“It will have an effect in the sense that the spirit
of the machinery is very high and I feel that there will come a time, a tipping
point, where you will see the realization of our members that UMNO has to
change and will change and is in the process of changing”. DIN
That is what Din said yesterday after the opening of the University Tun
Razak campus building at Capital Square. My friends there are two words in the
above statement that we must take note of:
“TIPPING POINT” – it means the level of change at
which the momentum for change becomes unstoppable.
UMNO is still talking about trying to reach their “tipping point”. We
reached ours in the General Election of March 8th 2008. From that
day we had the critical mass to ensure that the momentum towards change is
self-sustaining and will, by itself, fuels further growth from within.
· That is why we have won 7 of the past 8 by- elections. That is why Zaid
and Chua Jui Meng are in our midst.
· That is why we have the IGP reappointed to a third term. That is why Pak
Lah is no longer Prime Minister.
· That is why Isa, a convicted corrupt UMNO leader, is UMNO’s
representative in Bagan Pinang.
· And that is also why an old man in Adelaide started steadyaku47(sorry
guys just had to add that in…)
All this and many many more ‘happenings’ are the manifestation of that
“tipping point” that Din talked about. But here again he has got it wrong.
While UMNO thinks that Bagan Pinang will be their “tipping point” I know that
by choosing Isa UMNO have already
lost in Bagan Pinang.
While they have already lost in Bagan Pinang we are already talking
about how we should manage our momentum to peak at the next General Election.
Pakatan Rakyat are focused on consolidating their coalition into a potent
force that will meet the aspirations and needs of our people.
Pakatan Rakyat are now in the throes of galvanizing DAP, Keadilan and
PAS into the realization that practical politics requires ‘delicate’
adjustments and considerations of each other sensibilities for them to move
relentlessly forward. Failure is not an option.
Pakatan Rakyat is grappling with the realization that without the 3M’s
to win in Bagan Pinang it will be difficult – not impossible – but difficult.
What are the 3M’s?
· Money : UMNO has that in almost unlimited amounts and they are not shy
to throw it around and consider it as one of their “strength”.
· Media: The print media, the electronic media and the interpersonal
departments such as Jabatan Penerangan – are all control and used by UMNO for
UMNO’s own purposes – however self serving it will be.
· Machinery: Such as the Election Commission, PDRM, AG’s Department, ACA
etc – All these are Rakyat machineries used for UMNO’s purposes.
We have a reigning Government that shamelessly uses all means at their
disposal to win. They no longer try to cloak or disguise their misuse of their
power to the people. They trumpet Isa’s visit to the Army Camps. They announce
a slew of concessions, financial rewards and so called ‘development’ projects for
the constituents of Bagan Pinang. All in the name of development and government
‘rewards’ for the people in Bagan Pinang to bribe them into giving their
support to Isa. And when they are done with all these announcements they
actually pass around envelopes with cash inside them for distribution to the
people of Bagan Pinang. But this is par for the course for UMNO.
But as I have said earlier we have reached our “tipping Point” in March
2008. UMNO have not. We have the momentum to move relentless towards the next
General elections. UMNO has not. We have the numbers and these numbers will
continue to swell IF we do not forget our goal. And our goal
is to bring change. Out with the corrupt, the arrogant and the deceitful UMNO
and in it’s place we, the people, will chose Pakatan Rakyat.
Do not forget my friends. Not profit not plunder. Not greed not
arrogance. We want a government that we can trust and believe in. That
government is not UMNO.
Pak HH. You are one. You and me makes two. You and me and my family makes 9. Together we can topple BN in the next GE. Marcos and Suharto toppled because of peoples power not money power.
ReplyDeleteUMNO has not learned anything positive since GE12. They still give out money in Bagan Pinang, RM100 here, RM100 there. Folks, it is rakyat's money they are squandering.
ReplyDeleteRise up people of Bagan Pinang. Vote BN OUT.
If we slipped in Bagan Pinang, don't fret my friends, we are still on course.
ReplyDeleteWe have our destiny to reach and we'll be there by GE13.
If we slipped in Bagan Pinang, don't fret my friends, we are still on course.
ReplyDeleteWe have our destiny to reach and we'll be there by GE13.
Pak HH,
ReplyDeleteIf Din use of the word tipping has any meaning, it certainly has many meanings and it is so very normal to hear this Din is his own normal self when talking politics for he is that most UMNO man who always say the wrong thing at the wrong time, I mean he talked on tipping at the time when tipping means an eventual dumping.
So when is the right tipping time for UMNO in an organization of disunited Malays? Maybe he is not wrong this time around for what he meant was TOPping up the Tipping truck to the brim and from there the truck will travel and take them all to the dumping ground. No I don’t mean Dumping truck I said Tipping truck. Dumping trucks for garbage collection, Tipping truck for earth transportation in construction works, good earth and bad earth.
If that what Din had meant, he was right to mean his call for Change, that in order to change, UMNO must dump those who has made it to the top but keep staying long in power until he becomes too heavy and floats around like a tip of an iceberg.
With UMNO’s icebergs all around us, Malaysia is an iceland in the sunshine, but those icebergs are emitting chloroflorocarbon into our atmosphere and UMNO is the cause of the greenhouse effect of Planet Malaysia.
I read from Zorro a piece of very disheartening news. Indians in BP sounds so cheap and selfish...can easily be bought with Rm100, flour, cheap sari. We chinese who are fighting for a prosperous, fair and just Malaysia would like to tell our Indian Brothers and sisters that if you boycott or vote BN in the Bagan Pinang buy-election because of some goodies...we will make sure that we will abstain from voting in all elections that place an Indian candidate.
ReplyDeleteSo sorry folks I beg to differ!
dear steady...
ReplyDeletei read all your articles and thankful for your great effort to make Malaysia a better place.
But i am really really really saddened by the fact that you're none other people like Dr. Bakri Musa, Dr. Azly Rahman, Farish Nor, etc who've chosen to escape from Malaysia and not be willing to stay back to fight for a better Malaysia...
we need people like you to be at the battlefront and to involve directly in politics to transform Malaysia - a place we all call our future our home!
come back, pls come back and be with us to fight for a corruption-free malaysia.
benjamin loi
!...the spirit of the machinery is very high and I feel that there will come a time, a tipping point..."
ReplyDeleteWhat tipping point? The UMNO ladies are tipsy and the men are drunk!
Get real!
UMNO can't change as change means the whole bloody lot of them will be guilty of curruption! Our grandchildren would see to that! Unless, UMNO wants a "truth and reconciliation" zinger, nothing can work in that "spirit".
How much spirit they got? 4.25% ? San Miguel has higher alcohol content ;-)) !!!
Anon @ 1.51pm,
ReplyDeleteI was the first commentator in Zorro's post on Indians at BP.
Its not that they are cheap. They are feeling betrayed from Pakatan's promises i.e. Kg Buah Pala.
Don't judge me wrong, I am all for Pakatan, but try explaining how LGE would/could not be able to do anything to stop the demolition of KBP to the simple Indian folks. Trust me its difficult.
Most of them are feeling betrayed, and Hindraf/HRP's call to abstain from voting has further confused them.
Now nothing is going to make the Indians vote BN. But for them to vote PR in the coming elections, they will need Hindraf/HRP to tell them to do so. And for that to happen PR will need to sit and down and talk, and mend ties with Hindraf/HRP.
Till then its going to be a pickle.
ReplyDeleteprove that Indian is not cheap in Bagan Pinang! please.
Slowly but surely, the momentum gathers and there's no turning back from the precipitating drop and what a fall it would be, RAKYAT HIDUP!!!
ReplyDeleteangela ooi
Samsaimon, I can't.
ReplyDeleteZorro has pretty much explained well with his first person encounter.
If they are willing to stoop as low as to get flour and saree, then I have no choice but admit they are cheap indeed.
ReplyDeleteYou visited 'The Mighty Pen'
before it went off?
We had a good debate and critics on that web about Hindraf, their leaders and Kg. Buah Pala. Who the Leaders really are! Thats why you find new Indian Parties registered so fast!
Anyway ,lets do our best.
Have a nice day.
ReplyDeleteI visited only once, before the plug was pulled.
"Thats why you find new Indian Parties registered so fast!"
During the Kg Buah Pala issue, only Thanendran was mostly on the ground, barking the most. Najib saw this is as an opportunity and called him up to establish his parti celup Makkal Sakthi Party, which all of you would know the registration was granted instantly by Registrar of Societies.
Hindraf's Uthaya was in the midst of forming his own party called Human Rights Party, but because he has not made clear which side the party is going to lean on, the registration is still pending.
Hindraf, headed by Waytha in London remains apolitical. HRP is not. And Makkal Sakthi is with BN.
Now as soon as there was news that another by-election was going to be held in Bagan Pinang, Uthaya (HRP) called the Indians to abstain from voting. However, little has been heard from him since, and hence the confusion on the grounds of Bagan Pinang.
Waytha (Hindraf) has pretty much kept silent on Bagan Pinang. However he has released a couple of videos refuting allegations of money-swindling. You can read/watch all his videos and press statements at http://www.makkal.org
In conclusion, with regards to Bagan Pinang, the people are a bit confused, partly due to silence from Uthaya in the past few weeks. So I am pretty sure it only takes a bit of convincing to get them to vote the PAS man.
P/S: I no longer support Hindraf/HRP, just thought you guys should know what is happening with Hindraf and HRP.
Siapa bolah kasi $$$$$$$$ !?
ReplyDeletemanyak susah cari makan ...tau !?????
The Indians (from BN side) keep raising KBP issue. What have Najib, UMNO, MIC, done for the remainder 12 or so residents who got nothing.They still got nothing after appealing to Najib and his stooges. The Malays have left earlier (insider info). The other Indian residents are happy with the compensation with the help of LGE. All you Indians...dont fall victim to Najib's sweet talk. He is in the cabinet since he was 20+ and he did nothing for the Indians. Do you think he can do anything for you now. If not with god's help, BP folks will get nothing if there is no buy-elections. In the 80s, DAP was alone. in the 90s Reformasi was alone. Now we have the peoples power for change and change we must. Vote out BN in every election for change.
ReplyDeleteYes ... the UMNO are tipping the people to vote for them. Packets with dough, Milo, sarongs, sarees, and you name it.
ReplyDeleteYes ... its their money. The question is where the money came from.
In BN, everything moves with money. Their candidate seems to have all the money to throw before and after elected. Before elected, they'll give all kind of goodies. After election, just invite them to your wedding reception, you'll not be disappointed. During festivals, they'll even have open house to indulge you with all sort of food until you bloated.
The opposition are cheapskate. Some can't even afford to put up posters. If they won, you'll also be disappointed as not much are served or given.
So, what do we want to expect. We just love to fill our stomach. Never mind the justice as long is not me and my love ones. Never mind the crime as long it's not my house. Never mind the shit so long I don't smell it.
Isn't this wonderful ... we call this "Islam Hadhari" and now "1Malaysia"
If Din were destined to be the PM, what will it be ... Tip-Tac-Toe perhaps.
you & me & a dog named BOO !