperate bid to grab
another five years of deceit, lies and abuse if given the privilege to govern
our country: A privilege we must make sure this Najib never gets!
In the last general election Pakatan Rakayt made sure that its members
were low key in their celebrations after their massive sweep of seats from
Barisan Nasional having learnt the lessons of the May 13th Riots. So
what is UMNO doing now? Well if the non-Malays will not riot to cause chaos and
huru hara in the country then why not get the Malays to do it? Any port in a
storm as far as UMNO is concern!
Incredibly UMNO is now winding up the Malays through Race and Religious
issues to start a Jihad against the non Malays and the non-believers! If the
non-Malays will not riot then get the Malays to riot! Whip up the Malays into a
frenzy by insisting that the Christians are taking over! As far as UMNO is
concern this is not inciting racial hatred or religious mayhem…No, no, no…this
is defending Ketuanan Melayu and Islam…and in the process give UMNO another
despicable term in government! If anybody else does this it is the ISA for him
or her. When UMNO does it they are policing our national security.
With idiots like Ibrahim Ali running loose how soon do you think all
this will turn into a real blood bath? If not between the Malays and the
non-Malays – then between the Malays of UMNO and the Malays outside UMNO who
are insulted by the drum banging of this Ibrahim Idiot!
That this Ibrahim Idiot can do what he does with impunity during Najib’s rule
is because he knows that when push comes to shove, just a booo from this
Ibrahim idiot will make Najib wet his pants! Like what Mahathir has done to
Nazri …….
What UMNO do now has no relevance with what our country and our people
need. It is always UMNO’s vested interest that matters to the exclusion of
anything else. Their tunnel vision is focused on the 13th General
Election. UMNO are telling the Malays that 54 years of UMNO’s legacy and the
future of the Malays hinges on what will happen in this coming 13th
General Election. Do you think
that if UMNO loses in the 13th General Election UMNO and the Malays will vanish in
a haze without a trace? Huh! What will vanish is Mahathir, Najib, Muhyiddin,
Nazri….and all those corrupt riff raffs and despicable politicians now within UMNO and
BN….and good riddance too!
What Najib and gang are fighting for is their personal survival. Losing
will mean Armageddon for these corrupt politicians. Mahathir will be done.
Najib will answer for his eight years of abuse and mismanagement while Minister
of Defense, Khir Toyo, Mat Taib, Ling Liong Sik, Samy Velu…the list goes
on….the roll of dishonor will be a lengthy one.
This latest episode of dragging DSAI through the courts for another
sodomy case is a manifestation of all of the above. Anybody accused of sexual misdeeds will find that innocent
or guilty, their life will be thrown into chaos and out of kilt. Thank God DSAI
have Azizah and strong family members to stand with him and by him through all his trials
and tribulations.
The Chief Justice who heads the courts under whom DSAi is being
trialed…. Tun Azmi I think – did not this Azmi got into some illicit marriage
caper across the Thai border some time back? Did he not try to get out of it by
getting rid of the evidence …err the marriage certificate? Now tell me how a
guy who, with his mental capacity unimpaired, can deliberately do this illegal stuff and still
get to head the Judiciary under a BN government? A case of birds of a feather needing to fly together through a mist of judiciary silap mata?
Now the AG that is also part of this judicial merry go round….was he not
involve in fornicating with one of his staff? Where then does he get the moral
authority to do what he does? Or is that not a prerequisite of the job he is
now doing?
I do not want to go into the Lingam caper….next time you see Lingam and you
see a snake…you know what to kill first.
Sometime back an Inspector General of Police got the sack for punching
the living daylights out of DSAI. Since those days PDRM has slipped, slide and
generally sink to about the same level of corruption and abuse as UMNO has –
somewhere between the filth and the pig swirl.
And all of the above: CJ,AG, PDRM are involved in this Sodomy Two case
involving DSAI : And Najib expects the people to not look at the whole matter
with the contempt it deserves?
Our country is on a knife-edge – who care? Not UMNO not our BN
government. Our people are lied too and their sense of uncertainties and anger
are kept artificially at fever pitch by UMNO agitators – to be used or diffused
as and when it is to their advantage.
It is not enough that UMNO have abuse the Malays for the past 52 years
now they will get the Malays to fight their battle against the other races for
them. I wonder how many Malays will have to die before UMNO’s deed are done!
And of course we also have this Ibrahim Idiot getting wall to wall coverage in
the newspaper and on TV – with a past UMNO President riding shotgun and giving
him legitimacy in the eyes of UMNO. Every UMNO big wig is treating Perkasa and
this Ibrahim Idiot with kids glove – worried to death that they would be this
idiot next target!
There is nothing UMNO can get on Pakatan Rakyat to trouble the party.
Nothing UMNO can do to make the people of Malaysia desert Pakatan Rakyat. They
can no longer use the ISA to harass or threaten the leaders of Pakatan Rakyat.
All Pakatan Rakyat leaders have spent time under the ISA. What more can ISA do
to them. And so they go for the strongest amongst all of Pakatan Rakyat leaders
Tell me Najib what would you say if I ask you to sumpah laknat that you
did not have sexual relations with Rosmah while both of you were married to
other people? Not with Altantuya but with Rosmah – that same Rosmah who is now
your wife. I would also like you to sumpah laknat that you did not negotiate a
financial settlement with her then husband to “buy” her freedom from him in
order to marry you. We will talk about Altantuya and Ziana Zain another time!
For now just you and Rosmah! Camna can you sumpah laknat?
It would seem to me that we are now nearing the dawn of the day before Najib
brings us all into the final furlong to the 13th General Election.
While we are ready for what is to come the same cannot be said of UMNO. UMNO
knows that it is darkest just before the dawn…the best time to be out stealing their
neighbor’s newspaper! As always UMNO is doing the very thing that they have been taught to do - take , take and take! So to UMNO we say NO! NO! NO!
ReplyDeleteThis guys , those umno pukis they come a dime a dozen in bolehland! In the streets they are considered pig's swirl as you described !
ReplyDeleteJust waiting for GE to bury them perpetually .....
we will try 2 change d mindset of d rural malays in order 2 win d war. with me w r 2.